Sample of Fui’s Comments
Here’s a selection of Fui’s Experience from her Group Cleanse
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The Process and The Lemonade Diet – Lemonade Diet – Day 1
I didn’t decide to do the cleanse until yesterday when I went to the shop and saw some large, fresh lemons selling at £1.05 for 5. Since I had been thinking about doing the cleanse but couldn’t decide when to do it I thought these lemons had helped me make up my mind. So I bought 40 of them. Then I went to the health shop to get the organic maple syrup. To my great delight it was being sold at £5.45 each bottle instead of the normal price of £7.35 and there were only 5 of them left. So I bought the lot. Since I had bought all these ingredients I was eager to start the cleanse the next day which is today. Happy cleansing!
Detox and The Salt Water Flush
I drank a cup of lax tea the night before I started the cleanse. To tell the truth I love Dr Stuart’s Lax Plus. It’s slightly sweet and very pleasant to drink. I have been drinking it continuously for the last few months and I have no problem with it. In fact, it helps me with my BM. Therefore, to start the cleanse with a cup of lax tea the night before is part of my routine anyway. I prepared the salt water the night before and put it by my bedside. This time around I decided to use 650ml of distilled water with 2 teaspoons of sea salt. I justified myself for drinking 650ml instead of 750ml or 1000ml because of my slight figure.
The Psychological and Emotional
I am pretty focused as far as the cleanse is concerned. But then blogging keeps me stay in focus and I am very thankful for this website set up by Mike Olaski. I hasten to add that the real source of my psychological and emotional stability comes from the enjoyment of the gospel. It makes a person feel so safe and secure to be in God’s saving hand because He is so mighty and powerful. He answers prayer. The feeling is doubly secured by the fact that God has a large family on earth and that I am practically living in this reality.
Weight Loss and Physical Results – Lemonade Diet – Day 9
Now I can really tell that I have lost weight even though it’s only 4 to 5 pounds. My trousers are really loose and my tummy really flat with bones sticking out on the sides. But I quite like the look of my face. It’s by no means sunken anywhere, it’s rather rounded. Sunken face looks unhealthy but I think my face looks healthy and pleasing. If one has a healthy looking face it strengthens one’s confidence in oneself. I think I am more confident in myself now than I have ever been before. I don’t want to sound like I am exalting my self, this is rather the result of enjoying the wonderful, unsearchable, unlimited, immeasurable, incorruptible, eternal Triune God who is Christ today living in our spirit as the Spirit of reality, making the divine, spiritual, heavenly things real to us.
Social Support from Friends and Family – Lemonade Diet – Day 7
You know when I did the first cleanse I had a lot of negative comments from my family. I survived the storm by finishing the cleanse in 15 days. In my second cleanse I was challenged by my son who finished uni after four years and was home. He didn’t understand what I was doing and was worried sick about me losing weight. And that was why I decided to stop the cleanse after day 8. But this time around I don’t have any opposition and everyone just seems to take it for granted that I am doing a cleanse. Do you know why? Because everyone except me have been having the flu.
Download Wendy’s Report
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- Name: Fui Davies
- Username:Kakda
- 44 Pages
- 12,241 Words
- Author URL
- Comments URL:
- Group Cleanse Date:2010.07.17 – 2010.07.30
- Cleanser Type:3rd Cleanse in 7 Months