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Support Topic: The Process and The Lemonade Diet

This page is a Support Topic Page for The Process and The Lemonade Diet for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

The Master Cleanse is a process. And it’s more than just making the lemonade diet drink each time you’re hungry. To successfully get through a protocol like this you need to consciously into a process, a routine so that you come to depend on what’s next. For example, first thing, SWF, next perhaps your normal morning routine, followed by the eliminations from the SWF. Once those start you can have your first lemonade. Maybe you want 4 lemonades by lunch, and 6 after. When is your peppermint tea break? Do you workout during the day? How do you manage work schedule? You get the point.

What is the process you go through to make your Lemonade each day? Do you have any tips? How are you changing this process, if at all, over time? Do you use 2 chugabbles or make 1 glass at a time like Stanley Burroughs suggested. What alternatives to the Lemonade Diet have you used *(Check for generally accepted practices). Do you add anything to the process like Psyllium or Bentonite? How do you manage your day? Do you do make the Lemonade in the morning? Do you sip it all day or take big gulps when your most hungry?

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Jennifer

    Day #6 – Still here! Still drinking that lemonade! I am on my third 24 oz glass for the day. However, I like to make the lemonade really cold, so I put ice in the glass. Therefore, I am only counting 16 oz in my cup instead of 24. I think that works.

    I have been making a gallon of lemonade at a time, and can drink the gallon in a day and a half (about). It’s been tricky with those pesky night shifts, but I am now done with those until Weds and will be on a normal schedule.

    I have decided not to stress so much over how much lemonade I get in a day, with the exception that I drink when I am hungry. I think I got so sick on Day #4 due to a combination of my sleep schedule and lack of drinking plain water along with the lemonade, then trying the SWF.

    The heartburn is better today. Now just this runny nose!

    I’m gonna make it the whole 10 days!

    Does anyone have a recipe for the ease out broth/soup? I am a “by the book” type person and need a recipe or I won’t do it. I don’t have a juicer and am not looking to add to my collection of kitchen appliances!

    Thank you, again, for all your support!

    • Cathy

      I am well pleased with YOU! You have a fighter inside of you. If you will post your email address, I will send you the soup recipe.

    • Melinda

      I am so glad you are sticking with it, Jennifer! You have persevered and I celebrate with you.

  2. Mary

    Day 6 ladies!!! we are over the 1/2 way mark…. I am doing well so far today. On lemonade 4 and still not sick to death of it HAHA. I can’t believe how much cayenne pepper I have gone through…. more in one week than the previous decade I’d say. I found my organic maple syrup on sale at the store the other day with a $2 off coupon! score!! I think with all the maple syrup I have bought I haven’t saved too much on groceries….lol!
    Lets keep this up- this day next week we can eat fruits, veggies and delicious salads and smoothies!!!

  3. Deb

    Day 6
    So much easier this time around. It really helps knowing exactly what to expect!

    I miss a hot beverage in the morning. I’m doing ok without caffeine, just miss the warmth. I’ve been heating a cup of water and adding the usual amount of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne. I hope that’s ok. Can’t imagine that temp of the drink would matter. Does anyone know?

    • Deb

      Man, does my pee smell strange. Nice to know that my kidneys are getting a good cleanse!

    • Cathy

      Hot water would only make the cayenne hotter in my opinion. I can’t imagine it affecting the TMC though. Good question.

    • Mary

      I drink most of my lemonades warm…. I think at this time of year it’s only going the help the cleanse as our bodies naturally want to be warm

  4. Cathy

    we are getting ready to go to a meeting tonight, that includes a potluck. I made a chocolate cake today! I did just fine, but it did smell good while cooking. Ive got my drink ready to take. Ive decided I’m just going to drink it and if people ask, I’ll tell them. Right now I’m at that “WHATEVER” stage.

    • Mary

      good luck tonight Cathy! You will rock it- people will be so blown away by your glowy sparkly self they will be begging you o share your secret:)

  5. Melinda

    My cold symptoms have lessened so I am happy about that. I wonder if at some point my body will adjust and not feel hungry any longer. As you know if you have read my other posts I have been feeling just lousy since starting this cleanse, but today is the first day I feel better and I am too stubborn to give up today.

    • Mary

      woohoo Melinda!!! Once the crappy feeling starts to shift, it will get easier and easier! We are here for you no matter what!

    • Cathy

      Yeah Melinda! You are a fighter and I am loving that. You see, being stubborn CAN be a good thing. Thrilled! You showed your body who is boss.

    • Jennifer

      So happy for you Melinda! I feel like my cold symptoms are just starting!

      I have this constant tickle in my throat that I can’t tell if it’s post nasal drip (I am definitely more congested today), or reflux. The heartburn is much worse today, but the nausea is better! Right now I am just going to take this one day at a time.

  6. Mary

    I managed 11 lemonades yesterday… my goal is 12. Today I am pretty busy going from one place to another, so I have made a huge thermos of lemonade to bring with me. I am on my second lemonade and the thermos has 6 more. That will get me to 3 pm at least.
    I think I can do 4 more in the afternoon…. that is when I tend to slow down. I spend time with the family or fun stuff so less focused on my belly and lemonade. I am however thinking about my favorite salad….. shredded lettuce with guacamole, salsa, cilantro etc….. it’s funny how this is what I am thinking about- not croissants, beer or wine!
    My taste buds have changed so much over the past few years and this cleanse will do even more good for my body and taste buds! Can’t wait to see how I will feel on day 10!

  7. Melinda

    Is there an advantage to drinking more lemonade instead of plain water? I’ve met my goal of drinking 8 glasses a day every day, but I suppose I could drink more lemonade if there’s a good reason to do so.

    • Cathy

      I have read that the more cayenne you get down in there, the better effects you will have as far as crud being eliminated. I could certainly drink more. I happen to really like it.

  8. Cathy

    Every morning I get up around 8am and take my SWF. I wait about 30 minutes and then I cut the peel off of 7 lemons and juice them in my juicer. It gives me about 1-1/4 c. of juice. I mix that with the same amount of syrup and store that in the fridge. I add 1/4 c. of this mixture to a glass of water with quite a pinch of cayenne and drink that about every 90 minutes. That’s my process and it works for me. Tomorrow night we will be going to a meeting that includes an informal dinner before it starts. I plan to take my own advice, put some food on a plate and move it around with my fork. I will also however, have my lemonade in my purse.

  9. Mary

    Jennifer- maybe cut back a little on the cayenne if it is giving you heartburn? Or add more water to the lemonade to dilute it out?
    I counted yesterday and I had 10 lemonades. I would like to get to 12 so I think I need to drink more in the afternoon. In the evenings I tend to do less and relax so less hungry I think.
    I was super tired all day yesterday. Had a really hard time getting myself going. Tried oils and everything but I was just a slug. Luckily my schedule was way lighter yesterday than it is today. I am feeling better today although still no energy surges like I have read about…. waiting patiently lol

  10. Jennifer

    Day #3 – I am behind on drinking today because I slept a lot. I am about 9 glasses in, but finished up some from yesterday. I made another gallon this afternoon and have only had half. I have been trying to drink more plain water. I started counting 10 straw pulls whenever I am hungry – which goes through the glass pretty fast, but I almost get to the point where I want to gag every time I think about drinking more. How do you get over the taste? Is there something else I can add? I think it’s the combination of the cayenne and the lemons that give me a little heartburn.

    • Cathy

      This is detox. The cayenne is what goes in to eliminate the mucous that has collected. You seem very health savvy in your posts, so you know the importance of removing excess mucous. Your liver is working overtime trying to keep up with the toxic load being eliminated, thus the tiredness you feel. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, you are doing great!

      • Jennifer

        Thanks, Cathy, for the reply. I will try to drink more plain water. Yesterday I had some of those “hot movements” and although I know what this means, it’s still not fun! You’re very perceptive, or I am better at communicating than I thought. I am actually a nurse practitioner, so although I should know all about the body, I am still trying to figure out my own! And yes, I was a meat eater. After the cleanse, I am going to try Paleo.

    • Cathy

      ps: do you like lemonade in general? Although people think lemons are acidic, they are the only fruit that turn alkaline in your body (actually, I believe limes do too) which is terrific for the body. The heartburn is due to the acids being released. Some people feel this in their rectums and think it’s the cayenne pepper, but in truth, it’s the excess acids in their body. Drinking more plain water will help, but will not relieve it completely until the body rids itself of the underlying culprit…acids. My guess is that you are a meat eater? This is common.


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