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Group Cleanse Support Topic: Weight Loss and Physical Results

This page is a Support Topic Page for Weight Loss and Physical Results for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

This page is the place for participants in the The Master Cleanse Group Experience to post their daily entries. To post, simply leave a comment. You don’t have to be logged in to post. Please provide 100 words each day – don’t worry; that’s not that much. The paragraph below, for example, is 100 words.

Weight Loss – Even though The Lemonade Diet is about so much more that weight loss, it is still an effective reduction diet. Weigh yourself each day. How much weight did you lose today? Are you happy or disappointing with the results? What were your expectations? Some people loose weight the day they start The Lemonade Diet. Some people don’t lose weight until well into the diet. Describe your daily experiences.

Physical – Talk about the way your body is reacting to the cleanse. Do you feel full of energy? Do you feel like you have a cold? Headaches on Day 2 but feeling great on day 8? Think about it, how do you feel today? Just pretend you are talking to your best friend and complaining about the hard parts and raving about the good.

If you are not participating, you can follow the post to get inspiration to try the cleanse or answer the most basic question: Is The Master Cleanse right for me?

Keep it simple, just talk in your own language about your daily experience. The more you are yourself, the more others will connect with you – and the more you can connect with what they are saying – which is what we want after all, a strong support network through a group experience.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and register for the Group Cleanse to get our “Guided Cleanse Experience” email sequence timed to correspond with your registration and the important days as the come up during our scheduled group cleanses.


  1. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 3 (Newbie) – I just starting weighing myself yesterday so not seeing any weight loss on the scale as of yet. I did, however, find coating on my tongue today and my scalp is breaking out as is my face at the hairline only. I figured the seborrhea dermatitis on my face, ears and scalp would worsen but only my scalp seems to have got a little crazy. It’s possibly due to the fact that I do not wash my hair everyday or that I had it colored 2 days ago? I have been getting really sleepy in the middle of the day. I drink a glass of lemonade and feel better. Also, I continue to get cold and layer my clothes. I do not feel any of these physical effects are too bothersome to stop the cleanse. I SO look forward to clearer skin, resolved skin/allergy issues, revamped energy and weight loss (in inches or on the scale – I’ll take either!)

  2. Renee

    It’s day 2 for me, I am a day behind. I;m soooooooo tired. I’ve been sleeping since 10;00pm last night. I woke up with a headache this morning and brought my daughter to school and went back to bed…it’s 12noon now. I am about to so the swf. I hope it wakes me up?!? I do not feel right today. I hope tomorrow is better.


  3. Jessica

    Day one went by pretty fast. I drank a whole 64oz of the lemonade. By mid afternoon I was feeling sort of weird. Like I had too much caffeine and I could retain a clear thought. Which was hard at work trying to program websites. A lot of people at work were interested and confused on what I was doing. Why cleanse? Well I feel great after a cleanse although it has been 2-3 years since I last did a cleanse, I still remember how great I felt. It is a good way to kick start a diet or break a bad habit like smoking, eat/drinking too much sugar, alcohol, etc.
    My husband thinks it is crazy. Anything that involves not eating for an extended period he isn’t going to do it. The man can eat anything and still be 155 lbs.

    I am now on day 2 and the laxative tea I drank last night seems to have kicked in. I am not hungry at all this morning and I am feeling pretty good. I woke up at 4:30am to go to work but I am not fully awake. I have not taken in the 32oz salt water flush yet. I am working myself into it. It is just so gross.
    Well let see what changes today will bring. I am a little nervous. I have read the 2nd day is the hardest.

  4. Portia

    Day 2…….lemonade diet
    I am concern that the smooth move tea did not move me very much at all. I got better results with the SWF…ugh….I am going to drink the tea shortly and hope for better results. I plan to also do the SWF in the morning…which will be day 3 for me. I feel bloated and I really am shocked that my elimination has not been anymore than it has…oh well I will keep trying. I am hoping to loose at least 10 pounds from this, but today I am not convinced ….we will see

  5. Linda

    Lemonade Diet DAY 2 (Newbie) – Julia gave me some good advice about weighing myself daily and with my new scale it will be easier to keep up with that. My scale digitally keeps track of any loss or gains per weigh times, and records it. I keep the scale next to my bathroom cabinet, where I now sit my pre-made SWF. Physical changes include my nose running some, not a great deal, but enough to have to dab it with a tissue. I have adult acne so I am really worried about what the primary changes will be concerning that. Maybe going to get worse before it gets better? I was feeling a little fatigue, but not too much. Oh! and I got really cold at one point in time today. It’s winter, I know, but has anyone else felt colder than usual at any point?

  6. Alisa

    I did the SWF and felt like I lost 10 lbs. it felt so good getting all the toxic waste out of my body this morning. I like the way I feel inside and my stomach has a smile. I can see a difference in my stomach is has gone done some after all the elimination I had this morning. I am so sleepy and I notices that staying on a schedule of drinking every two hours worked for my mood also i did not feel like I was punishing myself by not eating, I told myself that I am making a healthy change and kick starting my weight loss journey. I plan to eat raw foods after I ease out of the master cleanse.

  7. Rebecca


    Started my morning with a brisk walk in the winter cold, and did some stretching exercises all before having my 1st lemon beverage. Physically I have not been active, only sedentary… so I am changing that in my life…

    As for weight loss, I’ve tried so many things: Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin aka the pregnancy hormone), Slim Fast, Green Coffee Bean, Dr. Strand’s “Healthy Diet” counting proteins and gylcemic index of foods (pain in the rear and complicated), Fit 4 Life by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond, and just sensible eating of small 6 meals a day with exercise, and just eating like I eat and EXERCISING LIKE A MANIAC… unbelievable all that I have tried over time….

    Only three things have worked effectively… (1) eating only all raw vegan foods for 11 months… I lost a TON of weight… (2) 3 Day Energy Fast by Pamela Serure… I would 20lbs in 3 days, and then (3) doing the Fall Session of The Master Cleanse……. hhhmmmm…. only the programs of clean foods and cleansing foods work….

    but then I sabotage my great efforts by eating cooked foods… its time I stop harming myself, and only HEAL myself

  8. Erika Tabeling


    Well I can say that all of the “solid” is out of me! I LOVE the smooth move tea. It works fantastically and very reliable. I have not noticed a big weight loss but I do see my lower stomach being more flat. Probably because of all the “solid” being gone. I can’t help but laugh when I type that! I am hoping to notice some more changes in the upcoming days. When I see the flatness of my stomach it makes me want to continue on to see the further results. I’m not looking for major weight loss but it is a VERY nice bonus to the overall diet.

  9. Erika Tabeling

    Well I can say that all of the “solid” is out of me! I LOVE the smooth move tea. It works fantastically and very reliable. I have not noticed a big weight loss but I do see my lower stomach being more flat. Probably because of all the “solid” being gone. I can’t help but laugh when I type that! I am hoping to notice some more changes in the upcoming days. When I see the flatness of my stomach it makes me want to continue on to see the further results. I’m not looking for major weight loss but it is a VERY nice bonus to the overall diet.

  10. Tia

    Day 2 Lemonade Diet Newbie

    So far so good. I made it through day one and now I am focused on making through day 2 which is today. I weighed myself this morning. It was after the long 1st SWF BM elimination. I have lost 5 lbs as of so far. My first weigh in was on Day 3 of the Ease in (1/12/14).

    My outlook today is positive. I must stay focused and I will stay the course. The weight loss has definitely added to my motivation.

    Peace, power & blessings!


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