by Mike Olaski | Jun 19, 2011 | Holistic Healing, Super Foods & Healing, Weight Loss & Diets
Let me ask you a question? How many times do you say (or hear someone say) something like: I just KNOW it! Or. I am certain. I have a feeling. My gut is telling me. Or. I can't do that. That's not for me. Or that's impossible. All of these statements are the reason...
by Erika Dolnackova | May 26, 2011 | Healthy Foods & Water, Holistic Healing, Super Foods & Healing
Master Cleanse is an opportunity to cleanse more than just our bodies. The mentality required to complete the master cleanse successfully is many times the foundation for a whole new way of being. If we can compliment the cleansing process with weeding out our...
by Erika Dolnackova | May 5, 2011 | Holistic Healing, Super Foods & Healing
Remember why you have started this challenging Cleanse. This is why you do The Master Cleanse : to be healthier, to feel lighter, to honour your body and to allow it to function properly, even perfectly, to know that you can do this, to be proud of your self you made...