The Super F.A.S.T. 15 Pound Challenge

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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Weight Loss and Physical Results

This page is a Support Topic Page for Weight Loss and Physical Results for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Weight Loss – Even though The Lemonade Diet is about so much more that weight loss, it is still an effective reduction diet. Weigh yourself each day. How much weight did you lose today? Are you happy or disappointing with the results? What were your expectations? Some people loose weight the day they start The Lemonade Diet. Some people don’t lose weight until well into the diet. Describe your daily experiences.

Physical – Talk about the way your body is reacting to the cleanse. Do you feel full of energy? Do you feel like you have a cold? Headaches on Day 2 but feeling great on day 8? Think about it, how do you feel today? Just pretend you are talking to your best friend and complaining about the hard parts and raving about the good.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Antoinette

    Lemonade Master Cleanse Day 8.

    I made a decision not to weigh myself until day 10 and I am going to stick to it. I know it was recommended to weigh each day but after I did the weigh in on Saturday. I only lost 2 lbs and it left me really bummed out I just do not want to get caught up in the scale. So I decided I will leave it up to how I feel and how my clothes fit. I had a pleasant surprise yesterda when a dress I bought in 2007 and only wore it once still fit…a little snug but still it looked very good on me.

    My cycle started and I am convinced that had something to do with why I was feeling bloated on Saturday and Sunday. My activity level was up alot yesterday and I felt very energized. I even walked 3 miles after all the walking i did at the capitol. And yesterday I went to the Inauguration Ball in heels, danced and still felt good.

    As long as my clothes feel good and I am energized I am not going to focus on the weight. I know exactly how I want to feel and my clothes is the best way to determine if I am achieving that goal.

  2. Nora

    Lemonade Day 9

    Tomorrow I will weigh myself. I am excited about because it will help me decide if and how long to continue with the lemonade phase. Since I’m still craving junk foods, I’m thinking at least another week may hopefully get rid of those.

    I feel like these last 13 days have flown by and I’m not ready to go back to regular food yet. Mostly because I’m afraid of backsliding. But I don’t want to make this cleanse my crutch either. I want to take this cleanse for what it is, a new beginning, a springboard. And I want to make sure to make it count. Because if I go back to regular eating too soon, and back to my old habits – all the effort of this cleanse will have been for nothing – useless.

    And the only one to feel that pain, frustration and disapointment will be me.

  3. Ray

    Good afternoon,
    Thanks everyone for posting your comments – they are truly inspirational.
    I am currently on Day 8 of the MC. I have lost 8.2 lbs. I measured myself on Day 1 and Day 5, at which point I had lost a total of 4 inches (2″ lost on my chest, 1″ on my waist, 1″ on my hips and no change on my thighs). I think the key is taking measurements. I was really discouraged on Day 7 when I gained 0.2 pounds!! But, I kept my overall goal in mind, which is to detox my system.
    I recently came back from 2-months of travelling, then went right into Christmas & New Years, so I really felt like my body needed to detox. I noticed a constant sinus infection when I came back from my trip, plus, I had a pimple on my chin that did not clear up for 3 weeks!! And, I felt over-tired & lacking energy.
    Now, on Day 8, I’m feeling more energized, my pimple has cleared up and I only have a couple days to go!
    I do weigh myself each day, just because it adds to my motivation. I started the SWF on Day 3. I’m still amazed at how much solid comes out of my system, knowing I’m not eating anything!! I drink 100% senna tea each night. I am probably not drinking enough lemonade – probably about 4 10-oz glasses per day, which seems to do well for me.

    As far as cravings, I just tell myself that they only last for a couple of hours, and, if anything, just wait until tomorrow – and, if I’m still craving anything, I can have it. No one is going to arrest me for not completing the MC, and I can always restart another time, but the cravings go away and I’ve lasted until Day 8 by giving myself a break that, indeed, I can stop the MC if I need some food item so badly.
    I wish everyone luck in completing the MC. Also, if we made it through the first 3 days – we can easily make it through 10 days! Those first 3 days take a lot of self-control & motivation – so congrats :)

  4. Nora

    Lemonade Day 8

    Only three days to go until I weigh myself again. My period was a lot lighter and shorter than usual. Maybe because my body didn’t need such a deep cleaning around the reproductive organs this time. Or maybe since I wasn’t eating regular food, my body adjusted for the lack of nutrients coming in every day. Maybe I just got a view into how my period would be if I was eating healthier. Lighter and shorter. I like it. I want to maintain that trend.

    One of my many goals for this cleanse is weight loss. I haven’t wanted to make it the number one goal but to keep that as part of my whole life reset to better nutrition and exercise.

    I already move a bit easier and feel like I could increase my activity levels. Up till now, I’ve just been doing very light walking. I’m trying to take baby steps on the physical activity because although I know I could “muscle through” any pain of exercising while being 100 lbs overweight, I don’t want to take that route again. I’ve done it too many times in the past and have ended up where I am today. Still not where I want to be. So I’m doing it differently this time. I am being more gentle with my body, maintaining a humble attitude, and being more compassionate and patient with myself and the process. All things I have done in the past for others, but didn’t do for me.

  5. Nora

    Lemonade Day 7

    I wore a shirt that my mom gave me a few months ago that was too small. It fit today. And I notice my other clothes fit differently too. My coat gets more roomy with each passing day.

    I probably won’t weigh myself until Wednesday. By then my period will be gone and the reading will be more accurate. I’m very happy so far with the results. Sergio noticed that my body is changing too.

    He commented that it was good I was doing this now, but that I should have done it sooner. Not for the weight loss factor, but because he knows I am cleansing my insides of stuff that shouldn’t be there. He joked that even the neighbors heard me in the bathroom this morning. LOL!

    I felt really good today. And the pain I had yesterday, well that was yesterday. And although the pain is temporary, my goal is to make a permanent change. And it started with this cleanse. I am still worried about going back to regular food. Because I’m a big eater. I love food and lots of it. So I thought one thing I could do is serve myself in smaller plates. That would trick my brain into eating less. I hope that works for me.

  6. Jasmin

    Lemonade day 7

    So my scale is really not on myside, I know that I feel lighter, but still its not saying that much lighter, I know if I went the 25 days as I was thinking of doing, that I would feel amazing afterwords…I just don’t know if I can keep the lifestyle of it up, as I am super anti-social home-body and I wanna be going to yoga and meditation and I feel like my belly is gonna make noises….any ways I am happy with however my body looks after, I know that I am gonna start caring for it way better in the whole anyways, I know that this has helped alot with my emotional eating and getting better at excerice….
    I can’t seem to cut down the maple syrup either to loose more weight, because I am so tired and cold mostly that I like to have the amount of maple syrup that I do….
    Physically I am feeling ok…my usual ok…prett tired but yoga and dance was awesome today, I just know I need to excerice and move my body every day and that will help my tiredness physically and mentally:)
    happy healing

    • Angela

      Stay strong! I too have had very little weight loss but I do believe after 10 days I will have broken some bad habits and be ready to start eating cleaner. I no longer crave the extra large glass of wine every night that I would have to wind down after work, and I am definitely more mindful of all of the mindless eating that goes on around me at work. The constant barrage of cookies and chips and sodas at the nurses station no longer look appealing, but the thought of a big salad or anything healthy in general does leave me salivating. Can’t wait to live a healthier lifestyle after this challenge. Day 7 is done, almost at the finish line!

  7. Antoinette

    Day Six of MC

    …I am dissappoined in the weight loss. I was super excited when I started the cleanse that I would see results in the weight loos department once i got going. I had started a workout routine of running and lifting weights. I always lose weight when I run. Since the process of running is always a bit slower in the beginning I let myseld build up to the unlimate distance I am comfortable with. I did not want to run early in the cleanse as I felt weak and my head hurt alot on day one and two but I started on day four and five but I also maintained using the weights (2-5 lbs dumbbells).

    I promised myself that I was not going to check my weight until day five. I did this mostly becasue I did not want to deal with the emotions of seeing the scale not moving as fast as I would like. On Day 5 (Saturday 19th, I was full of energy and did alot, including completing a 5 mile run. I lifted my weights and cleaned the house. I went to a basketball game and got home and anticipated the weigh-in. When I finally did it and the results showed that on day 5 I had lost 2 lbs I wanted to CRY! Yes, I said it, I wanted to cry. I just knew that I had lost more weight. I felt lighter…I felt more energized, I felt I could keep going all day with activities. Yet the scale told a different story. And at that very moment I thought of quitting this cleanse. Why bother. I could easily eat less food, take certain items out my diet (meats, bread, dairy products, sugar, etc) and still eat solid foods and perhaps lose more weight. But, that thought was short lived. I decided that I was not going to quit. Even if the scale did not move again, I believe that my inside is benefitting from this cleanse. I believe that it will help me beyond the 10 day I am committing to flushing out the stuff that has build up in me. I know it did not take just 10 day for the weight to come on. It was over time months to be sure…like layers of a really good cream cheese and salsa salad, my fat became a part of my body when I just layered on the foods…

    So I decided that while I am dissappointed that the scale did not register more weight loss, I am satisified that my body is responding to the cleanse and I do feel energized. So on this day six, I am inspired by the fact that once I am thru with this day I will have 3 more to go.

  8. Nora

    Lemonade Day 6

    I’m doing pretty well with the weight loss I think. I was able to get my coat around my midsection a bit beyond the button. So that’s some good news.

    Physically, my head has ached all day and I’ve been hungry like a bear. I’ve been more tired that usual. My period combined with the cleanse are kicking my butt!

    I had the thought that next wednesday would be ok for me to stop. I really miss eating.

  9. Jasmin

    Lemonade day 6 over the ‘hump’

    Feeling just about the same as yesterday, my laxative last night got me up about 3:30 to flush out alot though, and a few times in the morning too and I got my SWF done today also.
    Physically I have been tired and a bit dragged down, but its not unusual and my routine is messed up, had a few really late nights, so I slept in and didn’t go to classes I wanted to and I knew would give me energy, I really need to work off the weight that I don’t like addition to the cleanse. It’ll come.
    I went to community accupunture today, they do it by donation, its a really nice place.
    I’ve only ever done accupuncture once before a few years ago for a cold.
    this was a very interesting feeling, My senses felt so heightened, don’t feel any immediate change, gonna take some herbs he recommended, and I am thinking of buying a parasite cleanse to do right now on the cleanse also, which I thought of it at first, but thats fine, I have heard depression and chronic fatigue being linked to parasites, and they are all around us, also I drink alot of well, creak, and spring water, especially if I ended up going as long as I I think I might…eek which I am not so sure anymore about so long.
    Day by day!!!

  10. Jasmin

    lemonade day 5 10:15pm

    Just got home from a long steam at the rec. centre….I highly recommend that in this time of detox…can not believe it took me this long to get down there and steam it off!!!Was so great, I am feel fresh now, detoxed.
    I definitlely feel a little lighter today, and i know that for next week I gotta get a better excerice program going on. There is community accupuncture tomorrow, Im gonna try an go to that, and some yoga classes tomorrow and sunday i am gonna go, but now its been days I haven’t done much with my body, a few small walks. I think Im going for a bigger walk tomorrow with a friend….a friend I usually go eat with…so we will sip tea and walk instead:)
    At the pool I see all these gorgeous woman that are fit, and so comfortable in their bodies, I know I shouldn’t compare, but I just have never been like that, I have never had the energy to be so fit and active…I hope that I can feel comfortable one day in my body and showing it off in a bathing suit, its just about feeling good…I wanna feel good! that is my whole basis for this cleanse. Is to wake up and feel good:)


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