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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Detox and The Salt Water Flush (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for the Topic of Detox and The Salt Water Flush for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Support Topic: Detox and The Salt Water Flush

The Salt Water Flush (SWF) might be the hardest part of the Master Cleanse, but it doesn’t have to be. It is essential to the cleanse because it facilitates the detox by flushing your system. What is working and what is not working. How are your movements? Are they successful? What do they look like? Are they getting lighter or darker? Are the becoming more frequent? Do you have other signs of detoxing, like breakouts or white tongue? The Master Cleanse is about Detox and daily eliminations are critical to the success of the cleanse. Is this Detox Diet successful so far?

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words. Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience. Make sure you get regular updates to the comments posted by participants of the Master Cleanse Group Experience.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Michelle

    The Master Cleanse Day 9: I skipped out on the salt water flush today because I waited to long to do it and got really hungry that I wanted my drink instead. I felt guilty because of it. As much as I do not care to drink that SWF, I do love the results it gives, so therefor I missed just that. I did have the smooth move tea before bed and I really feel this helps not only first thing in the morning but maybe one or two times before lunch. I did not get out as much stuff today as I would have liked, but am looking forward to see what comes out tomorrow when I will definitely be doing the SWF. Everyday it’s something and I know it’s coming from old build up. I really want to do a colonic and see what more I can get. I feel this can become quite an obsession with cleaning out your colon, one I am okay with. I want whatever doesn’t belong there, OUT!

  2. Michelle

    The Master Cleanse Day 8: I woke up this morning with the needing to go to the bathroom bad. I was surprised when I saw how much I eliminated, I’d say the most I’ve done all week. I then question where the heck has all that been!! Eight days later and I am now fully understanding the need for the cleanse not only for myself but also for everyone else too. The colon is an amazing and dirty thing. I would love to keep doing the cleanse until theres absolutely nothing left in it! Seeing what I eliminate is true motivation to always do this cleanse for the rest of my life and keep my colon as healthy as possible. The salt water flush worked well today too! I found that my BM were a lighter brown color and had less substance to it, probably because of the size of this mornings BM. I am feeling much healthier already! Today was a great day of detox!

    • Mind Over Matter

      Ahhh Michelle. What I would give for that moment! I haven’t had a major production yet and it’s day 10. Sigh. I have eliminated religiously everyday but it has not been massive. Definitely going to do a colonic next. Plus when I transition to live foods, I already know I’ll spend hours in the bathroom living it up. Looking forward to it. I want everything out!!! Uggghhhh. Oh and I ran out of sea salt this morning, only having about 3/4 of a tablespoon to use. It took an hour for my bowel to move when it normally takes about 15 minutes when I use the correct dose….and I didn’t expel that much. Aye yigh yigh

  3. Michelle

    The Master Cleanse Day 7: The smooth move tea worked perfectly for this mornings BM. I had to skip the salt water flush because of a vet appointment and I was pretty happy about that as it is by far my least favorite part of this program, but really it is totally manageable. I find that once I realize I have to go to the bathroom I really do not have a lot of time to get there. My BMs have been very yellow and smelly in color, although there was less today because of not doing the SWF. I have noticed my tongue does not have the whiteness it had last week. Another thing I noticed is that I’ve been flossing my teeth and I’m getting out some smelly stuff and I find this so weird. I am an avid flosser and feel I have not had this kind of smell before. My sense of smell has been crazy and if anyone is drinking alcohol it totally turns me off, I find it so gross. I can even smell if someone drank the day before, they smell so bad to me. I have also never been so sensitive with smell. I beginning to wonder if this is a good thing or not.

  4. Michelle

    The Master Cleanse Day 6: I started the day off of course with the salt water flush, which has been working great, however today it really got the best of me. I went to the bathroom so many times, and my BM were super bright yellow in color and just smelt bad, which has been different. My skin got really irritated and almost raw to the point of being really uncomfortable. I made myself a detox bath that consisted of epsom salt, sea salt, baking soda and apple cidar vinegar, that seems to work really well. Afterwards I used coconut oil on the area and that did the trick for the rest of the day. I was able to later go ice skating without any issues. I also weighed my self and was up .4 pounds, which was fine. Every day I’m learning something new.

  5. Jacqui

    MC day 2 – again the senna capsules worked great. I take them right before I go to sleep and it starts working about 7 to 8 hours later. In the morning when I went it burned coming out from the cayenne so I decided to cut back and not have a cayenne capsule with every drink but instead every other drink. We will see tomorrow if that feels better. Also did the SWF again and the most annoying was my butt got sore from having to wipe so much. It makes me have to go several times over the course of a very hours. Tomorrow will be my last SWF until day 10.

  6. Michelle

    The Master Cleanse Day 5: The smooth move tea works great, I had two BM upon waking up because of it, so I thought that was a good start to the day. The first movement looked like a yesterday’; darkness at the bottom of the toilet, but this time much less of the light brown filmy stuff floating at the top. I notice that filmy stuff has some form hanging from it, like mucus but not really sure. I sometimes see the same thing standing upright from the residue at the bottom but staying connected and I find it fascinating. I don’t know about anybody else, but I have become a huge inspector of my poop pretty much every time. I’d like to get a microscope and look at! I’d like to know if there is any parasitic forms in me. I was much more successful with the salt water flush today. I read someone else’s comment on using a straw and that worked perfectly, thank you for the tip, I was able to get more down easily because of it. I’ve been doing it at work, only because the bathroom is so close. I feel I have about 7 second to get to the toilet before I poop myself getting there, that’s crazy! One major thing I’ve noticed is that I now have this super sense of smell and I can smell so much more, as if it were my new super power! if someone/anyone had alcohol the day before I can smell it so bad on them and I’ve never been that way before! I’d like to understand this more, does anyone else have something similar happen to them with this or something else?

  7. Michelle

    The Master Cleanse Day 4: I finally tried the salt water flush today!, I wasn’t sure when I was going to drink it though so I boiled up some water and let it sit a bit before putting it in a water bottle and taking it on the go to work. I know this was risky, but not as risky as drinking it before work and not being done going to the bathroom before I had to leave the house and being in traffic somewhere popping myself. I was going to suck it down at red lights on the way to work but found it hadn’t cooled enough so I had to drink it at work. I pinched my nose and was only able to get half of it down. My stomach started to turn and I’d say I was in the bathroom ten minutes later thinking that was quick. I had a BM first thing this morning from the tea the night before and was surprised to still see small solid matter. After the salt water flush, I went to the bathroom about 6 times. Things appeared as they did yesterday, a dark matter at the bottom of the toilet and a light filmy coating all on the top of the water followed by just a medium colored liquid BM. My tongue has a light layer or white today but it least it doesn’t taste like metal like yesterday.

  8. Mind Over Matter

    Still waiting on that solid movement :-(. Day 5. Skipped the SWF this morning and was very appreciative for the break. Drank the 32oz of water without the sea salt. Had a movement as soon as I woke up and felt like something solid was percolating…no dice. Anyway, I feel better when I see lots coming out. Maybe I should do a colonic after this… In other news, I feel fantastic. Energy is good, stomach is flatter, and I’m not starving.

    • Michelle

      I know what you mean when you say your waiting for something solid to come out, do you think something will come? I have been feeling the same and I feel it’s just because our rectums are use to something solid coming up and it’s confused as to why it’s not there. I definitely know what you mean though. I think the idea of doing a colonic is a great one! This would be the best time to do it that’s for sure! Have you done one before? I want to do a series of 6 of them….3 while I finish up my cleanse and once each week thereafter. They’re so good for you! Good luck and congratulations on your accomplishments! =)

  9. Jacqui

    Master Cleanse Day 1 – I took my first 2 senna capsules last night and they did the job first thing this morning. I also did my first SWF this morning.

    Now I’m going to apologize in advance for TMFI and let that serve as my warning if you want to keep reading.

    First time I did the cleanse I drank the senna tea but that was also unpleasant so this time I opted for capsules. If you do drink the tea DO NOT under any circumstance over steep it. Follow the directions carefully and set your egg timer. Otherwise you’re going to be suffering from stomach cramps all night – ask me how I know!

    When I did the cleanse before I found the SWF to be by far the most unpleasant thing about it. Forget the cravings and the hunger headaches the SWF is what really gets me. The way I manage it is I use room temp water, being too warm or too cold makes it more unpleasant IMO. My one friend used to nuke her water and warm it up and pretend it was chicken broth. That didn’t work for me. What works for me is to get a big 32oz cup with a lid and a straw. I make my salt water solution and suck it down as quickly as I can. The straw helps big time. It’s down in 1 to 2 minutes flat. Then I just go about my business until I have that urge to pass gas. BTW that’s not gas – that’s the flush. It’s feels more like that then a normal bowel movement. So whatever you do get that feeling don’t attempt to break wind otherwise you’ll need to change your pants. Instead grab a book and hunker down on the porcelain bowl for the next 15 to 30min because the flush doesn’t all come out at once. Rather it comes in spurts. Pun intended LOL!

    My master plan for the master cleanse is only to do the SWF for the first 3 days then use the senna capsules in the morning and night for the next 6 days and on the last day do one last SWF to get out anything that may be still lurking in my colon by then

    BTW that whiteness on your tongue is thrush and it’s from flushing out all your healthy bacterial flora. If you find candida/yeast attacking your system a problem you may consider using a probiotic supplement during the cleanse. My plan is to include a cup of plain yogurt sweetened with my favorite fresh fruits in a yummy breakfast smoothy for the next 10 days following my cleanse to restore my body’s healthy bacteria.

    Good luck with the SWF everyone ;)

  10. KT

    Geezzz, Day 4 of the master cleanse for me and I thought I was bullet proof as I’ve done the MC 4 times and have done it every year for the past two years. For whatever reason the Salt Water flush is killing me this round. Due to work events I skipped it all together yesterday but have kept up with the tea at night. Some things I’m remembering that were an issue last year and now.
    I have the tea at about 8pm couple hours before bed and have been waking up at the wee hours of the morning with sever stomach cramps, then usually will have to get up for a BM. When I’m not able to sleep well this effects my day. Luckily today is the last day of the week where I’ve got a lot going on, I think the rest of the cleanse I’ll be able to keep things a bit more low key. Any tips though for the SWF would be appreciated. I’m not sure why it’s bothering me so. Also any good vibes to get me through today are welcome! ;) Good luck to you all too!


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