Cayenne Pepper is so critical to The Master Cleanse and Lemonade Diet that it is sometimes called the Cayenne Pepper Diet.


Cayenne Pepper is a Super Food. There are many so-called “Super Foods” and, in my estimation, Cayenne Pepper is one of them. A few others that immediately spring to mind include: Acai Berry, Goji Berry, Almonds, Avocados, Cocoa, Flax, Garlic, Ginger, Olive Oil and many more. These are all different kinds of food, from nuts, to fruit, to herbs and oils. Come to think of it, one day I ought to research and write a piece on classifying Super Foods.

Here is a great article on 17 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper from 

Cayenne Pepper – The Herb

Cayenne Pepper is also, of course, a vegetable and we get our powder for The Lemonade Diet from grinding up a dried specific type of red pepper. Still, many refer to cayenne pepper as a herb. This is something I don’t understand clearly. Maybe someone can leave me a comment and enlighten me as to why this is.Cayenne Pepper is a herb, and as such might not be referred to as a Super Food by some, but I will. In fact, herbologist and herbalists say that Cayenne Pepper is The Master Herb. Perhaps this is where Stanley Burroughs came up with the name “The Master Cleanser”.

Capsaicin – The Cayenne Pepper Secret Weapon

Capsaicin is the most active compound in Cayenne Pepper. It is what gives it the heat we taste — a heat so powerful that handling the ground cayenne requires gloves. The ‘hotness’ of the Cayenne Pepper is measured in a unit called Scoville ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 IU’s.

As is usually suggested with many things in life, start slow and build up. Try the 40,000-unit version in your lemonade before moving up to the 100,000. The more cayenne pepper in your lemonade the better. Use it to taste. If the package isn’t marked with a unit measure, then it is likely 40,000.

Why Cayenne Pepper is great for The Lemonade Diet

[easyazon_image asin=”B0019I2FP0″ alt=”Simply Organic Organic Cayenne Pepper ( 1×2.89 OZ)” src=”” align=”right” width=”85″ height=”150″]

Cayenne Pepper has many wonderful properties: 

  • It is a stimulant which raises the metabolism (something that is important when not digesting food).
  • Cayenne pepper also  increases circulation, which is very helpful when cleansing because one often feels slightly cool, likely due to the low metabolism which results from not digesting food.
  • Cayenne Pepper also acts as a blood thinner and purifier, which can help with digestion.
  • Perhaps most importantly, Cayenne Pepper, like the Fresh Lemon Juice, helps to break up the mucous in our bodies. Mucous is where all our illness causing substances get trapped. This is why we get stuffed up, congested, sneeze and cough. Breaking up and eliminating this mucous is one of the major benefits of The Master Cleanse.

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits – video

The Cayenne Pepper Diet

[easyazon_image align=”right” asin=”B003AYEHOI” locale=”us” height=”150″ src=”” width=”118″]Like Fresh Lemon Juice, Cayenne Pepper is vitamin rich and alkalizing to the body. Sometimes people even refer to The Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet as the Cayenne Pepper Diet.

Whether you call Cayenne Pepper a herb or a food, you might now realize how essential it is to The Master Cleanse. It might even have lent the name to the “Master Cleanser” as Stanley Burroughs called it. He also called this cleanse The Lemonade Diet. Clearly two key ingredients in The Lemonade Diet are Fresh Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper (although the Rich Maple Syrup and Pure Water are equally important).

Have you ever done the Master Cleanse without using Cayenne Pepper? Maybe you used a substitute? Or have you used an alternative measure to take it if it was too hot for you (like gel-caps)?