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Support Topic: The Process and The Lemonade Diet

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Process and The Lemonade Diet for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

The Master Cleanse is a process. And it’s more than just making the lemonade diet drink each time you’re hungry. To successfully get through a protocol like this you need to consciously into a process, a routine so that you come to depend on what’s next. For example, first thing, SWF, next perhaps your normal morning routine, followed by the eliminations from the SWF. Once those start you can have your first lemonade. Maybe you want 4 lemonades by lunch, and 6 after. When is your peppermint tea break? Do you workout during the day? How do you manage work schedule? You get the point.

What is the process you go through to make your Lemonade each day? Do you have any tips? How are you changing this process, if at all, over time? Do you use 2 chugabbles or make 1 glass at a time like Stanley Burroughs suggested. What alternatives to the Lemonade Diet have you used *(Check for generally accepted practices). Do you add anything to the process like Psyllium or Bentonite? How do you manage your day? Do you do make the Lemonade in the morning? Do you sip it all day or take big gulps when your most hungry?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Cathy

    Day 3: I am okay. I still have about 2 glasses of lemonade to go for the day, and I slept well last night, and we are going to make it. I am so glad I did the Ease In. It has made a difference comparatively speaking.

  2. Mary

    Hi ladies…. I am doing ok…. except I feel kind of “flat”- no real motivation or spunk in me. But I am assuming that is just part of the process. I am taking it pretty easy which is good. I work for myself so can be flexible.
    Melinda- the runny nose is definitely detox symptoms….. it’s good to get that stuff out…. take a day in bed to allow your body to rest and heal. I am really trying not to be a hero on this cleanse….. if my body tells me it needs rest, I’m taking it…!

    • Melinda

      Thanks, Mary. I did stay in bed today and my nose is still running. I’ve used the neti pot and keep hoping that I will get past this feeling like I have a bad cold. I need to work again tomorrow so I hope a good night’s sleep will help me get past this soon. I’m still hanging in there.

  3. Deb

    Day 3 and I’m finding the cleanse easier than the first time I did it.
    I came down with a cold the day before day 1 (yes body, ok ok, we’re starting tomorrow!) so I’m choosing to blame any funky feelings on that!
    I did notice a certain clarity in my vision this morning, which is very nice.
    Lucky for me, I like all the ingredients in the lemonade. The spicier, the better!

    • Cathy

      I like this lemonade too. Never been a problem for me to drink

  4. Dee

    I’m on Day 3. Today just did swf about 7:30 still waiting for morning release. I fought through yesterday and it was not as bdirected as I envision. I know day three is usually another hurdle. But I made up my mind now just sticking with my minds decision and not letting a anything derail me. Question is this the group cleanse forum? Osh is there a Facebook page thought would be a lot more entries than I’m seeing.

    • Cathy

      I thought there would be more entries in Facebook as well. I’ve been surprised.

  5. Jennifer

    Lemonade Day #2 – One of the other websites I visited suggested making 1 gallon at a time. I did this yesterday and could not drink it all! Again, I am working night shifts, so today I am way behind in drinking because I slept all day. I brought my lemonade to work tonight, but I am waiting for babies to be born and my lemonade is on a different floor.

    Does anyone have any helpful hints on how much you should be drinking or how often?

    • Cathy

      The rule of thumb is to drink 6-12 eight ounce glasses every day, plus extra plain water in-between. If you are having trouble, drink all the lemonade first BEFORE drinking plain water. Once tou get the lemonade in, then you can drink all the addt’l water you want to. The more you drink, the more effective TMC is.

  6. Melinda

    This is my Day 2 and I don’t know if I’m sick or just detoxing but my nose is running constantly and I’m sneezing some, too. I think this is worse than being hungry for me.

    • Cathy

      that is detox. Do your best not to take anything. Do you have a netipot? This is a saline rinse system for your nose and sinuses. I do this twice daily during TMC.

      • Melinda

        Thanks for your reply, Cathy. I feel pretty miserable right now. Going without food is easy compared to the constantly running nose. I do have a netipot and used it once but it didn’t seem to lessen the symptoms. I had to call off work for my Day 3 because I’m having to blow my nose constantly and can’t really function well trying to do anything else. How long will this last?!?

  7. Cathy

    I did okay throughout day 1. I also heard my abdomen gurgling, especially at night. I made more lemonade today, as I only had 8 glasses yesterday, and could easily have had more. Movements were all liquid……both.

  8. Mary

    Onto day 2! Yesterday was good…. except for the constant stomach gurgling and gassy feeling…. lots of trips to the loo…..and not for #1s only lol. Did anyone else have that? I was expecting the opposite given all the info about laxative tea and swf.
    I did the swf this morning…. not too bad…..

    Yesterday evening was probably the hardest part of the day as family dinners are a family tradition with us. SO instead of hanging around, my hubby took care of dinner and I ran some errands…. got home in time to watch 2nd half of the National Championship football.

    I think every day I am going to plan an evening activity- drop in to see a friend or shop or movie…. anything to break the dinner routine. I shopped at Trader Joes this week so lots of easy dinners for my family to whip up!

    How is everyone else doing?

  9. Cathy

    I had a fairly decent day today. For the first time in years, the smell of food was tempting. “Tempting” is probably not the right word. I would just say it smelled good. I was not thinking about throwing in the towel!

  10. Mary

    well it is day one of my first ever master cleanse. I usually start my day with a lemon, honey and acv elixir, so this mornings start was not too different. I did the 2 day ease in and am mentally ready I believe.

    I am excited and scared of the next 10 days in equal parts!!! Excited to do it and feel great and scared I will be a mess and take it out on my family hahaha

    Good luck to everyone and thanks for having this group available

    • Cathy

      You will do well

    • Melinda

      I’m with you, Mary! I usually have a Bragg’s acv honey drink every day. I’m hoping that will have prepared my body somewhat for this cleanse. I’m excited and nervous to see how this goes. I hope I don’t have to miss work. Good luck!


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