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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Social Support from Family and Friends

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Social Support from Family and FriendsĀ for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

We have probably all experienced the “What’s wrong with you?” look when telling friends or family that we are trying the Master Cleanse. And equally, most of us have at least one person in our life who supports us. The Lemonade Diet is difficult, and (dis)approval by our peers can make all the difference.

In fact, that is why I started this Master Cleanse Group Experience diary; we can support each other.

Let us know about the people and experiences you have each and every day. Who made fun of you? Who showed compassion? Who understood the cleansing, and who thought you were nuts?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Jasmin

    I think that I get nervous to tell people actually…interesting!
    My co-worker asked if I was doing the master cleanse instantly as I put my lemonade, maple syrup, cayenne Ina corner in the counter, I was just gonna play it cool, an not mention it.

    She was really cool about it, not much interest which was ok as I didn’t feel like talking about it much..and she began to say sorry that she brought a really yummy lunch that’s gonna smell really good, and with food choices or health choices that’s the last thing I wanna do is make someone feel bad about it. So I tried to convince her that she can do an eat whatever she wants and that this is totally a conscious decision that I am making.

    I also got home to a note from a friend saying that its gonna be a dance party this weekend, pre-drinks at her place, an I’m contemplating what to do about that…see how I feel I guess, I was thinking maybe of just going over as they are ready to go and go dance some if my energy is up, don’t need to drink to have fun ‘out’ something that I need to focus on too I guess.
    Goodnight everyone, an all the best on your healing journey;)

    • Hell

      Pre mix your lemonade and sip it from a martini glass ;) it kind of looks like a tequila sunrise if you pretend hard enough!
      To further motivate you, think about all the e numbers and toxic rubbish everyone else is consuming at the party

  2. Rachel

    Lemonade Day 1 – My husband and my mother are my biggest supporters. My mom started with me today. We call each other and talk about how it’s going. My husband is supporting me for emotional reasons. He has been at my side through years of depression and is just as excited as I am….but he isn’t excited enough to do this with me! haha When I first told him I was going to do this it was thru a text message. He was at work and said out loud “Lemonade Diet?”. There were a few who heard him so obviously questions were popping up everywhere. I took him his usual Starbucks tea and got bombarded by a few of his employees. They told me it sounded fake, it was stupid, dangerous, unhealthy and it’s going to starve my body. I told them to research it but the answers were, “I don’t care to read up on it, it’s dumb.” That had me discouraged and even crying. If it wasn’t for my husband telling me not to worry about what others think and my mother willing to do it with me, I can’t say I would be finishing up day 1.

  3. Kelli

    Lemonade diet day one. I didn’t do the ease in, I just jumped right in. I have been trying to eat mostly vegan for about nine months. I convinced my husband to try, too. He has little will-power and if I have a bad day he is all for the all-you-can-eat buffet. He is not joining me in the cleanse but is somewhat supportive, as long as I don’t show him any sign of weakness. I have not told many people about this decision because most don’t want to hear it and think it is not healthy. I am having no problems today sticking, though my husband had a doctor appt. today and would have easily gone to the buffet with the slightest bit of encouragement from me. but I am determined to stick for the full tne days. Encouragement or not.

  4. Nora

    Lemonade Day 1

    Yesterday I took my mom to visit my aunt in the hospital. There were a total of 7 women in the room at one point ALL talking about what else….FOOD! And they brought in my aunt’s dinner at one point. So there I am – having to listen to all this food talk and starving at the same time. Last night I had only taken some water with me and nothing else to the hospital. By the time I got home, I was starving and ready for my juices! I prepared those for me and started dinner for Sergio.

    As I’m cooking his chicken and gnocci, Sergio tells me he misses eating with me. Misses his partner and how we could just sit and eat and chat. He’s so sweet. I said I missed that too and my “diet” would only last a couple of weeks. He seemed ok with that. Little does he know I’m thinking of making it longer, but I haven’t fully decided yet.

    Other than his sweet amounts of worry for me, he’s been very supportive. Mostly by not being critical or putting demands on me (like cooking) that I haven’t put on myself. Last night’s dinner smelled really good and I had to remember to not taste any of the food…this is how I usually determine what other spices or flavorings I need to add since I’m an “intuitive cook.” I don’t normally follow recipe books. So yesterday I had to rely on Sergio’s reaction to see if my experimenting worked. Two thumbs up!

  5. Hell

    Lemonade day 1

    Workmates have been fairly supportive. I have a work friend eating unprocessed for a month. Her lunch consisted of two boiled eggs, celery and cucumber. I showed her some raw food recipe sites and told her that eating well doesnt have to mean eating bland salads. I might make her some raw salad dressing tonight and take it in tomorrow.

    Another work friend asked if it was an anorexic diet. This really annoyed me, people’s views on mental illness are so dated! Grrr!

    My other half did the food shop yesterday and had it delivered for when im out so i dont have to pack it all away, which is nice. He has started making jokes about the SWF though!

  6. Mindy

    Most of the people that I have talked to about doing The Master Cleanse have voiced their concerns about me spending the next 10 days in the bathroom and it being a “fad diet.” I explain to them that, while weightloss is bound to happen, that is not why I am doing The Master Cleanse. I have been eating horribly my whole life and have become increasingly more tired and mentally foggy. I feel like my insides are coated with crud and I want it gone. I’m ready to change my eating habits and The Master Cleanse is a good way to get rid of the chemicals I have been putting in my body to get ready for the new me.

  7. Jasmin

    Ease-in day 3 @ 9:50pm

    I have chosen to keep this cleanse mostly to myself this time, it’s a process that I am doing for me, and unless someone is really interested in the cleanse, which I will talk about it the cause I love talking about the master cleanse. And there are times that I need to tell people when explaining something.

    Today I talked to 2 really good friends and had to explain to one, which he was curious, he had asked if I’d like to go to a cabin trip in the mountains which ‘yes’ I would love to and said yes but I’m on a cleanse. I’m on with going while on, but I know his life revolves around food an that’s part of the fun of the trips, food an drinks, then I explained a bit about the cleanse, he said let’s go when I’m done, but I decided today I might stay on the cleanse for a full 25 days which will definitly mean telling more people.
    So we’ll see if he wants to go an eat alone or not, lol:)

    I than talked to a really good friend who did a master cleanse when she was young and has put it as a bad memory, and associates with it badly, so I generally try to keep my talk about it to a minimum to her, she also doesn’t fully understand the cleansing part of life, and doesn’t want me to always go to ‘extremes’ as she would put it. But I know my body, I know the cleanse and ill just talk about other things when I talk with her, luckily I live far from most family/friends that aren’t the most supportive, and not understanding.
    Goodnight, happy cleansing. :)

  8. Jennifer

    Ease in Day 3…although I did not do much of the “ease in” I guess I am jumping right in! I am hoping for a successful 10 days and maybe a few extra!
    I have asked my husband to be super supportive and hopefully he will!
    I am off to drink a little tea and drift off to sleep.

  9. Nora

    Ease-In Day 3 12:17pm

    On this beautiful but chilly, California sunday morning – I’ve resolved to go on that hike. I could do it by myself but it’s so much more fun with company. I’m giving Sergio until 1pm and might take my mom instead if he doesn’t get himself out of bed!

    I use facebook to give tidbits hear and there about my activities. I usually get a positive response when I tell my friends that I’m trying to establish a healthier lifestyle. That is encouraging! It really is a great way to see who would also be a good resource for me after the cleanse.

    I will need to lead by example though. Many of my long time and faithful friends may or may not be the healthiest people, so I’m hoping that with the changes I am implementing in myself, I will become a better friend as well.

  10. Nora

    Ease-In Day 2 9:04pm

    Today I gave my boyfriend a bit more detail about this juice cleanse. How I would be eating only soups and fruits and veggies for a few days then be on a completely liquid diet for about two weeks. He showed his first signs of concern by saying that he hoped I wouldn’t get sick.

    I assured him that I wouldn’t. I said I have alot of reserves that my body will use for energy. And while the fat is being burned, toxins will be released into my bloodstream that will probably prove painful to me. But I reminded him that this is only temporary and that I will be ok.

    Earlier today I made some Sweet Potato and Broccoli soup for me and some pasta with sausage for him. I know he is going through this process with me so I really try to include him as much as possible. I think the more I do that, the less worried he will be.


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