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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Weight Loss and Physical Results

This page is a Support Topic Page for Weight Loss and Physical Results for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Weight Loss – Even though The Lemonade Diet is about so much more that weight loss, it is still an effective reduction diet. Weigh yourself each day. How much weight did you lose today? Are you happy or disappointing with the results? What were your expectations? Some people loose weight the day they start The Lemonade Diet. Some people don’t lose weight until well into the diet. Describe your daily experiences.

Physical – Talk about the way your body is reacting to the cleanse. Do you feel full of energy? Do you feel like you have a cold? Headaches on Day 2 but feeling great on day 8? Think about it, how do you feel today? Just pretend you are talking to your best friend and complaining about the hard parts and raving about the good.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 10 –

    I don’t know what the deal with today is, I’m just down all over the place – but I totally feel “fat” which I know is bonkers. I haven’t started eating food yet, the scale was down another .2 pounds this morning, my clothes still feel better than they have in a long time – yet I feel fat. So silly. Ugh.

    I am doing my “final weigh in” tomorrow morning so I can include all of this last day into my final results.

    As for other physical results, I still am very happy with how the cleanse is going. I feel like my skin is doing really well. Even though it’s getting colder and dryer outside, my skin is feeling soft and supple – not dried out at all. (except my hands a bit, but that seems like a normal “washed my hands with stripping soap too often” dryness.)

  2. Karen

    Lemonade Diet
    – Day 9 – 2nd MC – Weight Loss and Physical Results –

    Down a total of 9.4 pounds after only 8 days. I’m really amazed that the weight has continued to come off at this rate. I’m still not sure how long I’m staying on this which seems pretty strange since tomorrow is Day 10. My tongue is not yet what I would call pink, but my skin is soft and wonderful. It sounds like everyone is sticking with the 10 days on here, and I’m already a day behind the rest so I may be alone in this if I continue on. I lost 9.9 pounds when I did this in May so I’m really excited about the possibilities this time around.

  3. Kim

    Day 10 – Lemonade Diet

    Sooooo, I licked the spoon with the pasta sauce on it yesterday, and boom, up 4 lbs this morning. My feet, hands, and stomach feel really swollen. The amount of water retention is crazy. I’m hoping I can drink enough water today to eleviate most of this bloating. I did try on clothes yesterday before the “Lick the spoon incident” and everything fit much better. Not as snug as before the cleanse and I’ve been taking my waist measurements and I’m down about 3 inches. Last day ladies. Can’t wait to taste the orange juice tomorrow. Lol

  4. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 10 …

    I decided not to do a weigh in or to take photos again today.
    I want to do it all tomorrow, first thing in the morning.
    I shall firstly take my photo’s and then jump on those scary scales.

    A while ago, I was advised that when jumping on the scales, to only stand on them the once.
    What I got into the habit of doing before was; standing on them, holding my breath in (lol) looking down, then, getting off, getting on again, then moving them to another area of the bathroom, on them again… so on, so on…

    This is apparently very unhealthy and where ever you decide to weigh yourself in your house, to always stay in the same place and always only ever get on the ONCE.
    That way, it’s fast, painless (hopefully) and a lot more to the point.
    (“That is my figure and that’s the end of it today”)

    Anyway, just thought that i’d share that with you today :)

    So, yeah. I feel really great. I look a lot slimmer, probably the smallest I have ever been before.
    So, I know I have lost some, but we’ll see tomorrow actually how much!

  5. Melissa

    Day 9 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Weight Loss and Physical.
    No change in how much I weigh. No exercise with the exception of going from one waiting room to another and standing by my friend’s bed for a couple hours. My lips are sore, dry, cracking. I needed more physical energy today in order to process my emotions, and I could not find it. It makes me mad. I think the Master Cleanse is great, in the right setting. If that setting changes, your margin for adapting is very, very narrow, and I believe that leads to “cheating”.

    And, I don’t think cheating is really cheating in certain situations. I think if we are in a situation and we have to make a decision to care for ourselves, then it is not cheating. It is a very fine line. For me, more thought and meditation needs to be done.

  6. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 9 –

    I’m down another pound plus some! I can’t wait to tally my final weight loss tomorrow or on the ease out day. Liz had a good idea, I’ll probably do a final weigh in and photo on Ease Out day 1. I can’t wait to compare! How exciting! I am planning my meals and soooo badly want to keep this weight off!! Including days not cleansing, I have lost 12.1 pounds since Oct 4th (to Oct 23) which is so exciting! I hope it stays gone and I keep losing more!

    My wedding ring slipped off my finger today! Luckily I had my hand in such a way that it didn’t fall completely to the ground, but it most definitely fell past my knuckle. When I got married I was 14 pounds lighter than I am now, so I don’t know why it didn’t fall off then! LOL Or why I bought such a big ring? haha.

    My smallest jeans feel so comfortable these days! I love it! No stretching them out as soon as I put them on, no avoiding them until all the rest are dirty and I have nothing left to wear! They look good, they feel great, and I don’t have to suck my tummy in to get them buttoned! I’m loving this!!

  7. Liz Nichol

    Lemonade Diet – Day 9 …

    Today, I forgot to take my photos :( – i’m not too bothered though, because just recently, the visual changes in my body have been very minimal.
    I will take a final photo on Ease-Out Day 1 and will compare it to Day 1 of the Lemonade Diet.
    I shall also jump on those scary scales. I really don’t like scales and would easily not look at them again ever if I didn’t have to. Lol, but needs must.

    My face is still 99.9% better, as I said minus a couple of minor scar marks, I am extremely satisfied with my progress.
    i never thought that this Cleanse would thoroughly help clean it up, but am so pleased it has. I just hope it doesn’t come back, as I re-introduce foods.
    I must be very careful.

    One Day to go! :)

    • Nkule

      Have you heard of anyone who did the diet for over 30 days? I see everyone here does it for about 10 days…wanna attempt 30 days of the master cleanse

      • Mike Olaski

        People do that all the time :)

  8. Karli

    Lemonade Diet – Day 8 –

    I can’t remember the last time my rings were this comfortable on my fingers! It’s awesome! In fact, I still have 10 to 15 pounds to lose before I’m at the weight I was when I got married… I can’t imagine my rings not falling off at that weight! But I guess they stayed on way back when, so they will again if I keep losing weight.

    The scale is showing a complete 5 pound drop so far on the MC. I am slightly surprised as I thought my weight loss would be more drastic since I’m “fluffier” than I ever have been while cleansing. But then I’m sure there are a lot of factors at play that I’m not thinking about. I’m thrilled with the 5 pounds tho! My body feels fantastic. I was prancing around in front of the mirror earlier just loving it! I don’t think I’ve done that since I was a kid!!

  9. Melissa

    Day 8 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Weight Loss and Physical.
    I broke 140 today ? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay me!!! I was reading a lot last night on the “Ease Out” process and the FAQ page and one to the things mentioned was that you can tell when your are done with the Master Cleanse when:

    “The most commonly agreed-on sign that your Master Cleanse is done, is the pink tongue. Your tongue becomes very white while toxins are being eliminated, much like when you are sick. As the toxins are reduced in numbers, this effect decreases. Some people never get white tongues at all, having had fewer toxins. Another sign it may be time to end the cleanse is when your movements are growing increasingly clear. If you have an overwhelming desire to eat, one that goes beyond the psychological, you should end the cleanse.”

    I still a white tongue and my teeth have a film on them. I feel like I have to brush my teeth a lot. Also, my mouth is erupting with fever blisters. Normally I would take lysine, but I don’t want to put anything into my body right now. I’m going to treat it with ice cubes for now; I’ll keep y’all posted.

    • Liz Nichol

      Melissa, where did you find that info on Ease-Out? Was it FAQ?

  10. Sloan

    Lemonade – Day 6,7,8

    Weight Loss & Physical – I don’t know if I’m losing weight or not yet, but I’m surely not gaining any. My clothes are fitting loose and comfortably. My tummy growls and gurgles a lot. I haven’t been to yoga very often. I went on day 6, skipped day 7, and I plan to return this afternoon. I went for decent walk on day 7 though. The weather was fantastic! I was feeling lethargic on day 7, and the walk really helped get my blood pumping. I seem to be staying between 9-12 glasses of lemonade daily.


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