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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Weight Loss and Physical Results

This page is a Support Topic Page for Weight Loss and Physical Results for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Weight Loss – Even though The Lemonade Diet is about so much more that weight loss, it is still an effective reduction diet. Weigh yourself each day. How much weight did you lose today? Are you happy or disappointing with the results? What were your expectations? Some people loose weight the day they start The Lemonade Diet. Some people don’t lose weight until well into the diet. Describe your daily experiences.

Physical – Talk about the way your body is reacting to the cleanse. Do you feel full of energy? Do you feel like you have a cold? Headaches on Day 2 but feeling great on day 8? Think about it, how do you feel today? Just pretend you are talking to your best friend and complaining about the hard parts and raving about the good.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Melissa

    Ease Out Day 3 – First time master cleanse – Weight Loss and Physical.
    I’m back up to 142 and that’s a bit of a blow. It shows me just how important the exercise really is I have to exercise every day. It’s such a delicate balance. I can’t wait until the juicer gets here. I just saw some pictures of me that my older brother photographed about a week ago when I was on the Master Cleanse. I thought I was looking good that day, but I look heavy. What a bummer. Maybe I should just keep writing everyday about this and start posting my own blog. Keep me honest so to speak.

  2. Martina

    Day 12-MC

    I am down 15 pounds, I am so happy. I still have another 10 to go before I am finished. I am liking the results but my stomach is not as flat as I know it should be. I may add exercise to see if this will accelerate the inches and weightloss.

  3. Melissa

    Ease Out Day 2 – First time master cleanse – Weight Loss and Physical. I’m holding steady at 138. I just need to keep it up! I will reach my goal.

    My mouth is clearing up, but my allergies are in full swing. I’m starting to come down with something, but when I drink the orange juice I pap back up. I need to buy three times as many oranges as I originally bought. Who knew this health stuff would be so complicated to figure out – LOL – just kidding. This is a process and I just need to keep open and receptive to a new way of existing.

  4. Liz Nichol

    Ease-Out – Day 2 …

    OOooo, today, not the best of reactions… My face has flared up again.

    It might have something to do with the soups??? or the different fruit?

    I didn’t expect for this to happen, so there are a couple of variables.
    What a pain in the bum! – It’s really itchy and has spread all over my forehead, probably the worst reaction I have had.

    I did some research and have diagnosed myself with Perioral Dermatitis. I have some coconut oil which I am going to use to sooth the irritation, but, yeah, it’s really bad. If it gets any worse, or more uncomfortable, I shall go back to my dermatologist.

    I didn’t weigh myself today, but I certainly feel bigger after a day full of actual food. I will probably leave it for a bit and re-focus on my skin. I just hope that I can get this under control soon.

  5. Karen

    Lemonade Diet
    – Day 11 – 2nd MC – Weight Loss and Physical Results –

    Down a total of 10.6 pounds so far and I’m staying on this for 12 days. I just put on the middle size jeans in my trio of jean sizes and I’m wearing them. They are not what I would call comfortable yet, but my size up were tighter than this when I started. I’m feeling so good and happy with the results. I’m eating every meal after I go off the cleanse in these pants as a reminder! Slight exaggeration. I’m feeling so good and I have no cravings at this point. I still enjoy the lemonade and I know I can do this a couple more days without any issues.

  6. Melissa

    Ease Out Day 1 – First time master cleanse – Weight Loss and Physical. I don’t know how much I weigh, but physically I feel like my strength is returning. I’m not just getting through the day, I’m not counting days, I’m energized, moving and I’m present. I want to act, I want to do things, get up and go. I attempted to make carrot juice in the Magic Bullet, (the Omega 4000 juicer is not here yet), and it was an utter disaster albeit a tasty one. ? I froze the concoction to be revisited when the real juicer arrives. I’ve been gathering recipes and I’m excited to start the next phase of healthy living.

    • Karen

      Congratulations Melissa. You should be proud of your accomplishment. Good luck as you ease into a normal diet.

  7. Liz Nichol

    Ease-Out – Day 1 …

    Drum roll please… Lol.

    At the beginning of my cleanse I did not want to focus on my weight loss, I just wanted to improve my skin.
    My skin is not quite, but nearly perfect! :)))) I am very happy to say that, all of the redness around my nose and chin has disappeared and I am the happiest I have been in a long time.

    Weight-wise – The Ease-In on the day before Day 1 of the Lemonade Diet, I weighed 72.5kg (159lbs) and this morning I weighed 67.5kg (148lbs) So, I have lost a total of 5kg which is 11lbs. Now, I know that is not a huge amount, but I am happy.

    I am hoping that I can continue now with my healthy eating and not put it back on, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of it does go back on.
    Either way, the Cleanse has been a success and I am extremely pleased that I completed my Journey.

    • Karen

      Great job Liz. You should be very proud with your accomplishments. Best of luch as you ease into a normal diet.

      • Liz Nichol

        Thanks Karen – You too :)

  8. Nkule

    I am due to start my cleanse this Saturday, I was on weight watchers most of this year and lost about 16kg, but I recently fell off the wagon and gained a bit of the weight back. I am planning to detox and lose the excess weight. I am really looking forward to losing the weight and starting a proper vegetarian diet. Hoping that this forum will be a good support structure. I am too afraid to weigh myself. So I have not done the ease in process I want to just jump in. Really hope this works out.

  9. Karen

    Lemonade Diet – Day 10
    – 2nd MC – Weight Loss and Physical Results –

    Down a total of 10.2 pounds after only 9 days. I should be thrilled to be to day 10, but I figured out last night why I have been so confused all week. I kept thinking Friday was my last day. So, I have the fruit and I’m going at least the extra day. I need to see if I have the fruit for Saturday because if I have it, I’ll go 12 days. I just feel so great. I’m sleeping so well. I go to bed very tired, but when I wake up in the morning I am completely rested and feel wonderful. Most of the day I’m not food obsessed. When I’m around people who are eating and smell the food it is a little more difficult. I make some of my kid’s meals, but they are old enough and do most of their own cooking since we are all on different diets and schedules. The longer I am on this, the easier it gets. Do I have to go back to real food? OK, I don’t want to stay on it that long, just a couple more days.

  10. Melissa

    Day 10 Lemonade Diet – First time master cleanse – Weight Loss and Physical. When do I start to take the probiotics? I have officially lost 10lbs. I fell great. Today I stayed hydrated, drank my lemonade when I felt hungry. Other than my mouth breaking out with fever blisters, I’m doing great. I didn’t exercise like I thought I would. Instead, I nested. I cleaned the kitchen, packed things for the Goodwill, cleared and organized the shelves. I will get back to the exercise, but I really needed to get a handle on the apartment. In gardening the most important thing is the hole. Today I prepared the soil. ?


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