The Master Cleanse Kit will be your breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snack routine for the next 10 days and so it’s importance should be obvious.
” The lemonade diet, about to be described, has successfully and consistently demonstrated its eliminative and building ability. Lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man, and they are available the year around. Thus the diet can be used successfully any month of the year and virtually any place on earth. Its universal appeal and availability make it pleasant and easy to use.” ~ excerpt from The Master Cleanser book by Stanley Burroughs.
Introduction to: Gathering Your Master Cleanse Kit
Please, carefully research all your ingredients and as much as possible make sure that all your Master Cleanse kit ingredients are :
- Organic
- Fresh and highest quality possible
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Rule #1 for successfully starting The Master Cleanse, after you have done your research and made your decision, is to gather up all your ingredients, tools, utensils, appliances and other items that you will require during the Lemonade Diet as well as the Ease-In and Ease-Out.
There are several common mistakes that we will cover in this article that are related to The Master Cleanse Kit, but I will give you a sneak peak into the Most Common mistake people make when they are starting The Master Cleanse – not having ALL the required ingredients ready. As simple as that. This will often cause people to give into easy and unfortunate excuse: “I don’t have the lemons ” (or syrup or other ingredients). Don’t leave this to the last minute and take time to prepare in advance so you can go through the whole experience successfully.
Master Cleanse Kit Video
We hope this video will help you to prepare for the Master Cleanse journey well while avoiding the common mistakes to ensure your success and desired results. Let us know if you have any questions and join our community for support.
Tips for Gathering Your Master Cleanse Kit
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Here ar some tips on the process of gathering your Master Cleanse kit to prevent you from failing before you actually start the Cleanse. Improvising and making assumption is what can be very dangerous and cause you not only to fail completing the Cleanse but possibly even harm your self in the process. Please, make sure you follow the recipe and I really recommend reading Stanley Burroughs book – The Master Cleanser (it is only 50 pages and can be read in a day, well worth investing your money and time).
Tip #1: Ingredients and Materials
- Don’t wait until the last minute.
- Get everything before you start the Cleanse.
Start at local health food store. Big centres like Whole Foods may have a better selection and more organic choices. Another option is and ordering your ingredients on line. Visit our Master Cleanse Store page to get all you need to start your Cleanse.
Tip #2: Lemonade Ingredients
- Lemons. If you cannot find lemons or are in places like Costa Rica, limes are another approved option.
- Maple Syrup. Any grade will work. Grade D and C (the higher/ darker the better).
- Cayenne Pepper.
- Water. You can order a water filter jug from Amazone to ensure your water is pure.
Tip #3: You Will Also Need:
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- Laxative.
- Sea Salt.
- Herbal Peppermint Tea or other flavoured Herbal teas (as long as they are non caffeinated, organic as much as possible).
- Tools and Utensils
- Juicers.
- Table Spoon Measures.
- Cutting Board.
- Cups and Bottles.
- Other Items for Advanced Kit
- PH Testing.
- Scale (optional).
- Body Fat Testing Device.
- Water Filter or Alkaizer.
- Power Juicer.
How Do I Take the Master Cleanse “On the Road” ?
Many of the people undergoing the Master Cleanse detox are challenged by trying to figure out how they can take their Master Cleanse Lemonade to work, gym, meetings or other places that have to be for longer periods of time during the day. It takes preparation and also educating your self on how to do this right to ensure your overall success.
You dont want to risk not achieving the results you are hoping because of what could be just a little mistake with a big impact on the Cleansing and Healing process that takes place during the Cleanse. The most important thing is to know how to mix your Master Cleanse Concentrate and to gather all the other required equipment to keep your concentrate fresh and effective.
Master Cleanse Kits for Work or for Travel
[easyazon_image align=”right” asin=”B000RSQ2D4″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”116″]To take your Master cleanse “on the road” you may need:
- 2 jugs of water
- Little concentrate glass container (this container should be dark and a specific size)
- Cup to mix? Bigger bottle to mix (size of 1 cup)
- OR a item that is meant for the concentrate
- Measurement Issue
About The Master Cleanse Concentrate
The Master Cleanse Concentrate is the most common mistake that people make when decide to do the Cleanse. Previously mentioned on this website was my preference to drink Pre-mix Lemonade. I now understand a critical flaw to this plan. The longer your Lemonade sits, the more enzymes die. If you need to Pre-mix your Lemonade, then you should only mix a concentrate of just 2 ingredients:
- The Fresh Lemon Juice
- And the Rich Maple Syrup.
Master Cleanse Concentrate video
We welcome your feedback and comments
This post serves as a collaboration point for member contributors and public opinion from anonymous viewers. There is no para-graphical information here except for the introduction that follows. The list below is the current, refined list derived from the exhaustive list of Key Concepts that the Administration of this website, and in collaboration with Authors, Practitioners, Professionals and Cleansers have determined are relevant to this section of this publication.
To contribute, you can simply leave feedback in our comment area at the bottom of the page. If you would like to become a member, please tag your comment with “Member”. We are looking for point form topics of discussion and short form opinions. Please feel free to speak your mind!
The sections or chapters of this publication work are also available for discussion at the parent to this page: Successfully Starting The Master Cleanse.
Thank you for all your valuable feedback and comments we receive. It is very much appreciated and very much contributes into our effort to keep this topic fresh and up-to-date.
Happy Cleansing everyone!
The Master Cleanse Team.
First, the cleanse helps me become more aware of what I’m eating (or rather NOT eating!) My eating was out of control and I was eating totally unconsciously.
Second, I still can enjoy cooking for my family by employing my other senses: the smell, asthetics, joy of nourishing others.
Last, it really frees up my time!
dear Mike
i am from india and had done a Master Clense about 5 years back for 10 days, the results were astonishing. i had lost almost 7/8 kgs. managed the maple syrup through a friend who was in US then.
i am 60 now and had gone through triple bypass surgery last march(17/03/2012) i am fine now but have put on whole lot of weight. and so a few questions:
1. we don get maple syrup out here and it works out pretty expensive for us… could honey be a replacement for Maple syrup…? or may be something else
2. since i have BP and am on medication, is taking the sea salt water flush advisable…?
3. there would be whole lot of indians interested but getting Maple syrup is a big question mark.
4. do you foresee any problem doing the master clense by byepass patients, though fir and fine…?
hi very happy to hear about the master challenge is am staying in South Africa in Pretoria where do i get the kit so as to start immediately
You can get the Master Cleanse Kit on I am interested to know if they’ll ship to you in South Africa. Let us know…
Preparing for Master Cleanse. This is only my second time and I only got to day 8 on my first one. Hoping that with the support of others doing this, I will be able to complete it. :-)