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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Psychological and Emotional Effects (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Psychological and Emotional Effects for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.
To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

What is going through your mind? We have thoughts that seem out of control when we are in our daily grind – many of these revolve around food. We may also feel stress that in turn causes us to eat, to have emotional reactions. Many people report feeling in more control while doing The Master Cleanse – alongside a sense of clarity. Do commercials about food drive you crazy? Are you more patient than ever?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 8 –

    Today has been a good day emotionally. I feel like for the most part my emotions were “normal”… yes I did have my moments of feeling frustrated and such, but I think it was within the realm of normal levels. haha! I am so excited to be nearing the end of this journey. 10 full days! Wow! I have to admit I’m kind of impressed with all of us. :)

    I am still loving my recipes and food pictures, I’m thinking ahead to menus after the cleanse. My husband was eating a snickers bar while we watched TV and I literally stole it from him at one point and just smelled it and smelled it. LOL I am concerned that once the cleanse is officially over I will go right back to just eating anything and everything again! I guess willpower really does have to do with where your motivation is coming from. It’s been relatively easy to turn down all the “extra” foods because I’m more committed to cleansing right now… but once I am not doing the MC, it will be much harder to say no to that occasional candy bar, or bag of popcorn, etc.

    I guess I still have two days to prepare myself!

  2. Melissa

    Day 8 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Psychological and Emotional.
    Hi guys! Today was a pretty mellow day. I stayed up way late last night researching Juicing and Raw Diet information so I slept in this morning. Other than turning on the Wii to check my BMI and weight, I didn’t do anything that took any kind of exertion. I am really getting excited about the ease out days ahead and I want to be prepared so that I don’t end up back at square one. There is so much to learn and I start hyper focusing, before I know it it’s 5 in the afternoon.

    I want to eat a combination of foods that will break each other down, like eating green beans when you have steak. The truth is, I don’t know anything about any of it. Journaling exactly what I eat seems tedious and I’m not sure that I will really put in the time. This group cleanse process has been really great, but I’m not sure I would sustain it everyday throughout the year. I do like the idea of the video blog. I watched a ton of You Tube videos, and I really liked the idea of documenting a process. I’m not sure how long I will stay focused.

    When I first started researching the Master Cleanse, I was really interested in the “1 year later” videos. I wanted to see what the long-term influences were. This is not a “drive by” for me. This is about quality of life, it is about being able to do the things that I enjoy without being doubled over and out of breath. It is about living.

    Maybe doing a video blog would help me to focus.

  3. Sloan

    Lemonade – Day 6,7,8

    Psychological Emotional – On the 6th day I was practically glowing radiant all day. I was at a women’s gathering, and the food smelled so incredibly amazing. Everyone eats when they are finished with the meeting. I simply left before the feast began. Torture does not have to be on the menu! Then on day 7 I plummeted. Low energy and kind of whiney, I basically took it easy all day yesterday. I felt very lethargic, and I rested a lot. Today I feel almost the same. My head feels swimmy; like I would have thought it would feel in the beginning of the cleanse. I want to think that all the toxins have already been cleaned out, but I wonder if some space in my body is being more deeply cleaned. I still have pimples, although many of the earlier ones are clearing up. Yay! I want food and I’m pretty grumpy about it. I really am having to push through here. My intention with this cleanse is to reset my digestive system and clean out my colon so that my system will absorb a greater percentage of nutrients from all the healthy food I already eat. I feel I’ve met that goal. Since this is my first cleanse, I am willing to push through another two days and sit with this uncomfortability, at least just to see if it passes, and if so, what it is like on the other side of this blah avalanche. I’ve made it this far, so I’m sure another two days is nothing. I do have to find times where I totally distract myself, whether it is to watch a movie or go for (another) walk. Anything to keep my mind occupied. Still, I keep bringing myself to the present, knowing that I’m really okay and doing well enough.

  4. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 8 …

    After my little lay in this morning, once I woke after my dream and to eliminate the SWF, I did actually try again to go back to sleep, but I just couldn’t. My bf was laid there, mouth open, snoring like a trooper – but I just had to get up and about.
    …Believe me, this is not me. I am just overwhelmed with positivity and energy at the moment. I never want it to end.

    2 more days to go, I have loved counting this down and am still as excited as I was on day 5 about Easing Out.

    Still no caffeine headaches – I tell you what did happen today though.
    Whilst cooking my bf’s lunch, I cut open a bag of frozen peas and managed to completely and utterly slice my finger open.
    O my days! I thought I was going to die. Marc was out at the shops, so after grabbing a tea towel and squeezing my finger to stop the bleeding… I tunnel visioned and was so close to passing out.
    Stitches and a bandage later, I am fine :) – I just have a very numb arm.
    Needless to say, this horrific episode gave me a headache and my hand was throbbing. The doctor offered me a pain killer and after 2 responses of “No Doctor, my body is a temple” (LOL) I had to give in.

    I am now a little depressed with the Paracetamol currently in my system :(

    So yeah, that was my highlight of the day! Very pleased I didn’t ‘drink’ the maple syrup today.

    2 days to go, 2 days to go………Bring them on!

  5. Kim

    Day 8 – Lemonade Diet

    Ok, so just writing and saying “Day 8” gives me this sense of major accomplishment, but I’m also having very low moments as well. My mind is really playing tricks on me. One second I’m thinking, “what am I doing?”, then “This is good for me”, then “Am I losing too much muscle”, then “You’re doing great and it’s only 3 more day”, etc, etc, etc. Arrrrg! I just feel like I’m having these ups and downs all day. I also am really starting to miss food, the smell, the taste, the texture, everything about it. I know on day 11 we still cannot have food but I’m looking forward to a change from the lemonade. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like the taste of the lemonade, but I really enjoy variety in my everyday food choices, so the same thing for 10 days has been very difficult for me. On the bright side, only 3 more days.

  6. Melissa

    Day 7 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Psychological and Emotional. An ANOTHER AWESOME day. Today seemed like a day without drama, which made it perfect. It was the day I had been hoping day 5 would have been. I spent the morning with my mom and older brother running around for some last minute things he needed before he headed back home to Barcelona, and then it was onto the toy store for a gift for my sister-in-laws’ niece whose 3rd birthday party was today. I love my family very much, and spending time with them doing “whatever” is really special. I was able to be more at ease when talking about the Master Cleanse. Other people had either done it, done something similar, or had a friend and or co-worker who had done it. The reception was met with empathy, support and admiration.

  7. Marian

    Lemonade Diet Day 7

    Feeling a little sluggish on Day 7. I tell you…I didn’t eat many of those crackers but they were the death of my MC! I haven’t felt like this since before we began. That is proof that what we put into our symptoms affect how we feel regardless of how much sleep we get.

    I’m still having cravings and I want to eat like a wild beast. That is one of the main reasons why I’m staying on the MC longer than 10 days. I need to kill those bad habits to mindlessly overeat. Liz mentioned needing to form a better relationship with food. I too have been battling that ALL MY LIFE. And unlike smoking or drinking alcohol, one cannot just sever ties with eating altogether. You must make peace with food and learn to have a healthy relationship with it.

    I’m working toward that — With that we press toward Day 8!

    • Kim

      I totally get what you’re saying about the healthy relationship with food. I often compare my addiction to food with an alcoholics addiction to booze. Like you said Marian, we just cannot sever the ties with food. I believe food is the hardest addiction to overcome.

  8. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 7 –

    I’m thrilled that day 7 is almost complete! Only 3 more days to go. I went to a movie with a friend today and the smell of movie popcorn was glorious. I just wanted to sit there and take deep giant breaths for as long as possible! Although at the same time I *know* that’s pure junk. Yick! But I’ll be honest, I would have loved to order popcorn and a sprite. Sigh. So as my friend ate her popcorn and soda – I got to thinking about how after the cleanse I wanted to stay gluten free. Well none of the things she was eating – that I wanted – had gluten in them…. but I know they are not healthy and are a totally different type of pitfall awaiting me when I’m done cleansing. UGH! Maybe I could wean myself off by only ordering the popcorn and a water? The popcorn was way more enticing than the soda. But you know, once you have that salty popcorn, the only real thing that goes with it is sugary soda! Maybe I should just stay away from it all!

    I know a challenge I will have after the cleanse is staying away from emotional eating. I am worried about that a bit. On the fast I don’t have to worry because I feel like I can drink as much as I possibly want, whenever I want, and still be in a realm of healthy. But when I’m consuming anything and everything again – emotional hang ups will have me reaching blindly for the desserts and baked goods. and probably not even realizing how much I’m consuming until it’s too late.

    Trying to plan what I’m going to say to my parents on the ease out days….emotionally challenging to say the least! haha

  9. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 7 …

    Another day down. I’m still loving doing these daily posts, it helps to stay focussed.
    Today I let myself down by not being prepared, but I am not going to let it get to me – I am going to forget about it and breeze into Day 8. DAY 8!!!! OMG, 3 more days to go.

    Emotionally – I do miss food and buying my soups today helped me to feel normal again by having something other than lemons in the shopping trolley.
    I wake up happy every morning, energised and without a headache. I feel so happy that caffeine is completely out of my system. I really hope to never get hooked on it again.

    Psychologically – I am having the weirdest of dreams just recently. I am over eating and feeling sick. I feel depressed and like a failure. It’s only when I open my eyes and realise it’s a dream, that I am overcome with relief.
    Is this weird? I do know that I need to develop a better relationship with food and I just hope this is the start to that.

    i have my food plan for when I am back on solids. I am doing something called ‘The Cohen’s Lifestyle Plan’ – has anyone heard of it?
    I have been on it for a couple of months now and since this rash developed, breaking my plan and completing The Master Cleanse was so not advised by my consultant, in fact, she has no idea.
    I weigh in, 2 weeks after this detox, so as soon as I’ve fully Eased Off, I shall be 100% back on my Cohen’s plan.

    For the first time on that plan – I simply cannot wait :)

    • Karli

      I’ve not heard of the Cohen’s plan… What is it? I’m also trying to plan my meals for once I’m done cleansing :) I eat much wiser when I’ve planned ahead.

      • Liz Nichol

        Hey Karli,

        The plan I am doing is in Australia, but I googled to see if there was a worldwide one. I found this .com one, but no address details, so not sure where these Clinics are located.

        I could write up a lot about it for you, but don’t want to overly ‘Market’ it on The Master Cleanses website, so jump on their website and have a read on it :)

        The plan isn’t for everyone – but I have had great success from it and with me starting with such a poor relationship with food. I have found it by far, the best weight-loss plan I have ever done… and i’ve done a lot.

        In total I have now lost 110lbs. This plan has helped me get through the hardest part of that journey.

        • Karli

          Wow! You are amazing! and those are fantastic results. I will definitely look it up more, thank you!

    • Melissa

      LOL – I bought some vegetable broth today too!! I didn’t get soup, I was afraid I might eat it, but I was also psyched to have something in the cart other than lemons. Your dream is actually a great dream! It means you have moved to a new place psychologically. In AA we have “drunk dreams” and we wake up wondering if we actually “went out” again. They are stress dreams, but I think they show us just how important the changes we have made in our lives really are to us. If we are so afraid of what we were then, what we are now must be worth protecting. :) Yay! you’re awesome.

      • Liz Nichol

        Hey Melissa,

        Thank you sooooo much for your post – You’ve made my evening :)))))))

        It is so encouraging to hear that my dreams may be a result in me finally winning my fight against food and that it is my subconsciouses way of making me aware of this.
        I love how you related it to AA’s teachings – I wish they did an overeaters anonymous meeting or something here I could go to. They might actually do them, i’ve never even thought to look it up – lol.

        You made me laugh about the soups. I had to freeze mine, so I didn’t sleep walk and wake up with a spoon in my mouth. Hahaha – it’s so funny how our minds work hey?!

        It’s been so great experiencing this journey with you guys. We are all very awesome people and I really hope that our banter has helped lots of others too.

        Thank you so much again.

        Take Care.

  10. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 6 –

    Emotionally – I’m really worried about this rash that is threatening to show on my face. I can feel it allllll over. I wanted to do this cleanse to detox, but since the first 3 days went so well as far as detox symptoms (or lack thereof) I guess I thought it would continue. I’m being vain, I KNOW, but I really don’t want a full facial rash!!

    AND, I know that if the symptoms aren’t gone by day 10, I should really stay on the cleanse. for the rash, for my foot, everything – but I just can’t. I can’t do more than 10 days. :( I’m only physically ready for 10 days. I’m only emotionally ready for 10 days. Even my schedule is only ready for 10 days!

    In other emotional news – I’m thrilled that this is the end of day 6, and tomorrow is 7! and that is getting SO close to 10!! Bring it on!!!


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