by Mike Olaski | Dec 15, 2015 | Directions, FAQ
The question, "how can I make a batch that lasts the whole day", comes from several variations, but regardless of the reason, there is only one acceptable answer; you must make a master cleanse concentrate to preserve the enzyme of the fresh lemon juice. If you're...
by Mike Olaski | Jan 1, 2014 | FAQ
What are your intentions?! Why Master Cleanse? Is it a FAD? Is it healthy? Why do you want to Master Cleanse? Most people will say, “To Lose Weight Fast” Which was evident by this survey we ran: It’s probably no surprise to you either that out of...
by Mike Olaski | Oct 15, 2008 | Directions, FAQ
We cover the main salt water flush instructions in another post, but these special instructions are for those who can't seem to get it down so that it's effective as their daily detox elimination. We know that many people report they can't stand the Salt Water Flush....
by Mike Olaski | Oct 11, 2008 | FAQ, Situations
First, congratulations on your decision to be well without using pills and surgery. Second, it must be said: If you are in ill health, have any disease or are taking any medications and want to do the Master Cleanse, consult your licensed healthcare professional...
by Mike Olaski | Oct 8, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ
Those who cheat while doing The Master Cleanse are called Master Cleanse Cheats! Or are the "Master Cleanse Cheats" those tricks that are allowable, the "hacks" if you will, the grey-area you can search for to lean on when feeling confined by the strict bounds of...
by Mike Olaski | Oct 6, 2008 | Customizations, FAQ
Are you wondering if there is a Master Cleanse Supplement to take instead of doing the full master cleanse, with the mono-liquid, modified juice fast that is the lemonade diet, the salt water flush, detox tea and ease-out? Yes? Then, no. The answer is just plain no....