Sample of Paula’s Comments
Here’s a selection of Paula’s Experience from her Group Cleanse
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The Process and The Lemonade Diet
The best investment I made was to buy a mini juicer at the Bed Bath and Beyond. It comes in handy for the Cleanse and when I drink Orange Juice, which is not very often. I find myself only drinking orange juice during the ease in period or the ease out period. I have read too many books that indicate that orange juice has way too much sugar in it. My big booty does not need anymore ammo to grow, believe you me! I am glad that I am not starting the cleanse today, I opted for the ease in, but if I do not start soon, I will most likely opt out completely. It is easier to just dive in. Ok…. Tomorrow, I will start.
Detox and The Salt Water Flush
I keep telling myself, “think of all the yucky stuff that you are ridding your body of and feeling great mentally and physically at the end of the process.” This is the ONLY way I can survive the Salt Water Flush (I call it the Salt Water Gag fest). I like the Smoothe Moves and the Lemonade, but I ABHOR….. do like that word? Not strong enough for what I feel about the Salt Water Flush. Oh help me. I am going to start tomorrow. I have to think of a way to bribe myself to do this. Maybe a new pair of designer jeans or something
The Psychological and Emotional
This is Day one for me. I have been doing Master Cleanse 3-4 times a year for about 5 years now. It has completely changed my relationship to my body & to food. I have always struggled with my weight & healthy eating but this has changed radically. in the last 5 years, doing this cleanse it’s as if my body has a much lower tolerance for unhealthy eating now. I don’t enjoy overeating at all any more. I naturally lean towards a healthier diet when I am not on the cleanse and when the seasons change, I sense my body ready for a rest (especially after the holidays!) and I CRAVE the cleanse. Today is DAY ONE and my body is already thanking me. I am familiar with the cleansing process now and LOVE the feeling. I’ve never done it with a group before and I’m psyched to give & receive support. For those of you who are first time cleansers or for anyone who is struggling, I want to encourage you to hang in there. In my experience, It gets better every day and the pay off is well worth the struggle. I look forward to feeling lighter, clearer and quite frankly (and literally) not so full of you know what! Sorry, but it’s true! I’m sending good vibes and love to everyone on the journey.
Weight Loss and Physical Results
I am feeling so good physically and have lost all the weight I gained over the holidays and then some. I don’t go by numbers – just by feel. I know it will average out to be around 10 solid pounds as usual. The difference in how I feel (and LOOK!) in my clothes makes it all worth while. But there’s MORE! I have arthritis in my hands and am happy to say that my pain and other symptoms have been drastically reduced. I have asthma and my symptoms are non-existant since being on the cleanse. I had been feeling very low before going on the cleanse and my mood has radically shifted since I started. (my sweet husband can attest to that.) My physical energy is phenomenal too. I am amazed at how this cleanse contributes to my overall health and not just weight loss.
Social Support from Friends and Family
Happy New Year to you all. Thank goodness for the support of this group. I can usually talk my husband into doing the cleanse with me, but he is on the fence. It sucks when he is not on the Master Cleanse with me because we have to plan around his meals. He is tell me to leave the house or go do something outside the house when he eats. I can’t just go outside when he cooks something. If I stay in the backyard, then come inside after he eats, I can still smell the scent of the food in the house. It is cruel.
Download Paula’s Report
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- Name: Paula Langton
- Username: Me
- 32 Pages
- 8,554 Words
- Author URL
- Comments URL:
- Group Cleanse Date: 2012.01.09
- Cleanser Type: Master Cleanser
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See all of this Diary Journal so you can know what to expect, and be encouraged on your Master Cleanse Wellness Journey.