by Mike Olaski | Jan 15, 2010 | MCGE - Winter 2010, My Experience
Yesterday I posted the Definitive Guide to Master Cleanse Side Effects because every resource I could find covered only one of the major types of effects of the Master Cleanse whether they be direct effects or side effects. In that post I talked about what I call...
by Mike Olaski | Jan 14, 2010 | MCGE - Winter 2010, My Experience
Momentum is a funny thing. As a former professional hockey player, I was witness to some pretty amazing examples of momentum. I am not talking about the momentum from high school physics that deals (although the analogy has its’ roots here). I am talking about...
by Mike Olaski | Jan 13, 2010 | MCGE - Winter 2010, My Experience
Last night and this morning I struggled a little, and was reminded why I called today humpday in my Day-to-Day Experience. Last night was my second night on the Laxative, and I didn’t do the SWF so I was due for a good movement. I didn’t make it through...
by Mike Olaski | Jan 12, 2010 | MCGE - Winter 2010, My Experience
Everyday of The Lemonade Diet can be a challenge, especially for Newbie Cleansers. But day 2 seems to be the day most people quit. Many People can make it through Day 1 on adrenalin alone. 1 day can seem to fly by (or drag on). If your willpower was sufficient to get...
by Mike Olaski | Jan 11, 2010 | MCGE - Winter 2010, My Experience
I recently announced the “Name Each Day Contest” because I have always had a few names for The Master Cleanse Day-to-Day: “The Lemonade Diet Day 4 – Humpday”, for example. Today, Day 1 of The Lemonade Diet for me is called “The...
by Mike Olaski | Jan 10, 2010 | MCGE - Winter 2010, My Experience
Today is Lemonade Diet Eve. It was the night before Lemonade and all through the house, not a meal was a cooking, not even a… cookie….??? …I got nothing Sorry, forgive me. I will miss cookies. And Chocolate. I don’t pretend that I “look...