Sample of Nora’s Comments
Here’s a selection of Nora’s Experience from her Group Cleanse
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The Process and The Lemonade Diet – Lemonade Diet – Day 1
I had that first lemonade at about 7:00am and a second one around 9:30am after feeling a bit hungry. I’m working on my third liter right now at 1:54pm. Last night I prepared my Agave nectar (subsitute for the maple syrup) and lemon juice concoction. I pre-mixed it because I wasn’t looking forward to squeezing lemons all day long. I often travel between offices and am quite mobile a good portion of the week for work. My goal is to drink at least 1 gallon of lemonade/fluids per day and for me, it’s much easier in 1 liter increments. Having it be in lemonade form helps too. Plain water is just so….plain. After my second liter of lemonade this morning, I had to do an emergency pit stop at a Jack in the Box. No –I didn’t get food–I just needed to use the facilities. Apparently cayenne pepper works fast! I’ve had three bowel movements already! I may or may not need to do the SWF/lax tea tonight. I will see how I feel.
Detox and The Salt Water Flush
I think now more than ever, now that I am coming out of denial I am becoming aware of the real levels of toxicity in my body. I got some blood work done a couple months ago, got my thyroid checked. Everything was within normal range. Which goes to show how versatile and powerful our kidneys and colon are at cleaning out our blood-stream. BUT, I feel toxic. I know there are a bunch of toxins locked away safely in my fat cells right now. And it will be painful when those are released during the cleanse. I am prepared for the discomfort, but I know I don’t have to like it.
The Psychological and Emotional
Today, things are different and I’ve made it a point to let my current boyfriend know what I’m doing and what to expect next month. I like to be up front on most things and wouldn’t feel right not telling him the plan. I am a planner – he’s a fly by the seat of his pants-er!?…Either way, I talked to him about the cleanse for my benefit. Although I’m sure he will appreciate knowing in advance of any potential tears, odors, complaints, aches, or bitch-fests to come.
Weight Loss and Physical Results – Lemonade Diet – Day 9
Overall weight I can attribute to the cleanse is around 15 pounds. As far as weight loss: I can bend down easily to tie my shoelaces, I can almost cross one knee over the other, I don’t feel as “”tight”” all over – like my muscles have relaxed somewhat, I move faster, I get in/out of my car more easily, my clothes that were too tight fits better, my clothes that didn’t fit before now fit, my feet and ankles don’t feel swollen, my knees don’t hurt as much. All things that are simple but so easily taken for granted by others and by me. Over the past 22 days my life began to change. All of those symptoms have either disappeared or have been alleviated. I don’t want to forget the “”newness”” of being healthier. Because my memory has failed me numerous times in the past, I want to make sure that I put it on record this time. I assess how I’m feeling each day, take stock of my body, check-off what has improved, remember the work I still need to do.
Now I am focused on moving forward in this trajectory. But only focused on the next 10 lbs I need to lose. Because I have many more to go and thinking about the huge chunk all at once is overwhelming, I have to take small bites for now. (See how my food obsession creeps in….LOL). And yes, only with smaller bites and portions will I reach my ultimate goal.
Social Support from Friends and Family – Lemonade Diet – Day 7
Happy New Year to you all. Thank goodness for the support of this group. I can usually talk my husband into doing the cleanse with me, but he is on the fence. It sucks when he is not on the Master Cleanse with me because we have to plan around his meals. He is tell me to leave the house or go do something outside the house when he eats. I can’t just go outside when he cooks something. If I stay in the backyard, then come inside after he eats, I can still smell the scent of the food in the house. It is cruel.
Download Nora’s Report
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- Name: Nora Melendez
- Username: Nora
- 129 Pages
- 31,360 Words
- Author URL
- Comments URL:
- Group Cleanse Date: 2012.01.10
- Cleanser Type:
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