The Group Challenge is Starting!

Click Here to Register Now!

The challenge starts JANUARY 8th and Registration Closes JANUARY 7th at Midnight EST








It’s Way Easier with the Support of a Group

For many of us, The Master Cleanse Experience is all about starting fresh, making changes and sharing with each other for support and encouragement. And since we all eat so much over the holidays, I have noticed that many people are likely to start the Master Cleanse after New Years, Easter, Summer Holidays and after Fall Holiday. It seemed logical to create The Quarterly Master Cleanse Group Cleanse.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore, we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

We also provide 5 topics to post comments about to further structure the advice and questions from our participants. Our entries on the these specific topics will act as a Daily Journal, open for the support of, and from the entire community. Each quarterly cleanse, we’ll reward all those who leave comments in general, but specifically, if you complete the entire Master Cleanse, and Journal Daily on these Daily Journal Pages, you’ll be eligible for some really great rewards.

Post Your Comments Each Day on These Diary Journal Pages

Dates for the Master Cleanse Group Cleanse Experience. If you must start the a day or two before or after our dates and you still want to participate, simply make your comments in your own journal using Microsoft Word or any other Text editor on your computer. Then simply post your feelings on the appropriate days and topics. Registration is always open for Open Classes, the day before The Ease-In date for each event. 

  1. My Group Experience Home & Registration
  2. Psychological Emotional
  3. The Process and The Lemonade
  4. Weight Loss and Physical
  5. Detox and Salt Water Flush
  6. Support – Social, Friends and Family
  7. General Questions and Comments

Each Group Experience will start on the first FULL Monday (never the day following, but the next week) Following each major holiday or seasonal change of Winter (Christmas and New Years), Spring (Easter), Summer (Independence Day), and Fall.

Duration of the Group Cleanse

Each Group Cleanse will last 16 days including both the Ease-In, Lemonade Diet, and Ease-Out. The total time on the Lemonade Diet will be 10 Days. We start on the first full Monday after a major holiday. In my opinion the timing is the easiest after these major holidays, and on these particular days. This allows for us to Start the Ease-In on a Friday. The Lemonade Diet will start on the following Monday and conclude 10 days later. The Ease-Out will begin on Thursday and end on Saturday, leaving Sunday for the first full day of eating wisely.

Group Cleanse Comment Posting

Once you register (and even if you don’t) you can start to post your experiences on each topics pages by posting your comments to each page. 


Most of all enjoy the experience and HAPPY CLEANSING…


  1. Kristi

    Day 4 of cleanse. This is my first mc. I have been doing well, but today I am fatigued and ache in my back and shoulder, and wonder if I can go all the way to day 10. That seems like such a long way away. Also I had diarrhea that is now clear, mostly water with small amount of waste. Am I really all cleaned out all ready or is there more to come?

  2. annie

    Day 7! Yesterday was also a good day. Had enough energy. Cravings are awful at night. Upped my tea drinking but it just makes my tummy knot, very few waste expelled mostly water.
    Today is going fine just wanting it to end.

  3. annie

    Thank you so much! I really needed some positive. I’m doing 10 days.

    I can see the benefits already my stomach flab is gone which was what I wanted. When I get discourage I just go look in the mirror it helps.

  4. annie

    Day 6!
    Recap of yesterday: yesterday was the easiest day. I didn’t feel like dying had enough energy but I had more to drink. Had my tea but no bowel movement, worried about that. Tomorrow I will take some tea morning and evening. Last night cravings were the hardest. I’m taking it one day at a time. Really need motivation, mother is very negative about this whole thing.

    • Kerry

      Annie, you are doing awesome! Congratulations on your achievements thusfar! Keep going, you’re nearly to your goal (if you’re doing 10 days. Are you stopping at 10, or planning on going longer?). DON’T listen to the negative naysayers, even if they’re family. They don’t know what they don’t know and are reacting to what they believe (which isn’t always the correct perspective,) In order to educate themselves, have they scoured the books, websites, blogs and Youtube videos on others who have accomplished the cleansing journey? Likely not. Don’t let them influence your desire to make these positive changes when they are so uninformed.

      Just remember you are not totally starving yourself of calories and energy and your body is using what you already have on board for any excess energy it might need.. Short term “starvation” is not detrimental. If you feel the positive effects of your cleanse then you are doing everything right, and moreover, you’re doing it for yourself to improve your health and well being. One day at a time is a good way to look at the overall fasting cleanse and making yourself a priority in your life if key, and remember this is a finite time to make these changes for the better. It won’t last as long as it feels right now, and when you’re done you can look back and KNOW you did what was right for YOU.Keep it up, YOU CAN DO IT! :D

  5. annie

    Day 5! Last night I went to work and my boss said I looked like I was going to faint :( so today I’m uping up on drinking more. Yesterday I had 2 bowel movements again very watery and very few waste. I’m not doing the swf if I feel in so much pain after the tea I can’t imagine my intestines after the swf. I feel very nauseous when I drink and throught the day. Any way to help this? Any motivation?

  6. Natalie

    Would like to start on Feb 4 anyone else starting that day?

    • Kerry

      Natalie, I will begin the MC on Feb. 4 as well. I’m already planning on going longer than the 10 day program since I weigh about 200 lbs. (I fluctuate between 200-203) I have not yet determined how long I will stick with the MC but ideally I’d like to see at least 20 lbs come off. I may shoot for 30 lbs. I haven’t yet decided.
      I will say that three years ago I did the 21 pounds in 21 days detox program. I weighed 218 lbs when I started and pulled off 18 lbs with that and did not gain any back afterward, so these cleanse/detoxification programs do work.

      If you’d like to partner up with me, let me know. :)

  7. annie

    Start of Day 4! Last night was miserable my first bowel movement came around 10pm and the other one around 3 am. The second bowel movement was very watery. Is this normal? There wasn’t so much waste like I expected. My intestines felt in knots most of the night. Feel lethargic again :( and work today but I don’t close so that should help.

  8. Marina

    I finished my 10 days MC!!! 12 pounds of !!! Orange juice has a divine taste today! I diluted my first half a glass of juice with a half a glass of water though. Have to be careful not to jump on all the tasty, smelly things to eat! :))) Good luck everyone! Try to do everything as it is advised, you will have less misery and less headaches.

  9. annie

    Hi! Today is my third day on the mc. I failed to purchase the tea and salt from the beginning. I just had my first cup of tea a few min ago its 3:12pm. I tried finding both the salt and tea at walmart but failed. Found tea at walgreens and tomorrow will go salt hunting at Kroger. I feel overall drained and very lethargic, I blame it on the late tea start and no swf. I will post my overall wait lost at the end, I’m not weighing in everyday. Ahhh its been tough hoping it gets easier.

    • George

      You should try Whole foods to find your sea salt, Celtic Pride is the best. small bag cost about $5.50. Hang in Annie and btw you should drank your tea before bedtime. Unless you have a weird schedule..


      • annie

        Thanks for the feed back. Not doing the swf after all the tea is really strong for me. I haven’t thought of making a glass right before bed time, I will try it today. Anything you would recommend for nausea?

  10. Marina

    Day 10! Feel very proud of myself! I did it!
    Tomorrow will begin ease out. Oranges! Here I come!


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