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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Social Support from Family and Friends

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Social Support from Family and FriendsĀ for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

We have probably all experienced the “What’s wrong with you?” look when telling friends or family that we are trying the Master Cleanse. And equally, most of us have at least one person in our life who supports us. The Lemonade Diet is difficult, and (dis)approval by our peers can make all the difference.

In fact, that is why I started this Master Cleanse Group Experience diary; we can support each other.

Let us know about the people and experiences you have each and every day. Who made fun of you? Who showed compassion? Who understood the cleansing, and who thought you were nuts?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Melinda

    My son brought me his leftover popcorn from the movie theater, because he knows I love it. So I had to tell him that I’m doing this cleanse and couldn’t eat it, but I appreciated his gift attempt anyway. It’s probably better that he knows I’m not eating, since tonight my stomach has started making noises like it’s trying to communicate in the language of whales. Things are getting interesting.

    • Cathy

      I love how everyone’s body is speaking loudly to them! It is rearing it’s ugly head and saying “give me food” and we are calmly saying “hush and settle down”. We are all winners in here.

  2. Cathy

    I am so impressed with both Mary and Jennifer, doing this openly so that their kids can observe. Absolutely they are training their kids to take care of their bodies!

    Many decades ago, my own mother tried to fast for her health. At that time, most people only knew about water fasting (which works, but is extremely hard on the body). My mother endured it through migraine headaches, body aches, foul moods, etc.. She did not know how to maintain what she had gained. I learned from her, but additionally, I’ve learned about nutrition. My own doctor eats a plant-based diet and is teaching their 6 and 10 yr olds to eat for their health. A joy to witness.

    Every woman in this cleanse, I applaud you. You aren’t quitters. I enjoy reading your posts. Some have felt awful, but kept going. Doubtless, you’ve read reviews on GOOGLE which had you questioning yourself. I love a group of ladies who post their misery and say “oh well–see you all tomorrow”.

    And now, I will see you all tomorrow. I will chance it and let you all know that I’m getting ready to watch the Republican debates here shortly. If I can’t eat, I’m going to watch something interesting and sip a Cajun lemonade martini.

  3. Mary

    Jennifer that is sweet of your kids. I can relate -My 10th grader this morning, came up to me and said “Mom, I want you to know that you are doing a great job on your cleanse”. It’s great to get the acknowledgement and their support. PLUS I hope I am teaching them something about taking care of their health and their body.

    My husband is supportive but I think the SWF freaks him out a little! Especially after this morning gag fest during it….. oh well. I will try again tonight I hope!

    My colonic lady has done the MC many times over the past 12/13 years, so was able to give me a lot of support yesterday when I saw her. I may call her today and ask for her input on the SWF gag fest that happened today!

    • Cathy

      Salt water gag fest! You are so funny!!

  4. Jennifer

    Newbie Lemonade Day #3 – My two middle children are in high school and are both in the upcoming musical – so they had rehearsal after school. My son walked in the door carrying a drink and some food and I said “where did you go?” He replied that they went to Arby’s and he got some loaded curly fries to share with me. He acted like this was such a nice thing for him to do! Then he looked at me, and said “Oh, Mom, I am so sorry! I totally forgot that you aren’t eating!” I asked him to please eat in the kitchen so I didn’t have to watch him eat, and he was totally agreeable. My daughter yelled from her bedroom “I’m eating in here so you don’t have to watch!” Yeah, I know, that’s not healthy for her, but I am still pleased that they are willing to make some sacrifices to support me.

    • Cathy

      Great kids. I enjoy hearing that.

  5. Melinda

    I have been feeling a bit chilly today but since I had to stay in bed I can burrow under the covers. My husband is still on the fence about me doing this cleanse. He wants to be supportive but seeing me feeling so sick bothers him. The one friend I told that I was doing this cleanse has been very supportive. She texted me today and asked how Day 3 was going. She has encouraged me and tells me I’m doing great. I’m not actually doing much of anything activity-wise, but once I feel better I have lots of plans.

  6. Cathy

    It certainly helps not to have told many people about this. No one is checking up on me. Wonderful! My husband asked tonight if he could make me a virgin lemon/cayenne martini. His way of supporting me. He still makes good-smelling meals! I have experienced being cool. I’m on a heating pad right now. Ahhhh, there was a disagreement last night before bed. My husband said “the combination of you being on a cleanse and me being tired probably is not helping”. We got through it.

  7. Mary

    My friends and family have been great so far! Nothing negative at al. My kids ask me how its going and have been great about making their own snacks and cleaning up after them selves. My husband is pretty supportive too….. I am concerned that when we don’t have our normal date night with dinner, wine whatever that he may feel a bit neglected. He wants to go out of town this weekend to one of our favorite getaways in the mountains…. but I don’t think I can go ! The have amazing restaurants and we always have great wines there. I just don’t want to put that much temptation in my way. I kind of hope he goes with the kids without me…. they can play in the snow up there and have a blast and I can have 2 days with no food smells LOL

    • Cathy

      I agree with you. That would be too much temptation for me and would only fuel a disagreement. Is there a reason he chose THIS weekend to do this as opposed to the weekend following your last day of TMC?

      • Mary

        I’m working the weekend after the MC…. and he wants to hit the snow before it melts!

  8. Jennifer

    My husband is my biggest supporter. At first, right before I left to go to the grocery store, he was asking me all sorts of questions and kind of bringing me down. I finally said “Look, I really want to do this, and I need your support because I am about to start crying and just give up before I’ve even started!”. Since then, he has been the perfect supporter. He even helped me mix and measure the first day. Tonight, as I got to work and saw all the yummy goodies available, I texted him and his response was “You got this. Keep your eye on the prize. I love you.”.

    My kids have also been great. They are very appreciative that I did not get rid of all the food in the house (as was suggested on one of the sites I was on). So, they ask me how I am, how it tastes and encourage me to keep going. If I fail, I will feel like I am failing them as much as myself.

    My coworkers have no idea. I’m just trying to stay out of the breakroom!

    • Cathy

      Great husband! A real keeper.

      • Jennifer

        YES HE IS!!

  9. Melinda

    I do not feel comfortable telling people that I am doing this cleanse because they might try to talk me out of it. My husband knows, and one friend. That’s it. I am really uncomfortable whenever people watch me eat or comment about what I do or do not eat. It seems so intrusive. I don’t even like it when people comment that I’ve lost weight and look good, because I feel scrutinized. So although I want the support, I guess I don’t know how to go about getting it without making the experience more complicated.

    • Cathy

      when someone asks you about it, turn it around on them and ask “why do you ask?”. If they are negative, simply say “thank you!” and move away from that person, and if they tell you this is dangerous (I’ve heard this more than the other), ask them which research on this cleanse are they referring to, because 90% of what you have read is positive. If they comment on what you drinking, ask them if they would like a glass. You can also say that your nutritionist recommended this cleanse (they don’t have to know your nutritionist is The Master Cleanse website). Your best defense is a great big smile, and then kindly moving to somewhere else.

      • Melinda

        Such excellent suggestions! My husband thinks this is a starvation diet, and although I tried to explain to him that it is not, I can tell he is unconvinced. I am such a newbie I don’t really know how to share the things I am just learning myself.

  10. Cathy

    Mary, I was born and raised in Pasadena, California. I am over here in Texas now. We are having gorgeous days, but cool. I am doing fine so far, and I’m sure I will make it to the end. Only a few quick twinges or tweaks. My cousin contacted me about using Grade A syrup. I only know that Grade B is recommended, I believe for the mineral content that is needed during a cleanse.

    Right now a lot of bile is being expelled, which has been typical for me on other master cleanses. It is very dark yellow. I have been visiting the powder room pretty much all day. I love how the body lets you know, in tiny areas, that things aren’t normal! It is simply letting us know, “hello? do you realize you forgot to eat dinner?”


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