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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Social Support from Family and Friends

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Social Support from Family and Friends for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

We have probably all experienced the “What’s wrong with you?” look when telling friends or family that we are trying the Master Cleanse. And equally, most of us have at least one person in our life who supports us. The Lemonade Diet is difficult, and (dis)approval by our peers can make all the difference.

In fact, that is why I started this Master Cleanse Group Experience diary; we can support each other.

Let us know about the people and experiences you have each and every day. Who made fun of you? Who showed compassion? Who understood the cleansing, and who thought you were nuts?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Lorie Freeman

    Day 3 – my husband is a great support system. We lost our son four years ago this November – he left behind two beautiful grandsons, one in which we are raising now. He is four. I know that I really need to work on me so that I can spend more time with him and the hubby is really supportive, I havent’ been to the gym this week. I felt like a cold coming on yesterday when I woke. I feel much better tonight and plan on going to the gym tomorrow evening. Good night ALL

  2. Diana

    MC Day 2…No problems with friends or family during my 2nd day.

    I don’t spend a lot of time letting people know what I’m doing as it is not always positive feedback…so better to keep my plan to myself and wait for them to SEE the results from my progress down the road.

  3. mkbb

    I work with youth so yesterday they were looking at me like if I was crazy for drinking water with “cinnamon” (cayenne pepper) but because of self image, self esteem we the staff cannot talk about diets, fasting, cleansing. I drink water all the time but I always have added something to it or drank propel becuse plain water gives me nausea. My husband and kids support me but partially. They think that I look good and do not need to do this cleansing and feel bad about eating because they know it is very tempting to me. I will not give up, reading the posts from other people help me a lot and push me to keep going.

  4. Rebecca

    LEMONADE DIET – DAY 1 – NEWBIE VETERAN -> support system???? well, this online community is it!!!!!!!…. my children support me… but they don’t understand this cleanse… they don’t understand the raw vegan menu I had for all my “ease in” (even though we are all vegetarian)….. its ok… to be quite honest… I really do not feel I need support…. January 2014 cleanse I felt so dang proud of myself having 15hr days away from home during tax season, and staying committed and having amazing energy… my past and my future supports me!!!!… and I have all you online bloggers in this MC (Master Cleanse) community to support me now… even if we never chat, or respond to each other… I draw wisdom and awareness and connection from all the comments posted… thank you for being here to create a stronger MC community!!!!!

  5. Diana

    MC Day 1

    For the most part, people I’ve spoken to let know I was doing the MC are happy it’s not them.

    Fortunately, I live alone and for the most part am able to take this on without too much temptation from others.

    There are a few people that I know are supportive of this kind of program and I use them as mentors when it gets difficult.

  6. Sherry

    Day 1 ~ Lemonade Diet ~ Newbie
    I felt so much anxiety this weekend going into Day 1. My husband has been wonderful. He said to look at it as I HAD to do this cleanse and stick to it because it was a matter of life or death. I have been very “backed up” for months and my medical massage therapist said I needed a colonoscopy. Well, we don’t have insurance, so I thought this was a good alternative for now. My husband knows I have a habit of “quitting”, so he said not to take it one day at a time, but 4 hours at a time. Small steps!

  7. Tracy

    This is my second time doing the Master Cleanse. I failed miserably the first time, but I do feel good about it this time, a lot going on that gives me no choice but to succeed this time if I want to stay with my loved ones and be involved in them growing up. I am doing an overhaul in2014 and this is only a small part of it. I’m nauseous and really would love some junk food today and a cup of coffee but it is not going to happen! A few days and this headache and nausea will have passed and I will be successful!!! Wish me luck

  8. Rebecca

    EASE OUT – DAY 3 – NEWBIE ->

    just got home from work after being gone 8am to 11pm… worked 13 hr shift + 2hr total commute is 15hrs away from home… today I support myself by reflecting on all that I have experienced that is fresh and new… this clean feeling inside me is certainly refreshing and light and exhilarating … but I remember being blessed to live in Mt. Shasta for 3.5yrs and scoop up the natural purified water from the headwaters of the Sacramento River and drinking only this water every day for 3.5yrs… then I remember living in Santa Barbara for 5yrs and just walking out my front door and picking fresh organic lemons right off the trees (and avocados too)… this is supporting me by remembering who I really am.. where I have been… where I want to go…and I remember my grandmother making me fresh sassafras tea after she had just dug the roots out of the ground.. wishing i was drinking sassafras tea now

  9. Linda

    Ease Out DAY 3 (Newbie) – In retrospect, the only person who gave me a hard time was a girlfriend who just kept trying to get me to break the cleanse to meet her needs and wants, so I just avoided her during the whole time. She actually said “can I get you to break the cleanse and go out drinking with me?” I actually said the word “no” to her and she got the hint and never bothered me again about it. Everyone else was great. And I actually went out a lot, in the middle of temptation, a lot during the cleanse. My biggest enemy was me, the whole time. I just need to get food out of my head. Bad food anyways. Thank you for the opportunity to share. And thank you for the support MC community!

    • Digging deep

      Hey Linda,

      Well done-Funny how the closest people to you are the ones who actually tempt you and pull you off the wagon.

      Keep it up.
      I am feeling in control -I am feeling great an am really reflecting on myself.

  10. Rebecca

    EASE OUT – DAY 2 – NEWBIE ->

    When its time to release, its time to release!!! So much has happened with my body, and my life these past two weeks (3 Ease In + 10 Lemonade + 2 Ease Out)…. really, its been like a 1,000 lifetimes in two weeks… and still one more day to go… well its very hard to admit but I gained 50lbs last year during our busy work season Feb – April… so much STUFFING… and not dealing with things… today, our top-top-top manager met with me from 10.30am-5pm for my feedback and ideas to make our season this year much better… he said he did not know me, but wants to know me and learn my perspectives… my immediate supervisor was so shocked the top guy gave me all this attention.. he listened INTENTLY for 6 hours… we took 1/2 lunch break separately… cuz he had calls to make.. and I just drank my Lemonade… well… I’m releasing and losing that 50lb bundle from last year, and releasing all that havoc it caused both mentally and physically… it was incredibly supportive day… what I’ve learned is that it’s NOT the management that’s making a difference… ITS ME MAKING A DIFFERENCE… I shifted… coming out of hiding (weight is hiding in my opinion)… it me being proactive and active… all may efforts are being validated and the world is shifting in a supportive response for my efforts… today was a 14.5hr work day… but a very remarkable day of cleansing and growth!

    • Linda

      Glad to hear. Hope everything continues to go as positive as your outlook!


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