How To Master Cleanse and Lemonade Diet to Detox and Lose Weight “F.A.S.T.”.
The Master Cleanse (also called The Lemonade Diet) is a modified juice fast that’s often used for rapid weight loss which consists of 3 simple, but powerful Super Foods, and Water.
This Master Cleanser is a liquid diet that provides a healthy amount of calories and nutrients specifically suited for cleansing, all while resting the digestive system and allowing the body to heal naturally…
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Ease-Out: Stopping The Master Cleanse
Stopping The Master Cleanse can be (by far), the most dangerous part of cleansing, when done wrong. How dangerous? That depends on how far into the lemonade diet you are. If you're just doing a 3 day lemon cleanse, you won't have to be as careful as as you will have...
Maple Syrup Diet and The Lemonade Diet
Rich Maple Syrup is our primary source of energy while on The Lemonade Diet, but it isn't only chosen to give us energy. Usually the first thing I hear from people with whom I am talking to about The Master Cleanse is: "That can't be healthy. You have to eat! Where...
Master Cleanse M.E. (My Experience) How I lost 11 Pounds in 10 Days
No matter how you decide to go about your cleanse experience, whether it's in a group, or going it alone, I highly recommend capturing your experience in a journal. This act, is the first step in practicing "Self-Care", which is to say, documenting your reality so...
15 Common Mistakes of the Newbie Cleanser (That Guarantee Failure)
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How to Eat After a Cleanse
There are a number of ways to cleanse your body of toxins. Some of the most dramatic methods involve fasting and juice cleanses. These programs require limiting the amount you consume for a period of time or allowing only organic juices to be consumed. There are many...
#iMasterCleanse Hashtag Lemonade Head Shot Contest
Take A Selfie With Your Master Cleanse Lemonade, Tweet with #iMasterCleanse or email to for your chance to win! [gallery columns="6" link="none"...
The Salt Water Flush
The Salt Water Flush, is a long used “hack”, or trick to create an on-demand bowel movement of sorts. By drinking a sea salt solution, we can use the bodies own defense mechanism to temporarily suspend “digestion”, and engage the “elimination” mechanism to remove the salt water as fast as possible from the body.
Learn why you should do the Salt Water Flush?
Rolex within the set up as well as mixture procedure, each and every associate is ideal. right here on
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Hand Held Citrus Juicer for The Lemonade Diet
If you love freshly squeezed juice, this Gemco 12-ounce juicer is a must-have. It does it all: strains, reams, and juices. Plus, it lets you pour the juice from the built in spout right into your glass. But what the product features won’t tell you is how important a low-profile, stable and low-tech juicer helps you quickly make a glass of lemonade when you need it. You don’t want to clean a power juicer every time you make a glass.
A Candida Cleanse Done Properly: Introduction to Candida Cleansing
Part 1 in our Series on Candida Cleansing (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5) There are many different ways one can eliminate a yeast overgrowth from the body, but unfortunately too much emphasis is placed on “killing the yeast”, without fully understanding...
Daily Detox Tea for a Natural Herbal Detox while on The Master Cleanse
During The Master Cleanse you need to drink a detox tea at least once per day to help move the toxins that are being cleansed from your system, out of your body. If you don't, you will feel terrible, get sick, and likely quit the cleanse thinking its too hard and bad...

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The Master Cleanse was designed as a simple and effective plan that anyone can follow. The ingredients to the diet are few in number and simple, but as they are organic, they may not be available at just any supermarket. .