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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Weight Loss and Physical Results

This page is a Support Topic Page for Weight Loss and Physical Results for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Weight Loss – Even though The Lemonade Diet is about so much more that weight loss, it is still an effective reduction diet. Weigh yourself each day. How much weight did you lose today? Are you happy or disappointing with the results? What were your expectations? Some people loose weight the day they start The Lemonade Diet. Some people don’t lose weight until well into the diet. Describe your daily experiences.

Physical – Talk about the way your body is reacting to the cleanse. Do you feel full of energy? Do you feel like you have a cold? Headaches on Day 2 but feeling great on day 8? Think about it, how do you feel today? Just pretend you are talking to your best friend and complaining about the hard parts and raving about the good.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Marilyn W.

    I’m on my 7th day and I must say I feel great. Iv lost weight and feel lighter. Today in church I got so many compliments on how great I look. Being a food lover i never in a million years would have thought that i could do something like this for a day, let alone 7. I feel so empowered. Most of the posts iv read were from people who are doing it for 10-14 days but I’m shooting for the full 40 days. Is anyone else with me?

  2. Brandy

    I don’t own a scale and truly weight loss wasn’t my main reason for doing this cleanse, although I could stand to lose about forty pounds. I can feel the fat falling off me now on day eight. I felt lighter the first couple days but I am sure that’s from having nothing in my system. Today however with all the water retention gone, I really feel my body shifting and changing shape. I can feel my hip bones again! I love it!!

  3. Patrick

    Its 2 am Tuesday morning. Im at work. This is second day for me. I didnt sleep well yesterday. I should sleep better today. I feel a little sluggish but not too bad. The juice picks me up. Surprising, I have not been that hungry. Maybe I can actually do this. Have to try the salt water after sleep today. I skipped this yesterday.

  4. Lori

    Day 3 and feeling lighter and my body feels better. I’ve got a lot to lose, like 60~ lbs Yikes! I have lots of physical problems that singing in our band helps by getting my mind off the back, neck, jaw (tmj) pain and I hope this helps me with the arthritis, too.

  5. Brandy

    Day Two. My tongue is kinda sore. I always seem to get this symptom when I do the cleanse and by day five its like my tongue has grown fur. so gross. What is that and why does it do that? I once read that you know your done a cleanse when your tongue goes back to normal. I feel good other then the tongue issue. Hungry of course but not a physical hunger, more a gurgling belly for all the foods i used to shovel into my mouth like they were going out of style. Could this be why my tongue is stressing out… wondering where all the starch is??

  6. tara

    I am just finishing day 6 of ten. I had one prep day before I started, I only ate fruits and vegetables. My start weight was 168.8 and this morning I was 160.8.
    I have stopped working out during the cleanse. Also some very interesting poops lol.
    I had to add more salt to the SWF as it wasn’t working, went for 3 teaspoons.
    Very happy with the cleanse so far, feeling lighter. I wont be disappointed when I gain 5 pounds back once my system fills back up. i am feeling motivated to eat a clean diet once this is all over and may even follow with the wild rose cleanse in a few weeks.

    • Mike Olaski

      Hi Tara, thanks for sharing. Don’t create the decision that you will gain the weight back. You certainly don’t have to. Like with any weight loss, if you go back to a surplus situation, you will gain weight. Simply don’t do that. Eat for energy, and wellness and you will be fit the rest of your life. Sounds like you have a great plan for After The Master Cleanse. Good luck, and happy cleansing!

  7. Charlene

    Well, it’s Day 21 for me. The cravings really do kick in and then when I drink the lemonade they subside (until the next craving). I really do believe that this cleanse is great for my health and digestive system and I plan on doing it at least twice per year. I feel so much more healthy and hopefully I can reach my weight goal soon. Originally I was 13 pounds away from my weight goal — now I’m 15 pounds away. I upped my goal btw. Wishing everyone the best!!!

  8. Charlene

    I’m finishing Day 9. So far I’ve lost 7 pounds. I’m 13 pounds away from my weight goal (I was 20 pounds away from it). My biggest mistake was using bottled lemon juice for the first 6 days. (Boy, was I upset). I was only losing .2 pounds per day and 1 day I had even gained a pound. After I started having freshly squeezed lemon juice, the weight started coming off. My biggest problem is my tummy and waist. I haven’t lost any inches at all!!! It’s so discouraging. My skin is actually glowing. Yesterday I actually gained .2 pounds??? Not sure what’s going on, but I plan on continuing it until I reach my goal. I DO need encouragement. (We all do) :)

  9. Marilyn

    I lost 2 lbs yesterday and .5 lb on day 1 but it was a miserable 48 hours.

  10. Eve Shaw

    Well, it’s day one. Weight, I keep stepping on the weight monitor every time I go to the bathroom and it’s fluxing. One time I am 209 than 207 and back to 209. So, I decided to early morning weigh in only for journaling. On the physical side I can say I don’t feel different. I feel full as if I had eaten. When I I got hunger pains just another cup of lemon. But I can say I over did my walking. I felt pretty weak on the way back home. So I am going to modify it down to 15 minutes and work it back up maybe 30. My niece did say my skin glowed.


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