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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Detox and The Salt Water Flush (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for the Topic of Detox and The Salt Water Flush for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Support Topic: Detox and The Salt Water Flush

The Salt Water Flush (SWF) might be the hardest part of the Master Cleanse, but it doesn’t have to be. It is essential to the cleanse because it facilitates the detox by flushing your system. What is working and what is not working. How are your movements? Are they successful? What do they look like? Are they getting lighter or darker? Are the becoming more frequent? Do you have other signs of detoxing, like breakouts or white tongue? The Master Cleanse is about Detox and daily eliminations are critical to the success of the cleanse. Is this Detox Diet successful so far?

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words. Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience. Make sure you get regular updates to the comments posted by participants of the Master Cleanse Group Experience.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Rebecca


    Regrettably, I have only done ONE SWF…. it is with sadness and regret…. with my work schedule I have been too nervous to try… I have been faithful to the evening herbal laxative tea… same tea every night Zhenna’s apple/cinnamon herbal laxative… it tastes so good that I feel I am receiving a delicious treat… and I have been releasing/eliminating every single morning, around 6am or 7am, so its all in the privacy of my home…

    The mucus release is still some crazy early morning ritual… I feel like I’m a male athlete hurling and spitting in the morning hours… then it subsides, only to revisit me the next morning… I’m really shocked how much mucus!!!

    I really do not understand about all the mucus build-up in the colon… my feeling is that I am missing a chance to release mucus in the colon by not doing the Salt Water Flushes

    I am very happy with the results so far, and how light I feel, and happier I feel

    Being a newbie I realize I have not been as successful as I could be by not doing the daily SWF… but as they say, if at first you do not succeed, try try again…

    So I will!!….. I going to ease out with our Winter Session group… the next 3 weeks after ease out are the busiest of the year for my work… then I plan to go for 40 days (or longer)… I have the confidence now… thank you Master Cleanse for showing me that I can do this!

  2. Stephanie

    Lemonade diet day 9
    I’m so happy to be on day 9. Yesterday I was ready to stop as I was feeling 8 days is enough. Bored with the lemonade and not enjoying the nightly laxative tea. I wasn’t going to drink the tea last night but while waiting for my kids to fall asleep I read the master cleanse book and just so happened to open the page that tells about the mistakes to avoid and one of them was ” NOT DRINKING THE LAXATIVE TEA EVERY NIGHT” that did it for me so downstairs I went and made me a cup of smooth move chamomile tea. Having drank the tea I told myself there was no need to do the SWF in the morning BUT woke up at 6:30am and by 6:45am i had battled my mind and had taken a litre of the SWF and am currently having my BM. I’m so surprised that my BM are still solid. It’s been 8 full days of no food so would think by now only liquid should be coming out but WOW, guessing that’s all the stuff coming off my colon walls. Yuck!
    2 more days of lemonade and looking forward to putting other flavours in my mouth.

    • Rebecca

      Stephanie, please try Zhenna’s apple/cinnamon herbal laxative tea… its very effective and so DELICIOUS… I feel like I’m drinking strong apple cider at a Halloween party… its pricey tea… but well worth it!

  3. Rebecca


    Cigarette Smoke… this may seem odd, but I have been smelling cigarette smoke in trace amounts when NO SMOKERS ANYWHERE NEAR ME…

    When I was 12yrs old, my friend Tina and I stole cigarettes from our mom’s and would smoke, and we even gave cigarettes to our school buddies so they would smoke… this went on for about 2-3months… then Tina’s older sister (age 14) showed up at my house to give us a lecture…she stomped her foot down and said: “stop smoking now! it’s not good for you, and no boy wants to kiss anyone who smokes cuz its like licking an ashtray!” This has stuck with me all these years. I never ever smoked again, except very occasional peace pipe, but that’s been less than 5 times in my life… I am VERY sensitive to cigarette smoke (even with all the mucus build up in my body that I’m becoming very aware of)…

    Well, past two days I have been smelling cigarette smoke just before I fall asleep, but no one outside my bedroom… no people at all between the back porch of my condo, and the lake in our backyard…

    I really think its the detox process that has me smelling wafts of 2nd hand smoke as I breathe before going to sleep

    Also, at work yesterday, a smoker was close by me, and the 2nd hand smoke felt like it went into my throat passages… so I breathed it in through my mouth, not my nose… and I had a choking fit, and some co-workers rushed over to me… but I waved my hand in the air to let them know I’m ok, as I chugged lots of lemonade drink to wash away that taste

    so I wonder… I grew up around smokers! yuck! 1st 18yrs of my life in a family of cigarette and pipe smokers and all that 2nd hand smoke had to bothered me… and it seems everyday I pass by 2nd hand smokers when I leave the house… since our colons store up JUNK & GUNK for years, I wondering if same is true for our lungs?

  4. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 7 (Newbie) – I did the SWF today and had a really good result. Probably because I had not done it in awhile. My BM is still orangey-brownish and soft but with some solid pieces in it. Hmm. I had to rush to get to where I needed to be and didn’t get home until noon. By then I was starving and had a huge headache. My resolve is really, really low. Between not drinking enough water and not doing enough SWF I probably have not flushed out enough toxins during this detox. Definitely a learning process about fasting and how the body works. I’m feeling pretty blah today. Have energy, but just have the blahs.

  5. Rebecca


    Morning thoughts before work:
    mucus! so much mucus! does it ever end?

    Evening thoughts:
    This morning I chewed on some mint leaves before I left for work, but I did not swallow… I have noticed so much detox happening from my mouth, and when I notice it, I try to drink more lemonade… I wish I could have set aside time to put the mint leaves in hot water.. but I wanted to leave early for work… I arrived 1.5hr early to avoid the Bronco game tail-gating parties down to the stadium… so again.. what I want and need gets on the back burner to the reality that needs to be dealt with… I guess I could have made the mint tea at work… but we don’t have a break room… I just realize I don’t even have an outlet for my hot pot at work unless I unplug the computer/printer/monitor…

  6. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 6 (Newbie) – Man, after my horrible dehydration episode I am not in too much of a hurry to want to do the SWF again but I will do it tomorrow morning because I feel better now, and I know I should do it. I had two BMs this morning, again! So the tea is really working for me. My face looks pretty good acne-wise but my scalp is crazy itchy, bumpy, sores. That’s about it other than not having to take my allergy meds for this whole time. Love that! My stools are soft, runny and any solids have been in the form of small 2 inchers and I urinate often.

  7. Rebecca


    Early Morning Notes for this blog:
    Woke up feeling awful… like a hangover… but I not have NOT ONE DROP of any alcohol of any kind for over 30years, but I remember the hangover feeling… my feet just wanted to push out a ton of that bland-heavy-weird-air-hangover feeling out of my feet…
    Released 4am, 6.30am, 7am… so not feeling I need the SWF, but want to do it again

    Evening Notes for this blog:
    …. Really?? SWF recommended every single day of the cleanse? I’m just not in a position to be going to the restroom alot working 12 hr days…. oh gosh… I really am a newbie, not knowing what to do… trying… but tripping over myself… I gotta go for a longer haul of more days on this cleanse so I can get to the place I do it right every day for the best RESULTS

  8. Alisa

    Day 5 – Lemonade Diet

    This morning I did the SWF and it is Sat. morning so I slept in and did it a little later today. I have noticed that my stools is watery and still brown first thing in the morning with small pieces of brown stuff (sorry for the disgusting view you might have while reading this) I just want to know is this what we should be having? I have noticed that as the day goes on my stool is a bright yellow color which reminds me of when I was pregnant and had the morning sickness during my early months of my pregnancy. Friday I did notice that my tongue has turned white so I guess that means that I am getting all the toxins out of my body. I was feeling nausea after drinking the SWF and had to lay down to wait for it to work. I feels good to be able to stay in today and not have to wake so early. I have been getting up at 4:30 & 5:00 to give myself time to flush out in the morning and start my day and prepare my lemonade for work. I do feel that I can make it through the next five days without any problem and I am looking forward to eating raw foods & making more healthy choices.

  9. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 5 (Newbie) – I did not do the SWF again today. I didn’t need to, I guess. Besides waking up in pain from being dehydrated I had an accident in my pants. Ugh. What a bad day. Actually, I had 2 BMs again today. Man that Smooth Move tea is really working for me. I drink it right before bed, and never more than one tea bag but drink it with a lot more water that the normal coffee cup size. Am I supposed to do the SWF even if I am voiding first thing in the morning? Also, I guess the pains from my sides and dark urine could also be attributed to my kidneys going through detox. My urine was thick and dark yellowish, even brownish, in color. I just wasn’t given my body enough water to flush all the ‘yuck’ out of it. I have never had any kidney problems (stones, etc.) but kidney problems runs in my family. As does diabetes.

  10. Rebecca


    Too nervous to do a SWF today before work, but will try SWF tomorrow morning, but plan to wake up early like 5am

    Stooling this morning… is it normal for it to still be watery the next day? I expect watery the DAY OF SWF, but not next day… had 2 watery movements

    Not sure I will do the SWF for Day 6… gonna have to be Day 7…. I need to go to bed early, and wake up early.

    It’s almost 10pm and I’m drinking my Zhenna’s apple cinnamon laxative tea… I don’t know why, but I’ve not had any trouble eliminating every day… not sure if its’ b/c I drink extra water, or its just the wonder of this wonderful herbal tea…

    It’s very inconvenient how crazy my work situation is… and no comfortable bathroom… and no break room… part of many reasons I turn in my 2week notice resignation tomorrow… I need to be comfortable and gentle with myself during this detox

    What about detoxing thru the skin??? I’ve wanted to take an epsom salt apple cider vinegar bath so badly the past few days… but been too busy… I prefer long 1hr soaks… hopefully Sunday night!


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