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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Social Support from Family and Friends

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Social Support from Family and Friends for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

We have probably all experienced the “What’s wrong with you?” look when telling friends or family that we are trying the Master Cleanse. And equally, most of us have at least one person in our life who supports us. The Lemonade Diet is difficult, and (dis)approval by our peers can make all the difference.

In fact, that is why I started this Master Cleanse Group Experience diary; we can support each other.

Let us know about the people and experiences you have each and every day. Who made fun of you? Who showed compassion? Who understood the cleansing, and who thought you were nuts?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 9 –

    I’m almost not even worried about talking about the cleanse with my family this weekend! Almost ;-) My foot just looks SOO good! and my mom saw it earlier when it wasn’t so good. She didn’t see it at its worst, but she definitely saw it bad. and Now?! Now I am almost shouting from the rooftops that this cleanse is the best thing EVER! I’m finally not dreading talking to people about it! I am going to even talk about it on facebook when the ease out is over! (haha, see that little bit of resistance still?)

    My face is clearing up, my foot is 99% better, and I’ve lost weight! My clothes fit better, my confidence is way higher – what’s not to love? I guess it’ll be an even better testimony if I can keep the weight off and the rash and foot issues stay gone – but we’ll see. :)

    For the first time, I’m not horrified by the thought of talking about the cleanse in a social setting! This feels GREAT!

  2. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 9 …

    Today I am still not happy about going to a family dinner in a couple of days and not eating AGAIN… I am worried they’ll think i’m strange.
    I got away with it last week, because I faked a works conference and turned up late, saying that i’d eaten there.
    So, with not eating again, I’m either going to have to admit I was lying before, or say that i’ve just started a cleanse or come up with a brand new excuse…

    I should have just been honest with them from the beginning. If i’d only known that this 2nd Birthday was coming up, i’d have been a bit more tactful from the start. Lol – Ah well, i’m sure it will be just fine.

    I’m still enjoying cooking the families dinners and lunches. I can’t wait to finally be included. I think that my bf is excited for me too. Lol.

    Not long now.

  3. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 8 –

    Well I told my mom. We were on the phone talking about something else and I briefly mentioned why I wouldn’t be taking her up on her offer of dinner…. and then I changed the subject right away! It didn’t come up again. But I don’t know if that was a very good way to do it. Of course I’m doubting everything and playing it over and over in my mind. I phrased it “finishing up a cleanse” which wasn’t exactly accurate, so now on the weekend when I’m STILL finishing up the cleanse, she might feel like I wasn’t being honest, or hiding something, or just be judgmental about it. I so hope she doesn’t make me feel bad for it. I can show her my foot at least and show her how much doing this cleanse has helped my body!

  4. Melissa

    Day 8 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Social Support Family Friends.
    I haven’t really talked about the Master Cleanse with anyone today. Today has been about other people. My mom went to the doctor for a second opinion (kind of) regarding her Achilles tendon and we talked about that. And I talked to my friend about the angioplasty and his feelings. I guess if I were to write about “social support” it would have come from my research and You Tube. I wish I could say more, but today just wasn’t really “all about me” ha-ha, believe it or not.

  5. Sloan

    Lemonade – Day 6,7,8

    Social Support – I have a lot of support from my friends in the women’s circle. People basically just ask me about my experience without showing any judgment around my experiment. It feels really nice. My dog still hasn’t agreed to do her own cooking, but that’s okay. It’s not very tempting anyhow.

  6. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 8 …

    I’m going to miss you guys, it’s like our little MC family! Hahaha….

    I haven’t really had much time to think about support today, as me and my bf have been really busy around the house and I have been cooking left, right and centre.
    I really enjoy it and it helps keep me engaged with food.

    I did get an invite today though from my bf’s Sister. It is his Brother-in-laws birthday on Wednesday! (How did these events conveniently take place during my cleanse???!) – NIGHTMARE!!

    Well, after a long and slightly abrupt conversation with my bf, I can’t back out of it – even though we’ve only been given 2 days notice.

    It is at a restaurant called Grilled. Which means Burgers and Ribs and Steak and Chicken and the sweetest smelling sauce aromas in the world.
    I shall be on my Ease Out Day one, so have decided to accept the invite, but make her aware that I won’t be eating. I said I would explain it on the day, so if anyone does decides to be negative and try putting me off; before it has a chance to sink in, I will be on Ease Off Day 2 and reintroducing whole foods the following day.

    I will just have to ride through the night – Wish me good luck.

  7. Melissa

    Day 7 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Social Support Family Friends. People can be really supportive, receptive, honest and open. I was amazed talking to my family today. When we went to the birthday party and the door opened, the most incredible smells greeted us. Indian food. My favorite: homemade Indian food. I’m practically drooling right now as I’m recalling how incredible the house smelled.

    So I got to listen to people tell me about their experience with food, diet, and exercise. It’s like our forum here on the We are not alone and many of us are just trying to figure out the combination lock of healthy living.

    My older brother said, “Oh man I’m stuffed! That was incredible.” And I mumbled, “Yeah, I wish I was.” And he laughed sympathetically. My sister-in-law’s sister-in-law gave me some of her awesome cooking to take home and freeze for when I have my Master Cleanse end (give or take a few days).

    What a wonderful day.

  8. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 7 –

    Today has gone well…however I totally avoided telling a good friend why I didn’t share the popcorn at the movie theatre like we usually do. and why I told her no when she offered me candies. I didn’t like avoiding the topic…but at the same time I just didn’t want to be put on the spot. She’s a super great friend and I’m sure she’d have eventually been supportive, I just didn’t want to have to convince her first.

    It does help that I have a few facebook friends who have done the fast before, who noticed that I commented on the MC facebook page and they “liked” the post – which made me feel supported!

    I also had another friend ask about the cleanse, so I wrote her a nice long message back and linked to this site for her. I haven’t heard back though, so we’ll say what she says!

  9. Marian

    Lemonade Diet Day 7

    Hmmm…support. It’s lonely out there on this MC journey actually. LOL! Don’t get me wrong. My friends and family members that do know are intrigued and commend me for being committed to this cleanse but I always hear, “I could never do that.”

    All in all, I don’t mind just sticking with my online support buddies because I’m afraid that if I was doing it with friends, we may talk each other into cheating or quitting altogether. So yeah, it’s so great to have you buddies that I can get up and read updates on how y’all are hanging on too. I’m going to miss you guys if you don’t go beyond 10 days. Boohoo!

    I think I will continue to post here though. It gives me a chance to reflect and think about how I really feel. Just 3 more days ladies!!

    Hang in there!

    • Liz Nichol

      I know, it’s sooo exciting!!!!

      I’m definitely only doing the 10 days though huni. I just needed to reboot my diet and 10 days feels really sufficient for me.

      With your little cracker incident yesterday… Ooops! Lol, don’t let it demotivate you though.

      The only thing I can really think, is that because you have not set yourself a firm goal in stone, you are looking ahead and not seeing the finish line and I find that, sometimes not knowing your goal and feeling like a journey is never ending, can make the journey a little stagnant and then suddenly boring and as soon as you hit boring, motivation and willpower fly out of the window.

      My opinion is, set a goal, work towards that goal and when the cravings and hunger hit you, you can address the sabotaging thoughts with “2 more days left” – (For example) – “I haven’t come all this way and have been so in control of my eating, to let it all be in vain” “I will not give in”

      … and maybe, just maybe, it might help.

      Not being able to see the finish line would certainly make it harder for me, so you might have the same mindset.
      Give it a go, if I make sense… Lol

  10. Kim

    Day 7 – Lemonade Diet

    This weekend has been so tough for me. My hubby and kids had pizza Friday night and that was what I thought would be the worst of it, but then Saturday happened. Only my husband knows I am doing the cleanse and I know I can’t tell my parents cause they will think I’m crazy and starving myself, then try to convince me to come off it. Sooo, my mom suggests we cook dinner together on Saturday which we do often on the weekends. I told her I am trying to eat really healthy right now so I won’t be eating what were cooking, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard. Homemade chinese food, absolutely yum! The smell alone was getting to me like crazy. Good thing is we cooked it downstairs in the basement, so I was able to sneak upstairs while they ate and then said I ate upstairs. My son is the only one who noticed (for the 1st time) that I wasn’t eating. I had to lie to him and tell him I ate when he was still downstairs. I don’t like lying to my kids but I also don’t want them to know that I’m doing this. uggg! It is really hard not being able to talk to anyone but my husband. Like Karli and Liz Nichol said, I think he gets tired of hearing it over and over. I need a “fresh ear” too Karli. Maybe thats why I’m posting more today than usual. Hahaha.

    • Karli

      I know your pain!! LOL! and I feel the SAME way about telling my mom. I did break down and tell my daughter, and now she’s spending the night with my parents tomorrow…. so we’ll see if it comes out or not.

      You are amazing to have resisted homemade chinese food!! That sounds SOOOOO good!


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