by Brian Blumer | Jan 30, 2015 | Health Management, Personal Development
Amber recently interviewed Peak Performance Coach and Self-Help Author, Jairek Robbins. Jairek has a unique perspective on health and fitness. He struggled with his own weight problems as an adolescent and it wasn’t until he adopted some of the beliefs from...
by Brian Blumer | Jan 19, 2015 | Health Management, Holistic Healing, Super Foods & Healing
The moment she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, actress Lourdes Colon knew she was going to beat it the natural way. She also knew she was going to document her journey, which she did with the film Create Option C. She had a history of cancer in her family and...
by Sonya Solomonovich | Jun 3, 2013 | Health Management, Holistic Healing, Super Foods & Healing
Many women believe that they are “victims of their hormones” because they go through a lot of suffering and mood swings during menopause and pre-menopause. But Dr. Christiane Northrup, a leading expert on women’s health and wellness, explains that it...
by Mike Olaski | Feb 26, 2013 | Health Management, Holistic Healing, Super Foods & Healing
When we are faced with a constant barrage of physical, energetic or emotional pain, we are generally in survival mode. We aren’t really living, let alone thriving. We are just getting by. I know that’s not the life you want for yourself and I think I have...
by Mike Olaski | Oct 11, 2012 | Health Management
After you have completed your Master Cleanse diet it is now essential that you replenish your body with an abundance of the right kind of nutrients. Since your body is now cleaner, it is in its optimal state for maximal and effective absorption of whatever you put in...