by Mike Olaski | Oct 8, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ
Those who cheat while doing The Master Cleanse are called Master Cleanse Cheats! Or are the "Master Cleanse Cheats" those tricks that are allowable, the "hacks" if you will, the grey-area you can search for to lean on when feeling confined by the strict bounds of...
by Mike Olaski | Oct 6, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ
Are you wondering if there is a Master Cleanse Supplement to take instead of doing the full master cleanse, with the mono-liquid, modified juice fast that is the lemonade diet, the salt water flush, detox tea and ease-out? Yes? Then, no. The answer is just plain no....
by Mike Olaski | Oct 2, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ
This is a 2 part question. Is there something else I can do besides the salt water flush? And, is it Really Necessary? Do I have to do it at all? And for both questions my answer is the same. The top alternative is to NOT DO IT. It’s optional. Besides that there isn’t...
by Mike Olaski | Sep 23, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ
The Maple Syrup ingredient of The Master Cleanse is the most substituted ingredient largely because maple syrup can be hard to come by, but more so because people have a misconception about sugar, types of sugar, the quality of sugar in maple syrup, the differences in...
by Mike Olaski | Sep 21, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ, Juicing & Blending
When people ask if they can substitute lemon juice during their lemonade diet master cleanse, there are a couple reasons why, the most common is that fresh lemons are hard to find in many parts of the world, especially those in central and south america where limes...