The Group Challenge is Starting!

Click Here to Register Now!

The challenge starts JANUARY 8th and Registration Closes JANUARY 7th at Midnight EST








It’s Way Easier with the Support of a Group

For many of us, The Master Cleanse Experience is all about starting fresh, making changes and sharing with each other for support and encouragement. And since we all eat so much over the holidays, I have noticed that many people are likely to start the Master Cleanse after New Years, Easter, Summer Holidays and after Fall Holiday. It seemed logical to create The Quarterly Master Cleanse Group Cleanse.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore, we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

We also provide 5 topics to post comments about to further structure the advice and questions from our participants. Our entries on the these specific topics will act as a Daily Journal, open for the support of, and from the entire community. Each quarterly cleanse, we’ll reward all those who leave comments in general, but specifically, if you complete the entire Master Cleanse, and Journal Daily on these Daily Journal Pages, you’ll be eligible for some really great rewards.

Post Your Comments Each Day on These Diary Journal Pages

Dates for the Master Cleanse Group Cleanse Experience. If you must start the a day or two before or after our dates and you still want to participate, simply make your comments in your own journal using Microsoft Word or any other Text editor on your computer. Then simply post your feelings on the appropriate days and topics. Registration is always open for Open Classes, the day before The Ease-In date for each event. 

  1. My Group Experience Home & Registration
  2. Psychological Emotional
  3. The Process and The Lemonade
  4. Weight Loss and Physical
  5. Detox and Salt Water Flush
  6. Support – Social, Friends and Family
  7. General Questions and Comments

Each Group Experience will start on the first FULL Monday (never the day following, but the next week) Following each major holiday or seasonal change of Winter (Christmas and New Years), Spring (Easter), Summer (Independence Day), and Fall.

Duration of the Group Cleanse

Each Group Cleanse will last 16 days including both the Ease-In, Lemonade Diet, and Ease-Out. The total time on the Lemonade Diet will be 10 Days. We start on the first full Monday after a major holiday. In my opinion the timing is the easiest after these major holidays, and on these particular days. This allows for us to Start the Ease-In on a Friday. The Lemonade Diet will start on the following Monday and conclude 10 days later. The Ease-Out will begin on Thursday and end on Saturday, leaving Sunday for the first full day of eating wisely.

Group Cleanse Comment Posting

Once you register (and even if you don’t) you can start to post your experiences on each topics pages by posting your comments to each page. 


Most of all enjoy the experience and HAPPY CLEANSING…


  1. Marina

    Day 9! So excited! Today and tomorrow and I am done! My goal was 10 days and I am almost there. Good luck everyone!

  2. Marina

    Good morning, everybody,
    My 8th day. A bit surprised and a bit disappointed. Yesterday I had much less lemonade to see if it will get me to lose more weight, it did not – less then a pound again. I guess, I lost all my cr…from intestines and fat does not want to leave :(
    I shell continue my MC anyway. We will see. Good luck!

  3. Marina

    Hi, everyone,
    My 7th day!!! I hardly can believe it!
    Apart from emotions, I am doing great, no weakness, no headaches. Have to tell you, my stomach began to demand food, by growling at me and manifesting a hunger :))) My mind is still strong, I don’t want to eat! So every time I was having these “hunger attacks” I was drinking lemonade and last two days I had 10-12 glasses a day, not my usual 6 glasses. It effected my weight loss, yesterday lost only a pound and this morning even less :( Today, I am back to 6 glasses, we will see, what will happen tomorrow.
    One more thing about enema: human body has about 30 feet long intestinal tract, don’t think you will be able to clean it with enema and remember, you have to “clean” from the top, not just the end, otherwise you will have headaches…just my observation.
    Good luck everyone!

  4. Vianey

    Hello everyone, I’m going start today 23th Jan/2013 i been just postpone because I got so discourage because I trying one time like 5 years ago and i fell but since then i been gain weight from 128 through 155 always been skinny but I abandoned myself eating whatever specially sweets so I believed WE CAN DO THIS

    • Kyrie

      Hey. I started on the 23rd too! Want to be buddies?

  5. Rachel

    Hi! I am on day 3 of the master cleanse and have a very scary rash (bumps) on my face. The rash started last night and flared up again this afternoon. This is the second time I am doing the master cleanse, but this is the first time I have experienced this side effect. Has anyone else experienced this? It is freaking me out as well as all my co-workers as it is visibly noticeable.

    • Marina

      So sorry to hear this, Rachel. It might be the part of detox, I think.
      Or the salt. What kind of salt do you use?

      • Rachel

        Thanks Marina. I switches salts 2 days and my face has started to clear-up, thank goodness! On day 8 and feeling great!

  6. Marina

    Hello! It is very quiet here. How everybody doing?
    Today is my 6th day. Did not have any cramps through the night or in the morning. I had them before and Magic bag took great care of them.
    Images of food begin to bother me a bit :))) But I am holding on even I’ve lost only 1 pound today :( It’s OK, it will be more tomorrow.
    Someone was telling here that it is better to do enema instead of SWF. Believe me, no enema can do what SWF does, unless you do Colon Hydrotherapy (which I had and can tell you that’s what SWF does) Don’t take chance of poisoning yourself with your own toxins. SWF is not forever :)) Good luck!

  7. Marina

    Hi, everybody!
    How are you doing?
    I am doing great! I am in a hurry to tell you about my mistake. I lost 3 kilos in three days and knowing that most people used to pounds, I Googled how much is 3 kg and got 12 pounds (may be I’ve entered wrong number) and with out thinking I posted this result here. Sorry for misinforming you :(
    So in reality I’ve lost 6.6 pounds, which is not bad at all for three days! Right? :)
    Today is my fifth day and scales showed in the morning that I lost another 2 pounds! Yes!
    To Nayya: I had terrible headaches too, this is all because you are not flushing well, body have nothing to eat and it begin to absorb toxins from your intestines. Read again carefully: you HAVE to have laxative in the evening and SWF first thing in the morning. I usually have my lemonade only after a goood clean out :))) Failing to do so caused me headaches. Good luck everyone!

  8. Nayya M. El

    Day 1: and its definately hard!! Already lol but I am committed and im glad to have others starting with me and going on for the ride… i have a major headache im assuming its anhungar headche….i guess im gonna do the salt water flush tonight i did the laxative this morning it didnt work ****side note i didnt follow the directions nxt time i will…….GOOD LUCK EVERY1 WE CAN DO IT

  9. Marina

    How everybody doing?
    I am doing great! 4th day! Have no desire to eat, but have to admit, dream about all veggies and fruits that I will eat after :) Lost 12 pounds!!!

    • Frances

      Wow, 12lbs ! I’m looking forward to my morning visit to the kitchen scale. I’m on Day 1 and am starting at 220lbs. I’m 5’8″. I want to get down to 150lbs is my goal for my next annuals at the doctor in Nov 2013. I’m tired of feeling fat ;o)

  10. Frances

    It’s my DAY 1: last night I weighed 223lbs. This morning on Day 1, I start at 220lbs. I’m going to order the gallon jug on Amazon. It’s better than $15.99 plus tax at the health food market for only 12.7oz. The gallon jug at Amazon is only $55.00. Will do my Fleet Enema tonight down on all 4’s playing with my phone until it comes out. Can’t handle the SWF. This way it’s all over in like 15 minutes. I juiced enough lemons to fill a Bertolli spaghetti sauce jar. Easier to take to work or leave on the counter while home. Then the enzymes stay. So far so good ! ;o)

    • Frances

      oops, forgot to say about the Maple Syrup. That’s what I’m going to get at Amazon instead of the health food market. ;o)

    • Crystal Murphy

      Wow I didn’t know you could use a enema. I would like that much better than the salt water flush. I’ve done the flush before but did not like it at all

      • Pam

        Crystal,, The original cleanse by Dr. Burroughs says NOT to use enema…. just SWF.


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