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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Psychological and Emotional Effects (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Psychological and Emotional Effects for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.
To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

What is going through your mind? We have thoughts that seem out of control when we are in our daily grind – many of these revolve around food. We may also feel stress that in turn causes us to eat, to have emotional reactions. Many people report feeling in more control while doing The Master Cleanse – alongside a sense of clarity. Do commercials about food drive you crazy? Are you more patient than ever?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY (Newbie) – Well, I’m pretty sure my will power (and self discipline) is my biggest obstacle. Even when I am not hungry I think of food. I just like to eat for all reasons (boredom, sadness, socially, pleasure) and I need to find other things to do besides eating. I have not been working out. I was feeling too cold and sick/weak and didn’t want to make it worse. I had some bouts of control but can’t wait till I am better at this! I’m tired of food controlling my thoughts! On the plus side I am already planning on doing the MC cleanse twice a year.

  2. Rebecca

    OK… so the past two days (day 5, day 6) I jot down some notes of what I will blog about related to the cleanse, then I come home from work late at night. and finish out the blog… so that’s why my posts have “early morning “and “evening” headers…

    Last night I feel asleep crying.. just releasing… not some particular upset… just needed to cry

    This morning I woke up NOT wanting to go to work… I just wanted to stay home and sleep longer… but I went to work… was fine… had plenty of energy… was productive… and did not feel any hunger til 6pm, so I drank more lemonaide mix…

    Since I bought a gorgeous turquoise blue jacket as my GOAL, its helping me stay focused… the jacket is two sizes smaller than I was last week… but i determined to lose the inches and pounds so I can wear this gorgeous garment.. its helping me psychologically

  3. Sonja

    Today is the end of day 5 for me (I started on the 14th) and my third time doing master cleanse. The first couple of times, I was so focused and had no problem not eating or missing food. This time around, wow, every day has been a struggle and I’m not sure why. I keep waiting to feel better and have that mental clarity but seems like it’s not coming fast enough. On a higher note, I didn’t have that knocked down day 3 that I had the last two times. I have had a dull headache but nothing too bad. Patiently waiting……..

  4. Alisa

    Day 5 – Lemonade Diet

    I have to say it does make a big difference reading what everyone else is going through and feeling. I have missed a few days of posting due to my schedule and just not being able to fit it in. During that time I felt like I was alone and this was just not that important to finish and maybe I should eat some fried food. Well of course that was my junk food junkie in me fighting ti get out and wreak havoc all over inside my body. Well I did not listen to that voice I am glad to report that although I was feeling a bit lightheaded that did pass. I know I did not drink enough water or lemonade that day so the next day I made sure to drink more of both and that feeling has not happened again. I also miss eating at lunch time but I have been taking short walks during that time to fill that lunch time. I have been still having the mental battles in my head on the way home from work I notice every restaurant & fast food place. When someone is eating at there desk at work I can smell the food it seems like in HD which is like smelling every little ingredient in the food. I just tell myself that I am taking action against the evil media and advertising schemes used to make us think that cupcakes, candy, chocolate and all the junk food, additives, and artificial foods are not harmful to consume and our bodies will be fine. I am fight the good fight to a happy, healthy life and better choices for meals for myself and family.

  5. Julia

    Day 5: Lemonade

    I drank a ton of lemonade yesterday ~ more than usual because we had a going-away party for the last two hours and we all brought food. I picked up this quiche that looked SO GOOD…this was a challenge! All this yummy food in a social setting, but I hung in there. I just ran off to the kitchen and drank a glass here and a glass there, but it was more than usual and I lost another couple lbs. That was the first time I’ve lost any weight in a few days. So now, I’m feeling great and facing the weekend with new motivation (the weekend is the hardest for me;). Happy cleansing!

  6. Rebecca


    oooohhh… dang…. saw the most adorable guy today when I was working… I was walking around handing out promotional fliers… then I saw his gorgeous face… and I smiled and started to walk towards him to talk… but then I shrank back realizing I’m the chubby girl so he probably doesn’t want to talk to me… so I bee-lined it to a crowd of people I know, and did not talk to him… I peeked around the corner to see if he was still there… but he was gone.. never seen him before, don’t know his name, but he really caught my eye… later I went to the restroom and it was hard looking in the mirror… all this weight, and all this emotion restricts me, or I allow it to restrict me… seeing this beautiful man only gave me stronger convictions to stick to Master Cleanse… for the RESULTS!

  7. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 5 (Newbie) – I had to add a little more maple syrup to a couple of my drinks today. I felt really bad – tired, cold, hungry, weak. I am still doing the same process of getting my lemonade, water and tea ready for the day. Apparently not drinking enough water, even though I keep plenty of purified water around. I had some heartburn last night so am not putting more cayenne pepper in the mix anymore. I may have also drank more tea than I should have yesterday, which attributed to my dehydration.

  8. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 5 (Newbie) – I really wanted to start the ease out today. I allowed myself to dehydrate extremely bad and the pain, fogginess, and cold was a little more than I wanted to put up with. Don’t get me wrong, I knew exactly what I had done wrong. Still, in that state of physical pain it was reeking havoc on my psychological state as well. Didn’t give up but definitely not going to let myself get that physically distressed again. Don’t do like I did and let yourself get dehydrated!

  9. Tia

    Lemonade Diet Day 5 Newbie

    Oh my goshness! I am so hungry. I am beginning to doubt myself. As I wrote in the other post. Seeing not weight loss results is very demoralizing and it’s hard to encourage myself to continue down the home stretch. I want to do. There is still an inner desire but I think my pangs of hunger are beginning to outweigh the torch to continue inside my heart.

    I feel good but it is hard to stay patient as I (feel that) I typically am. I just don’t know.

    At first I started by saying day by day….not I am saying hour by hour.

    Chugging along….

    • Stephanie


      Don’t give up. You’re half way through it. If you’re feeling hungry then drink more lemonade,tea or water. I haven’t lost much weight either but I’m ok with it now as the main reason for the detox is to cleanse the body with the bonus of some weight loss. YOU CAN DO THIS.

    • Susan

      Drink more lemonade……. fill your tummy up!
      get some calming tea, camomile, or kava kava, lick the maple off the spoon
      allow yourself to feel the emotions
      it will pass, I promise

    • Julia

      Tia, hang in there! You will get great results. The first time I did this I barely lost any weight until the second half of the 10 days. It will happen:)

    • Alisa


      Don’t give up I find that drinking every 2 hours helps me that way I don’t get the hunger pains and make sure to drink water in between the cups of lemonade. I think there was one day that I didn’t drink enough water and I wanted to eat everything I smelled I don’t care what it was. But that all passed I had to focus on my goal which is to ultimately get all the toxins out and kick start new eating habit which will make me lose all this excess weight I have been carrying around. I don’t see a big difference in my weight but I do feel good inside. Just tell your self each time you think about giving up that this is the beginning of the new you & healthy you with a clean slate on the inside and out. The outside will start to show up when all the toxins come out and you begin to think different about the foods you put inside your body. You can do it you made it this far!!!!

  10. Julia

    Day 4: Lemonade

    I made it past the first three days, and at moments it wasn’t easy. Especially last night when I was making my husband dinner, for some reason. It just smelled so good. But I stopped and drank two quick drinks to keep me from doing something I would regret;) And on Day 3 I was finding myself unsatisfied with the lemonade, taste-wise. This was a first. I prefer savory food to sweet and having my diet consist on a sweetened juice I found challenging yesterday. I’m sure it will pass as my mind was still pulling me to eat something. I’m at the morning of Day 4 and look forward to easier days ahead. Good luck, girls!


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