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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Weight Loss and Physical Results

This page is a Support Topic Page for Weight Loss and Physical Results for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Weight Loss – Even though The Lemonade Diet is about so much more that weight loss, it is still an effective reduction diet. Weigh yourself each day. How much weight did you lose today? Are you happy or disappointing with the results? What were your expectations? Some people loose weight the day they start The Lemonade Diet. Some people don’t lose weight until well into the diet. Describe your daily experiences.

Physical – Talk about the way your body is reacting to the cleanse. Do you feel full of energy? Do you feel like you have a cold? Headaches on Day 2 but feeling great on day 8? Think about it, how do you feel today? Just pretend you are talking to your best friend and complaining about the hard parts and raving about the good.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Cathy

    My weight also has held steady the past two days. I am not discouraged though. I know this is great for the body and it’s only been 3 days. My body is thanking me…my mind just doesn’t know it yet!!

  2. Mary

    I am holding steady on the weight front, which is ok. I know I am losing all the bloat from my tummy and thighs…. I can feel my jeans, even my skinny jeans, feeling more comfy. As long as I don’t lose it from my boobs hahaha
    Jennifer- sounds like you had developed some food intolerances and/or allergies. The cleanse will definitely clean all that out. BUT we very careful reintroducing potential allergenic food. I work as a health coach, so if you need any help with that when the time comes just ask me!
    Cathy- I know you mentioned you were looking for healthy recipes- I have tons of great tasting easy recipes I can share if you’d like. Just ask :)

    Good luck on day 4 ladies!

    • Jennifer

      Yes, this is why I wanted to do the cleanse. I know that I am intolerant of some foods – definitely dairy. I and my gallbladder out a few years ago, so anything really greasy is difficult as well (which should be good, right?). But there were times when I would eat someone seemingly benign – like a bagel, and still get sick. And I get eczema, so I was thinking about going gluten free. But dairy free, gluten free and oil free did not sound appetizing! So, I asked my NP and she suggested TMC followed by Paleo. That’s my lifestyle changing goal!

  3. Jennifer

    Newbie Lemonade Day #3 – I know I am not supposed to get on the scale everyday, but I have been. Because that is measurable for me. I have lost 5lbs since I started the cleanse, and although I know that is not “real” weight (water and toxins and excess), it feels good. I am so excited to get rid of that bloated feeling! I have been having awful reactions to food lately, which is one reason I decided to do the cleanse. It seemed like every time I ate, I got sick (diarrhea, cramping, bloating, feeling nauseous). I have been free of that for three days, and it feels good!

  4. Melinda

    I’ve been drinking 8 glasses of lemonade a day. Every time I feel hungry or have a growling in my stomach I take a slug from my lemonade bottle. I am still dealing heavily with detoxing with my sinuses. That has gotten old real fast but the lemonade is something I can stick with and am determined to push through and feel better.

    • Cathy
  5. Cathy

    I gained a few tenths of a pound (I have one of those scales that does that), but I’m not concerned.

  6. Mary

    I am happy not to have lost another pound yesterday! But happy that I can see my bloat has gone and that my clothes are fitting nicely!
    I have not been keeping track of how many lemonades I am having every day but I have one as often as I feel hungry or every 2 hours or so…. I am probably having 10 a day is my estimate. How about everyone else? I like the taste too… I made one for my hubby last night and he kind of liked it too! Maybe I can get him to do it sometime!

    • Cathy

      I started out every two hours, but changed it to every 90 minutes. I make sure I’m done by 8pm. My husband likes the lemonade too. He has cleansed with me before but, for whatever reason, made it clear he would not be doing it this time. He is watching me though…..

  7. Jennifer

    Lemonade Day #2 – I am doing this cleanse to prepare me for a Paleo diet and more weight loss. I felt the need to do a “sugar detox” and my provider suggested this cleanse. I am usually an avid Diet Pepsi drinker, and I have not had any caffienated beverage since starting the cleanse. I had a small headache yesterday, but none today. I am surprised I am not more tired.

    My goal is to jump start my weight loss, but also rid myself of the cravings that I have had forever! I feel more empowered today to say no to all the other temptations after I am done with the cleanse because I have “overcome” for the last two days.

    Isn’t that part of the process?

    • Mary

      Good job Jennifer!!! This is a kick ass way to kick the pepsi habit!

  8. Melinda

    Day 2: My nose is running like crazy!!! I hope this doesn’t continue for long because it interferes with my ability to function far more than being hungry and having to go to the bathroom frequently. I have not weighed myself and I’m not sure I will until the cleanse is over because I’m afraid if I weigh myself and have not lost anything I will get discouraged and give up. I need the detox, too, but I’m really hoping to lose weight as well. Has anyone ever done the full cleanse and NOT lost weight?

    • Cathy

      Ive always lost weight. It is a side benefit. Cleansing is the main effect….and your sinuses are cleansing! This is detox. Try rinsing your sinuses well with salt water. Don’t take allergy meds if you can keep from it. This is your body’s way of getting healthy.

      • Melinda

        Thanks for taking time to write. I was thinking about taking some medicine, but I will hold off if I can. You said not to take meds and just do a sinus rinse. Would meds interfere with the cleanse? I’m working hard at this and I don’t want to screw it up. I hope my sinuses hurry up and get this stage over with quickly.

        • Mary

          all medications are toxic on some level… so don’t go there. Look for some holistic ways of coping with it…. but in detoxing the objective is to get the toxins out….. for you this is happening through your nose…. saline water flushes will help the process along which is good- but you don’t want to do much to stop the process….
          Sorry that its a little miserable for you right now…. but it will pass

  9. Cathy

    I personally would leave out the oil pulling. It goes directly to the organs to help flush. Believe me, the Master Cleanse is already doing that. Consider the oil pull once you are done with this cleanse. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the peppermint oil, but I’m not an expert.

    I have never moved a lot during a cleanse and yet, the weight has still come off. This cleanse is no different. I consistently lose about a half a pound a day. I have never been disappointed with this pleasant side effect.

  10. Mary

    headaches etc are normal detox symptoms…. drink lots of water and flush as many of those toxins out as possible

    2 questions for those with experience- Is it ok to use peppermint oil to help with the headache symptoms? and Is it ok to do oil pulling with coconut oil, to help remove toxins?

    For weight loss- I am already down 2.5 of my 5 pounds….. I don’t want to lose more than that…. any tips? My thoughts are to drink as much lemonades as possible for the calories and not to any heavy workouts…. just gentle yoga/walking and normally household work stuff. Any other ideas??? My family is going out of town this weekend so I am planning on being a couch potato/tv junkie/workaholic- all involve little movement ha!


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