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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Psychological and Emotional Effects (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Psychological and Emotional Effects for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.
To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

What is going through your mind? We have thoughts that seem out of control when we are in our daily grind – many of these revolve around food. We may also feel stress that in turn causes us to eat, to have emotional reactions. Many people report feeling in more control while doing The Master Cleanse – alongside a sense of clarity. Do commercials about food drive you crazy? Are you more patient than ever?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Pheli

    Day 1 Lemondade…This is my first attempt at this fast. Not real hungry, but getting a light headache now, want to sleep. The mixture taste really good though so that helps. Trying to do a total of 10 days then ease off…

  2. AZ

    MC Day 1
    its 4:33pm and I’ve had about 4 glasses today.. My energy level is pretty good. Mentally/ Emotionally this will be a little tough to get through as I know SOOOO many people in my life will ridicule me for not eating for 10 days. My husband is calling it my “stupid diet”….You guys online are my only support…So I’ll be checking in.
    I’m craving – of all things- a tuna salad wrap…. Probably cuz I had one yesterday…

  3. Nora

    Lemonade Day 3

    Last night as I was cooking dinner for Sergio, I had my lemonade at my side to make sure I didn’t accidentally taste the food. I normally use this method to flavor my food. I was surprised to find that although the food looked good and smelled even better, I had very little desire to actually eat it.

    I had suffered through the previous Sunday of making lunch and dinner and wanting to scarf down every bit myself.

    I’m glad to know that my body is getting ok with what my brain is telling it to do.

    One of my goals is to RE-SET my bodies needs vs wants. To adjust my decisions and improve my patterns of behaviour.

    This cleanse is not only for the body – it is mainly for the mind.

  4. Nora

    Lemonade Day 3

    The “mental” or “emotional” need to eat has almost disappeared. I know that with each day that passes, I really can DECIDE to stick with this cleanse. During the Ease-In process I had the comfort of knowing I could still eat food — albeit fresh, wholesome and solid. I’m glad I did the ease-in because it allowed my mind to calm itself off from panic mode and allowed my body to get used to just liquids. Five years ago, when I tried this – I failed because I didn’t take that important step. I rushed into it and fell flat on my face, and got my face into a juicy burger the same day I started….

    I can’t stress enough the importance of doing your due diligence also. I had to determine if this cleanse was right for me. As luck would have it, my experience has been pretty smooth sailing so far.

    The thought of having pain or discomfort was stressful. But I’m taking each day as it comes and try not to be like “chicken little” before all the chips have fallen.

  5. D

    Neebie day 4(skipped the ease in,started a bit early)

    Yesterday was a tough morning for me. I almost quit because I felt really, really sick. Reading blogs of other folks experience is what’s keeping me going. Everyone says after days 3 and 4 its a breeze. We shall see. For the most part I wake up feeling a curtain kinda way then I’m fine the rest of the day. Honestly I feel as if I can go run 10 miles but I won’t. I’ll take it easy these next few days.

    I’m suprised I don’t feel as hungry as I usually do. I have been thinking about food all day long and I notice every single advertisement for food. I went to a friends place and outside the neighbors were barbecue’ing I don’t even eat meat but that was the best smell ever!


  6. LeeAnn

    Lemonade Diet Day 2

    Feeling good so far. Although, it was a little tough smelling and seeing the foods people eat at the office and at home. I was feeling a little tempted (not hungry…just wanting to eat) after preparing dinner for my family. Stepped away from the dinner table and switched on the TV to get my mind off of eating. Turned it to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and saw Yolanda preparing Master Cleanse lemonade! I was so thrilled to see that she was doing the cleanse too. It was a sign that I should keep going and get healthy! It was just what I needed at that very moment. I can do this! I’ve done it before and I can do it again!

  7. Candis

    Newbie Cleanser Day 2 Lemonade Cleanse

    ewww I feel like crap, a bit discouraged wanted to quit but going to fight threw, my body rejected the swf so now im going todo the smooth move senne tea. my nose is stuffy My body aches I couldn’t focus today. I drove straight past a bus unloaded kids with the stop sign up and don’t even know how I missed that, its like I was going in slow motion today, Ive been wanting crispy crème donuts and pizza, and cheese and ice cream, I went as far as wanting to eat one of my 10 months old daughters yogurt puff things, or baby food just a bite, mannnn I feel so hungry but I know its only thirst or my mind. Im an emotional eater and spender. Or if im bored ill eat. AnywayI drank lots of water yesterday on day 1 I drank more, but I did a lot of sweating yesterday and today at the gym so Im probably dehydrated so Ive been uping my syrup to 3-4tbsp and drinking a cup every hour and I went and bought so more water and lemons so I can hydrate and cleanse more. Ive been sad but sad because I want to give up but don’t want to fail myself my goal is to cleanse for 40 days or 21 days until the church consecration time is over

  8. Jasmin

    Lemonade day 2:) 3:35pm

    Yay day 2, feeling pretty good emotionally! It was a very very sleepy morning though, late night again after an amazing meditation meet up at a local center, got home late for that, prepped for the morning, wrote my journal pages, took many helpful sleeping herbals and had a pretty decent sleep actually. But 5 is SOO early to wake up, omgoodness!! so 5:30 I was able to get outa bed hit the SWF and it was just to chilly in my house and I was so sleepy I laid down while the SWF did its magic, ended up racing out of the house last minute, and didn’t really wake up all day, been in a sleepy, fuzzy zone all day.
    But no headaches or other complaints, just that I wanna go home to bed right now….
    psychologically I am doing good, wouldn’t call it a healing crisis day, I am betting thats gonna come 3-4th day….work a shorter day tomorrow and then got a few days off, so lots of planning to keep busy with my mind and body.
    Happy healing everyone!

  9. kelli

    lemonade diet day two
    I am doing quite well so far, I actually am surprised at myself and am feeling pretty strong emotionally.
    the SWF is hard but do-able. Not my favorite thing, I must say. I feel very much in control. I hope I continue to feel this good for the next eight days.

  10. geraldine

    day 2 of mc at first I thought I couldn’t do it cause I have tried before now look at me on day 2 holla


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