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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Psychological and Emotional Effects (My Experience)

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Psychological and Emotional Effects for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.
To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

What is going through your mind? We have thoughts that seem out of control when we are in our daily grind – many of these revolve around food. We may also feel stress that in turn causes us to eat, to have emotional reactions. Many people report feeling in more control while doing The Master Cleanse – alongside a sense of clarity. Do commercials about food drive you crazy? Are you more patient than ever?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Melissa

    Ease Out Day 1 – First time master cleanse – Psychological and Emotional.
    I feel great. I have energy and I’m getting stuff done. I went his morning to take my road test to get my driver’s license and I passed. I’m FREE. I’m a free woman. I can go everywhere. I can go hiking, I can go to the beach, I can go to the river, I can just go. Everything that happened today contributed to my newly found freedom, including this Master Cleanse process. I feel strong, I did 10 days of the lemonade diet, and I feel like I can do anything. I really needed this boost to my self esteem, and now I want to share it. I’m not really sure how to do that yet, but I do know that the situation will present itself and I will be ready.

  2. Liz Nichol

    Ease-Out – Day 1 …

    What a journey! I still can’t believe that we did it. I really don’t want to ever fall back into my bad habits again – If I can do this, I can do anything. I truly believe that now.

    After my detox symptoms went away, every day got easier and easier and it reached the point where I was rising in the morning on top of the world. I don’t think that anything has ever made me feel so positive about myself before. It has been amazing!

    I almost want to experience more of this type of life. The healthy body, healthy mind, healthy lifestyle. I want to meditate and do yoga and help others find their inner happiness.
    One day.
    Firstly, I need to ensure I can maintain this change in my life. My mind is in the right place, now, lets focus on living it.

    I’m REALLY looking forward to my soups tomorrow. I am craving carrots and bananas! CARROTS and BANANAS?!?!? – My mother would pass-out if she heard me say that! What a change.
    I will post on EO Day 2 and 3 and then that’s it from me.

    Thank you for everything.

  3. Karen

    Lemonade Diet – Day 10
    – 2nd MC

    Congratulations to everyone who is finishing up today. I have enjoyed journalling during this experience and hearing about everyone elses experience. I feel absolutely fabulous now. Now that I’ve been feeling better for a few days I really see what a difference the food I put into my body does to me emotionally. I know I eat to make myself feel better, but this just shows to me again that eating simple carbs and sugars and much of the junk has a depressing effect on me. I am much happier all the time without them, so it is not worth the momentary satisfaction of eating the food.

  4. Marian

    Lemonade Diet Day 10

    We are done. Yes, very excited and proud of this accomplishment. More importantly, I’m so impressed with the results. I feel great.

    So much energy, no pain in my joints, less bloat in my gut. And I was never STARVING. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to eat: BADLY. But never did I experience extreme dizziness or signs of physical weakness. Maple syrup is some powerful stuff.

    I am kinda bummed that I didn’t post EVERY DAY. I got out of sync for a few days this week. Grr. I think that’s what is most disappointing. I was hoping to document every day. Oh well. Next time. I do plan on doing the next Group Cleanse again. I hope you all do too! Esp now that we know what to expect.

    • Karen

      Congratulations Marion.

    • Melissa

      Yaaaaaay!! See ur posts in January?

  5. Melissa

    Day 10 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Psychological and Emotional.
    DAY FRACKIN 10 BABY!!!!!! WE MADE IT! So I was thinking, we are like a graduating class. We are the class of Fall 2012. Yay! I am amazed that I made it. I went to the store and got my oranges and a whole bunch of veggies for juicing. I’ve never juiced before. To be honest I really don’t know that much about vegetables, (except for salad – I love salad – when I was 8 years old I turned down chocolate cake and asked if I could finish the salad – no joke.) Is it better to clean kale, cilantro, mint first and then put it in the fridge? What is the best way to store and prepare vegetables for juicing? I’m soooooooo excited! I got berries and I’ve researched recipes, I ordered a juicer – This Apartment is Going RAW. It’s like I can’t wait for tomorrow to be over so I can start juicing. I got other groceries as well and I really read the labels! I really want to change my approach to food. I want to make my own soups, juice, and eat a lot of protein. (I have ADD and protein is great for ADD). I’m so happy.

    • Karli

      Good job!!! Happy juicing!

  6. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 10 –

    It’s finally here. Day 10. The last day. I have to admit, this is proving to be the hardest day emotionally for me. I’m just SO ready to be done. It’s almost deceiving, I’m on day 10, but I still can’t eat!! I made some super yummy looking zucchini muffin french toast bites for my daughter for lunch (coconut flour – no sugar, no grains, no milk) topped with apples and some of my maple syrup. Not tasting that was SOOOOO hard.

    I also found out today that earlier in the week we were invited out to dinner with my BIL and SIL and my hubby declined since it was a new pricey restaurant that we haven’t eaten at yet. He wanted to wait until I could eat as well. While I think he was trying to be sweet and not leave me out, we ended up not spending that time with family. :( I’m bummed about that!

  7. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 10 …

    Well, what a relief. I am so proud of myself for deciding to do this and seeing it through to the end.

    To say it has been easy is completely inaccurate. It has been hard, especially the first few days and getting through my caffeine withdrawal and detox symptoms, but in the long run, it has been so worth it.

    My mind is calm and positive, my body is relaxed and energised – I have never felt like this before in my life and it is amazing to think that 4 simple ingredients can have such an impact on your body and your life.

    Thank you The Master Cleanse.

  8. Melissa

    Day 9 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Psychological and Emotional.
    Hi there. Before I begin I just have to let you know that I’m writing this after an insanely long day full of ups and downs. A good number of emotional buttons have been hit today and I’m trying to relax and let things settle. As I mentioned yesterday, I took my friend in for an angioplasty. As with every hospital visit, it was hurry up and wait from the beginning. We were there on time, but the doctor was already 2 people behind by 9 am.

    Getting out of the house and driving to the hospital was rough. I was extra bitchy and picking on everything from the way the cats were fed to the navigation abilities of my comrade. He was heading to the doctor, not me, and I was bitch on steroids. The more that came pouring out of my mouth the angrier I became with myself. I kept thinking, “What is the matter with me?” “Why is this even coming out of my mouth?”

    I believe fear was driving it. My father had gone into the hospital for an angioplasty, and he left the in a coffin.

    The test got underway around 3:30pm and the results were grim. “He’s a lot sicker than we thought.” The doctor said.

    They will be running a battery of tests for the rest of this week and perhaps surgery next week.

    Images of my dad raced through my mind. I couldn’t hold the tears back.

  9. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 9 –

    I’m so psyched! I can’t believe tomorrow is day 10!!!! I’m so proud of myself. I’m just thrilled that I made it, I even slightly considered going farther and for THAT I’m proud! Even though I’m not going to extend it, just the thought that I now know I *could* do it, is exciting!

    I’m also excited to finally be jazzed about sharing the cleanse with other people. The last time I did it through for the full 10 days, I didn’t have that “cleansers high” I hear about, and am experiencing this time. I did 10 days, but more out of duty? or something? than desire. I WANTED this, this time. and I’ve accomplished it (almost) and I’m SO proud of myself. I am breaking some of the emotional bonds I’ve had with food and I have faith in myself that I can keep that up when I’m eating normally again.

  10. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 9 …

    Well today I was absolutely tired to death. I was up all night because of my finger and the painkillers I took yesterday left me waking with a really bad headache – So not the greatest start to the day. Just proves how bad painkillers are to your body.

    On a brighter note, I bought my Organic Oranges today… Yay!!
    I shall also take my soup out of the freezer tomorrow. I have never been so excited about eating healthy food before in my life.

    This is truly one of the best journey’s I have ever made.
    I am so happy I decided to do this Master Cleanse and very proud of myself for having the will power to see it through. I shall most definitely promote it to friends and family after I have the experience to share.
    I know it is difficult to talk about it currently, but that is because I am living it and will be better prepared to defend it after I have my experience I can utilise.

    I cannot believe that tomorrow is Day 10… 1 more SWF and 3 more Lemons to go….
    I’m a very happy girly.

    • Karli

      I totally agree on the being able to talk about it after the fact. I’m excited to bring it up! Whereas before I’ve always tried to avoid the topic. I mean, I’m still avoiding it for now, but by friday or saturday?! Bring it on! :)


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