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Support Topic: The Process and The Lemonade Diet

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Process and The Lemonade Diet for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

The Master Cleanse is a process. And it’s more than just making the lemonade diet drink each time you’re hungry. To successfully get through a protocol like this you need to consciously into a process, a routine so that you come to depend on what’s next. For example, first thing, SWF, next perhaps your normal morning routine, followed by the eliminations from the SWF. Once those start you can have your first lemonade. Maybe you want 4 lemonades by lunch, and 6 after. When is your peppermint tea break? Do you workout during the day? How do you manage work schedule? You get the point.

What is the process you go through to make your Lemonade each day? Do you have any tips? How are you changing this process, if at all, over time? Do you use 2 chugabbles or make 1 glass at a time like Stanley Burroughs suggested. What alternatives to the Lemonade Diet have you used *(Check for generally accepted practices). Do you add anything to the process like Psyllium or Bentonite? How do you manage your day? Do you do make the Lemonade in the morning? Do you sip it all day or take big gulps when your most hungry?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Alisa

    Day 7 -Lemonade Diet

    I am feeling the sensitivity in my teeth today again in the morning when I brushed my teeth. I think it is becasue all of the acid in the lemon juice and a combination of the maple syrup. I am making sure to drink enough water daily. I do feel good over all, yesterday I was cooking some stir-fry veggies and I tasted them becasue I thought they were too salty. OMG!! Big mistake it was ok at first but later I felt cramps and I could not wait to drink the smooth move tea at bedtime. In the morning I did the SWF and I saw it in the toliet. It sure felt good coming out of my body and my body was like WTH, even if all the veggie were fresh and all organic it was just the wrong thing to do. I did 4 days of the ease in so I think I will do four days for the ease out and stick with the raw foods diet. I am now staring to feel the energy I was doing all kinds of cleaning around the house yesterday. Well even if I am a day behind the group I still feel good because we all made it this far and we have almost accomplished a goal we set out to do for ourselves.

  2. Julia

    Day 7: Lemonade

    This time has been the hardest for me and I am so thankful for this group. I feel like having you guys here has helped me stay on track even though its been a struggle. I think maybe, after the holidays and so much stress at work I’m finding it harder to simply focus. My feet haven’t been as firmly planted on the ground as I usually like to be. I’m still mentally “decompressing” from the holiday/work season, trying to slow life down. I am thankful Day 7 is here and that I’m doing this for myself. I know it’s a healthy direction and I’m already planning my “ease-off” days ~ I loaded up on oranges and looking forward to making some good veggie soups:) The work week is here and for me this makes it easier. Good luck, girlls!

    • Rebecca

      Hi, Julia, your post has helped me, I resonate with your comments… with this Winter Session, I feel like a wobbly-weeble (do you remember those toys?)… next session I will be stronger (mentally and emotionally and knowledge-wise) when going into this program. You’re doing great!

  3. Stephanie

    Lemonade diet day 8 (newbie)

    Getting this far is such a great feeling. I’m so thrilled that i made it this far and very determined to get to the end.
    For 2 days I’ve been experiencing itchy ear canals. The roof of my mouth has been itchy too and today my lower abdomen hurts as if I did sit ups.
    I still have a lot of energy in the morning but come evening I feel exhausted.
    Is anyone else experiencing similar symptoms.

  4. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 7 (Newbie) – I am still making the mix my same way = rotating purified water and fresh lemons, and making it by the whole day’s batch. I am still struggling to drink enough water for some reason. I don’t know why I am dehydrating so easily. My favorite part of the whole day is sitting in the evening, drinking my tea. I’m getting really tired of the mix now.

  5. Rebecca


    Morning thoughts before work:
    big syrup mess I cleaned up last night… all over everything… keeping syrup in ziplock baggie now

    added 3 more tablespoons fresh squeezed organic lemon juice to my 1/2 gallon mixture and little more water… it was light and refreshing today… yet I had more hunger today… had to keep drinking

    Evening thoughts:
    like many of the blogs I have read… I am getting tired of drinking this lemonade right now… even I want the 40day program… but I’m going to ease out with everyone in Winter Session… then really think and reflect, while only eating raw vegan (only raw produce, and soaked seeds/nuts, nothing cooked)… then gear up for 40days!… geez with the changes in my body with detox and all the emotional stuff, and the work/job changes… I’m feeling being more grounded would be helpful… this is JANUARY, Capricorn season, and I ought to be grounded, but I’m not

  6. kendra

    I am so happy to have the support of you ladies. It has made it soo much easier this time. As you know I am your flight attendant friend and I started a day ahead of you. I am now on day 8. I have broken out with a bad case of acne, which healed in two days to beautiful glowing skin. I have enjoyed and suffered through the lemonade each day and now we are all on the home stretch. Glad to have your support. Keep up the good work.

  7. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 6 (Newbie) – I have already had to buy more maple syrup and lemons. I’ve only found maple syrup in 32 oz jug so it only lasts 5 days. Well now I know that doing a 10 day cleanse will cost me 2 jugs of maple syrup. I still make my mix by the batch and not by the drink like Stanley B. suggests. I plan on reading his book by-the-way. And I do not add phsyllium or bentonite. I don’t know what that is. Anyone adding these? What is the result? I have been drinking more water!!!!!! And, still, I love the herbal laxative tea time in the evening!

    • Rebecca

      Linda, just now read this post… its been long time since I re-read Stanley Burroughs MC book… I have re-read chapter one, but have not been reading much since work is so busy…

      PSYLLIUM – Mainly used as dietary fiber. Although its main use has been as a laxative, it is more appropriately termed a true dietary fiber and as such can help reduce the symptoms of both constipation and mild diarrhea. Absorbing water is one of its properties

      BENTONITE – Is used as an ABSORBENT substance. Bentonite is used in a variety of pet care items such as cat litter to absorb the odour and surround the feces. It is also used to absorb oils and grease.

      So, I only researched the DEFINITIONS and properties… but they WHY to include in our MC program, I need to research further…

      here are my guesses:

      Psyllium – to absorb excess water to prevent the diarrhea.

      Bentonite – to absorb the toxins, unnecessary gases, absorb toxic odors

      but can Bentonite absorb un-necessary FAT CELLS??? that’s my big question!

      Linda, thank you for bringing this to our attention!

  8. Rebecca


    Early Morning Notes for this blog:
    One time I read that if a person wants to LOSE WEIGHT with the Master Cleanse, then use LESS grade B maple syrup… is this correct?
    a question I need to have answered soon…

    Evening Notes for this blog:
    so it is true!!!! “For those who are overweight, less maple syrup may be taken.” but how much less????
    gosh, days 1,2,3 I was using LESS maple syrup.. then I read the recipe more closely… days 4,5,6 I follow the recipe exact, and enjoy the flavor… then the eve-before-day 7 I am wondering if I should use less maple syrup again???… I like the flavor no matter what… just the flavor of the EXACT recipe is so smoothe!… less syrup has flavor of more citrus zing!

    minor mishap today… i did not put the lid on tight on my maple syrup so got some syrup spillage in my Kitchen Ops area in my car

  9. Alisa

    Day – 5 Lemonade Diet

    I followed the video I say that suggest you make the mixture in a 2 gts at a time and I had the cut the cayenne pepper I don’t do hot foods or anything spicy so I tried to do the amount suggested the first 2 days and it made me a little sick so I cut it in half I hope that this does not hinder the master cleanse effects at all. I have been drinking the lemonade every two hours and it has been helping me to not have the hunger pains or empty stomach feeling. I also make sure that I drink my water throughout the day which is very important. I am feeling good and just have been taking one day at a time. Since it’s the weekend I thought I would make it fresh each time I drink it since I plan to staying in today it’s cold outside.

  10. Julia

    Day 5: Lemonade

    I’ve decided to mix it all in the morning and take it to work in two giant 32 oz. bottles. I bring herbal tea and I’m set for the day, (work has good water). I usually mix the syrup and lemonade into a concentrate and bring the cayenne pepper with be along with a 1/4 C. measuring cup. I read that the cayenne gets stronger through out the day if you mix it ahead of time, but it’s just so convenient and I have a long luxurious half hour lunch now;). I will keep on mixing the big bottles and take them with me everywhere so I don’t get hungry. This weekend will be a challenge, but I think I’m ready.


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