My Master Cleanse Experience: Brenda Avila


Sample of Brenda’s Comments

Here’s a selection of Brenda’s Experience from her Group Cleanse

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The Process and The Lemonade Diet

Today was the first day I tried the lemonade and it was to my liking.  I am making it room temp. and then added a couple of ice cubes.  I am not sure if it has to be room temp and since I am not sure I am playing it safe.  I am concerned that chilling it will affect the enyzemes.  I would prefer it cold, so if anyone knows the answer to if the lemonade needs to be room temp or not, please let me know.  I was surprise that I only used 1 and a half lemons today.  I had about 8 lemonades and it was just a medium size lemon.  I know I need to drink more water I drank the salt water, but only about 2 glasses of water throughout the day.

Detox and The Salt Water Flush

I did the SWF this morning and I am happy to say that it was easier than yesterday. I still hated it, but maybe because I knew what to expect being it was the second day.  Another thing that really helped was warmng up the salt water before drinking it.  I remembered reading somewhere that if It is warm, you can fake yourself out that it is really bad chicken soup.  That worked.  It was like a super high sodium soup.  Worst soup ever…. but much better than doing it cold or even room temp.  Having it cold taste like having a cup of ocean. I am doing it again in the morning. I won’t like it but know it’s for my own good.

The Psychological and Emotional

I had a really good day and I am not having any problem staying on the lemonade.  The biggest problem is the SWF. I made it through today, but had a never again train of thought as I was doing it. I AM going to do it again tomorrow. I want the results that it promises to give me and so I am gearing up to do it again.  I am going to re read the benefits of it so I can psyche myself up,  It is by far the worst part of this cleanse.  It is like drinking a glass of ocean.  Focus on the benefits, Focus on the beneftis…..Feeling strong still singing my song.

Weight Loss and Physical Results

I was down another pound this morning with is always welcomed.  I hope to lose a couple more before I am done with the ease out.  I also plan to continue to lose weight in the months to come.  I would like to lose at least another 8 pounds.  Physically, I am feeling really good.  My tongue, while not completely restored to pink is getting there.  My engergy is good.  I am clear headed.  I had a really good day and while I have decided not to extend beyond the ten days and ease out.  I kinda still want to keep going.  It is a bit hard to stop.  The results are wonderful and it is hard to stop.  Maybe part of that is fear. Fear that I will lose control and put the weight back on.

Social Support from Friends and Family

I have heard of the master cleanse over the years and always thought that people who did it were either super human; nuts; had eating disorders; or were in to self deprevation.  I never thought I would be doing it myself, however the timing is right for me now.  I now get it and am ready to roll.  At first, I thought I wouldn’t tell anyone I was doing the cleanse. I only mentioned it to people who I thought might be willing to do it with me.  I have really surprised myself by telling most everyone I talk to that I am doing it. I even posted on Facebook.  This gives me added confidence, because I know that I am totally serious and committed. I have received mostly positive feedback mixed with a little, your crazy or that doesn’t sound safe.  I totally understand their view point because I thought that way not too long ago.

Download Wendy’s Report

Want to see everything Wendy had to say about her Cleanse Experience?

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  1. Name: Brenda Avila
  2. Username: Brenda
  3. 42 Pages
  4. 11,539 Words
  5. Author URL
  6. Comments URL:
  7. Group Cleanse Date: 2010.07.12
  8. Cleanser Type: Newbie


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