The Super F.A.S.T. 15 Pound Challenge
Not Registered? Click Here!Group Cleanse Support Topic: Detox and The Salt Water Flush (My Experience)
This page is a Support Topic Page for the Topic of Detox and The Salt Water Flush for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.
The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.
This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.
Support Topic: Detox and The Salt Water Flush
The Salt Water Flush (SWF) might be the hardest part of the Master Cleanse, but it doesn’t have to be. It is essential to the cleanse because it facilitates the detox by flushing your system. What is working and what is not working. How are your movements? Are they successful? What do they look like? Are they getting lighter or darker? Are the becoming more frequent? Do you have other signs of detoxing, like breakouts or white tongue? The Master Cleanse is about Detox and daily eliminations are critical to the success of the cleanse. Is this Detox Diet successful so far?
This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words. Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience. Make sure you get regular updates to the comments posted by participants of the Master Cleanse Group Experience.
If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?
Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.
If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.
DAY 1 – I skipped the salt water flush today.. I normally gain weight from doing the salt water flush, so I’m not sure if I want to do it! Its a great way to eliminate.. but I had retaining the water..
Day 1 – Oh that familiar salty taste. Its definitely not pleasant, but not as bad as some people seem to think. I found it works well to wake up a bit earlier than usual so I can get that in my system, then lie down on my right side for 30 minutes or so to let it begin to work. I got up and walked the dogs for about 15 minutes then that seemed to really get things moving along.
Day 7 I spend the whole night going to the bathroom. Should I also do the SWF today? I think I already had more than enough bowl movement…
Day 10
Whoop whoop!!!
My last SWF, Can’t believe I made it!!!
Looking for to ease out
Day 9
I did the SWF as usual but not much came out. I had another healing event in the night and wish I could of flushed out more. :/
Day 9.
SWF was OK this morning. It goes easier with every SWF. Last one tomorrow!!!
Day 8.
How knows is it healthy to do SWF and lemenade day once a week every week? I though to leave it for my future healthy and clean life. And plan to do SWF and lemonade every Monday.
I’m not sure how that would work, could it upset the stomach flora?
I think I will do the MC at least once a year now I know I can do it! (Don’t speak too soon Lorraine)
Day 7
Finding the best way to get maximum effect from the SWF is after downing SW lie down on right side for half hour followed by drinking a load of water and then doing some yoga until you can’t hang on anymore :))
to speed up the process make exercises. This SWF is a very popular method of cleaning the system among yoga masters. It calls shanka prakshalana. Google it
Day 6,
SWF elimination liquidy dark brown in colour (what does this mean?)
Also tongue improvement (more pink)
Day 5
SWF is getting easier but I think tomorrow I will try it with a few drops of lemon like Anna.
Movement was better today squirty but light brown in colour, my tongue has improved in colour, about a third is pink now so improvement there. Anyone else got a white tongue??