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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Psychological and Emotional Effects (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Psychological and Emotional Effects for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.
To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

What is going through your mind? We have thoughts that seem out of control when we are in our daily grind – many of these revolve around food. We may also feel stress that in turn causes us to eat, to have emotional reactions. Many people report feeling in more control while doing The Master Cleanse – alongside a sense of clarity. Do commercials about food drive you crazy? Are you more patient than ever?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. pepa

    This is my very first day and my first cleanse ever!! It’s evening time, so the day is almost over and I have to say so far this has revealed a lot of my weaknesses and reliance on food. I can’t believe how deprived I feel and how hungry. It says to me that I’ve allowed the act of eating and eating junk to become the focal point of my day. I’m realizing that one of my highs in my day has been to eat. I’ve been living to eat really and although I love to cook and food is a passion, I should have more productive passions. Something that doesn’t cause me to be 40 lbs over weight lol. I should stop focusing on the carnal pleasures of life and focus more on spiritual pleasure and enlightenment. That’s one of my realizations on this fast day.

  2. pepa

    Nearing the first day of my cleanse!!! My thoughts are, man I wish I would’ve eased into this! Lol, I didn’t ease in but jump head first and I’m definitely feeling deprived. So I recommend easing into this fast. But, there’s certainly a sense of self control and accomplishment by overcoming the urges. So happy to take my health seriously.

  3. Noel

    I’m on day 5. The most difficult evening was when my children left to go to their Dad’s. I wasn’t exactly surprised to find out how much my mood affected my “appetite”. I REALLY wanted to eat. I kept reminding myself that though food will make me feel better short term, that emotional calming method has caused me weight gain. I made myself busy. Once I made it through that night, I asked a friend to visit the following night. That got me through a ‘lonely” night and I’ve successfuly dealt with being alone a night and NOT eating.

    I have three parties in the next 4 days, but I’m determined to make it through. I want to cleanse and lose weight more than I want to eat a slice of pizza and chow down on chips.. I’ve been doing that for months!

  4. Sadie

    Beginning day 9. Feel fine and haven’t hit the wall I have heard about. The only difficult thing for me is the monotony of this. I have lost 9lbs as of today. I know I have about 6 more lbs of fat hanging around, so considering extending the cleanse past 10 days. Just enough to run out the extra lemons and syrup already purchased. Hopefully drop the last few lbs of FAT.

  5. Ivelisse

    I finished the Ease-in today. Tomorrow, Day 1. I need to take control of my body, mind, and soul. I will keep a journal to write my experience with the master cleanse diet.

  6. Sadie

    Beginning day 7. Still feel very in control. I haven’t felt any habitual urges for food lately. Feel like I turned off a “switch” and food isn’t on the radar. The saltwater bath seems saltier every day, but I’m getting it down. The most difficult thing for me, is the monotony of the same flavor. I am a person who enjoys variety in my diet, and this is boring.

  7. Sadie

    finishing day 4. I am feeling in control of my body. I am constantly reminding myself that most of the cravings are from habit and not actual hunger. I find I’m VERY thirsty and have been drinking a lot of water (about 3/4 gallon day).
    Herbal tea in the morning after the salt water flush is especially luxurious. I also do a 5 asana sequence designed to help the salt water flush. This youtube video demonstrates is nicely. Try the sequence immediately after drinking.

  8. susan

    Finally day 10! I’m so happy to have made it to the finish line. I’m really ready to transition out of the fast now. Evenings have been tough. I will be more aware I hope to be more aware to stick to a whole foods diet with lots of raw food and keep my system running smooth and clean

  9. susan

    I slept in today not wanting to face Day 9. On the home stretch here, I want to reach my goal so trying to stay true to myself. I’m planning lots of great raw food meals and smoothies
    Going on the road soon, I’m worried about eating well, but San Francisco should have some awesome food experiences to be had. I’m looking forward to exploring.

  10. susan

    I’m keeping the projects going to distract myself from thoughts of how much I want to eat.
    Thinking about all the things that I will make and how much I will appreciate it.
    Worried about being able to maintain how my body feels, I’m sure as soon as the digestion starts, the feeling of being bogged down. I love how the fast makes my body feel…


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