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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Social Support from Family and Friends

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Social Support from Family and FriendsĀ for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

We have probably all experienced the “What’s wrong with you?” look when telling friends or family that we are trying the Master Cleanse. And equally, most of us have at least one person in our life who supports us. The Lemonade Diet is difficult, and (dis)approval by our peers can make all the difference.

In fact, that is why I started this Master Cleanse Group Experience diary; we can support each other.

Let us know about the people and experiences you have each and every day. Who made fun of you? Who showed compassion? Who understood the cleansing, and who thought you were nuts?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Julia

    Day 7: Lemonade

    So yesterday our local football team was fighting to go to the superbowl, (there were two games, four teams left to fight it out). It was a big deal around here and my husband and I were invited to a football party. I told him to go but I chose not to. Everyone would be eating and drinking for two football games time, like 7 hours. That sounded too tempting for me right now. I had a great day on my own, though. Had to go to the store for more maple syrup & lemons to finish these last few days. I do feel stronger today and hope the next few days will be easier. Love to think about my ease-out food..thinking about a veggie mexican (spices) soup with hominy, green onions, celery, cilantro, avocado and lemon juice;) All mixed together in a blender:) Yum!! Can’t wait!!

    • Linda

      Julia, your soup sounds good! Hope your team makes it to the SuperBowl!

  2. Rebecca


    yes, yes, yes… Linda is correct… I have the MC community… and I thank you!!!! all of you are part of my IS (internet support)… I have small scants of IS (internet support) on facebook… but I post pics of lemon water, or the lemonade drink, because I like looking at the pictures… and to inspire others … like subliminal messaging!!!… if Coca Cola, Wal-Mart, and all the heavy-hitter-advertising-contenders can use subliminal messaging, why not me???…. but my messaging is COLORFUL and POSITIVE and HEALTHY… I just love, love, love the colors of all the citrus (lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits)… just so vibrant..I also have a small group of 20 female friends who are like-minded on raw vegan cuisine & spirituality… so they are part of my IS… but I have not even told them I am doing this MC cleanse… . so thank you MC Community for being part of my IS (internet support)!!!!

    it’s still early morning, so today I plan to reflect on my own IS (internal support)…. my mind and my heart and my body keep having an internal battle about this cleanse… my mind says “quit”… “you are good at quitting, so just quit”… oh that little voice is so naughty… but my heart says “heal” and encouraging the healing process… my body says “don’t stop! we need a break”… but why oh why must that naughty mind be so domineering over heart & body???… its 2-to-1 ratio, but the mind can be problematic … and this is why I’m going to ease out with this Winter Session group… then I going to tell my mind… its done… I did it… then get my IS strength to go for 40days starting in mid-February, once work settles down… 1st two weeks of Feb are the busiest weeks of the year in my seasonal employment..when work goes back to “coast mode”… then I will start a 40day cleanse

    • Linda

      Rebecca, I would like to try the 40 day cleanse too but Feb is too soon for me. My husband gave me a great idea for when I could do that – 40 days of Lent. So…if you don’t get to do yours in Feb for what ever reason. Let me know and I will be your MC buddy, again.

      • Rebecca

        Linda… the lent season sounds great!… actually I have so much weight to lose that it is safe for me to go past 40 days… the lemonade daily does get boring… but there is also so much SIMPLICITY with it… less shopping, less dishes, less mess, less fuss…. so I am open to being MC support buddy during lent! ok?

  3. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 7 (Newbie) – After yelling at my really awesome support system/family I really wanted to quit today. BUT, I didn’t and I’m not going to. I am looking forward to letting them see I can do this. My text buddy is still checking up on me so that helped tremendously. She makes me laugh and talks about her own failures so makes me feel better about mine. I am also looking forward to easing out with my MC buddies.

  4. Rebecca


    Evening thoughts:
    Well this morning started off with ZERO support… I’ve been vegetarian (or somewhere on the vegetarian continuum… mostly vegan and raw vegan the past 10yrs)… over 25 years… my mom stating how I live my life makes no sense, and that she knows ALL ABOUT NUTRITION, and I know nothing… my mom is Type 1 Diabetic, she is insulin dependent with glaucoma and neuropathy, she’s had several strokes already… its difficult for me to talk to her… I just told her point blank, “you are not supportive of me, or my children”… and then she hung up on me…. some of my weight is because I ate food as comfort, as hug, because I’m like a foreign alien to my family for being vegetarian… as I said… they do not even know I am on the Master Cleanse… it would be even worse, the ridicule and skepticism, if I told them

    • Julia


      Yeah, you are right, don’t tell them. Life is hard enough. I was a vegetarian for years and thinking of going back to it after the MC:) That is awesome you have been mostly vegan for the past 10 yrs!! I hope to get there sometime in the near future, myself. I also have emotional eating habits that I am trying to break. That is one of the things I find very interesting about MC, because you completely stop eating and have to deal with issues in other ways. I hope to keep this going after MC. Good luck! We are almost there!!

      • Rebecca

        Julia, thank you so much for your kind words of support! and yeah! we almost there!

  5. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 6 (Newbie) – I have been reading more blogs/forums about the MC to educate myself and read what others have gone through, etc. My family and friends are still the best about supporting me. They still can’t believe I am actually doing this…as am I. I try not to think about it too much. It is really great to read the journaling from my other MC buddies. Anyone else notice the lack of men doing this? HaHa, where is the stronger sex? In the gym, and bulking up? I really think this is the hardest thing I have had to do in a long, long time! I know my husband is not going to do the MC anytime soon! He can’t give up/substitute food for a day!

    • Rebecca

      Linda, lol!

  6. Rebecca


    I could never tell my mother I am doing the Master Cleanse, even though I call her almost every day. Ah, someone will say ‘give her a chance’… but remember, I’ve been vegetarian over 25 years, and she’s never accepted it… even this past Christmas she was encouraging me to eat meat… she is Type 1 diabetic and could gain alot from this Master Cleanse, if she would try… so, still, no one knows I’m doing this cleanse except my children… making breakfast for them was rough… I always want to eat potatoes for some reason…

    Gave my 2 week resignation for one of my part-time jobs… my supervisor is awesome!… its just the company that’s disorganized and toxic… he gave me a hug and said I’m making the best decision for my children and myself… now how many people get hugs from their bosses when they resign??? My 2nd resignation will be tough… the boss will be upset… but I gotta do my IS (internal support) and be in best environment for me

  7. Alisa

    Day 5 – Lemonade Diet

    I have great support from my team members at work which helps me me when I am feeling like I want to snack or drink a soda. I also have had to avoid a family dinner party at a restaurant since I do not want to watch everyone eating and take myself through that. I know that my parents understand that I am doing something to better my health and to have made a commitment to get my weight off and start making healthier choices when it comes to food.

  8. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 5 (Newbie) – I called my husband this morning when I was having all the troubles with dehydration. I seriously thought he was going to tell me to get off the cleanse (he is in the medical field AND sings in a rock band). He gave me pointers on what to do (no salt, lots of water immediately). He did not make me feel bad at all. I think he is more surprised that I am even doing this and have not quit. We love to eat!!! Luckily he travels a lot and I do not have to cook for him 3-4 days a week. My son and I went to a friend’s house tonight for pizza and a movie. My friend is also in shock that I am still cleansing. She is so supportive though. She had some peppermint/ginger tea and waters for me. It does not bother me that people eat in front of me. The smell of yummy food still makes my stomach grumble though! Why should I give up when everyone around me hasn’t given up on me? Happy Cleansing all!

    • Rebecca

      wow! Linda! your support is amazing! you are truly blessed!

      • Linda

        Thank you Rebecca. I need to remember that to give me more strength throughout the day. Don’t forget to count me and our MC buddies as your support system!

  9. Rebecca

    Did my affirmations 1st thing in the morning, maybe this blurb s/b (should be) in the Emotional/Psychological section of the Master Cleanse Diary Pages.. but remember, my new thing is I get IS… by IS (internal/internet support)… I refer to (1) internal support – IS – draw upon my own inner resources and my own inner strength, (2) internet support – IS – journaling online what is going on with me… if I just journal privately… then I am still hiding… so gotta get it out in the open public air… keeps me accountable… but internal support is the MOST important for me… I CAN DO THIS… b/c I am a SKINNY BITCH RUNNER!

    and after seeing this very gorgeous man today… I gonna try harder mustering up all the internal support for myself that I can to reach my goals

  10. Rebecca


    My new affirmation: I get my support from my online group & internally.

    So I thank you Master Cleanse Community for being a place to journal out my thoughts and feelings thru this process.

    My studies have expressed that those who journal, and those who keep track of accountability, tend to lose weight more successfully, and have a higher success rate of keeping the weight off permanently…

    So my internal supports (1) blogging on Master Cleanse (2) journaling on my work out schedule (3) writing in my personal journal (4) meeting my doctor every-other-week (5) reading my daily affirmations (6) counseling and counseling groups (7) personal reflection time for myself

    Today I have felt so good… internally and externally… having done the SWF and the precise measurements … and now weight is continuing on the downward slope after plateauing for about 3 weeks…


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