Group Cleanse: My Experience Journal

This page is an instructional page for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

Click to Register for The Group Cleanse

M.E. (My Experience) Journal Pages

Diaries and Journals have long been an extremely effective way to document your experience (obviously :), but also to provide the framework for success, the review for improvement and the motivation to continue. Today with websites, social media, blogs and forums, the diary journal has only become more effective. And so we to provide that framework for documenting your trials and tribulations in The Master Cleanse Group Cleanse Diary Journal.

These links will take you to the pages that you can journal in each day, by simply posting a comment on them. Everyone in the Group Cleanse will also diarize their experiences, and respond to yours. This forum has proved to be extremely effective in the success of thousands of Master Cleansers and Newbie Cleansers alike.

How to format Your Diary Journal

Each day, post a comment on each of the above diary journalpages. Start your main entry with a Milestone Indicator like:

Ease-In Day 1: I need some help. Has anyone every experienced…


Lemonade Diet – Day 3 –> Today was another great day, I…

As long as you preface your primary entry with that, we can track your entry and better organize it for the benefit of others. You can post as much as you like, on any page you like. In fact you’ll get points for nearly every interaction you take. But if you want to qualify for the grand prize, you’ll need to post each day, on each diary journal topic, and preface it with that Milestone title.

Diary Journal Examples: For Inspiration

Our book, Master Cleanse Me (to be published later this year), is in part a compilation of the experiences of the most popular, and helpful Group Cleansers’ Diary Journals from the last 10 quarterly Group Cleanses. When you buy Master Cleanse Me, you’ll also get the bonus Diary Journals from past Group Cleanse Leaders. Here is a little bonus for you, to aid you in your own journalling. Enjoy, and Happy Cleansing

Download Master Cleanse Me Journal


Click to Register for The Group Cleanse


  1. Sandra

    Good Afternoon!

    I am on Ease In mode today and starting the official Day 1 of Lemonade Tea tomorrow.

    I have done the cleanse in the past, but only lasted 5 and 7 days each time.

    I am really committed to completing a minimum of 10 days. I have had a couple of sports injuries in the past two years that have prevented me from staying in great shape and I am hoping this will help get me back on track.

    Any helpful hints or encouragement is highly welcomed!

    Good luck to my fellow MC pals.

  2. Alethea

    Today I is Day 1 Ease-in for me. My cycle began a few days early. I am cranky. Not good. Cramping. Not good. Psychologically, I just want to curl-up in bed with some chocolate chip cookies and ditch the fruit. Oh yeah. I ate 3/4 of a cantelope and I’m not hungry just anxious for some reason.

  3. Kelly Wankmueller

    Lemonade Diet Day 2- I’ve come to two realizations: one is, hunger passes! If you just don’t cave in, it eventually just passes. Drinking a large glass of water helps too. 2nd realization is: I didn’t realize how “robotic” my eating was. I would take bites here and there, just out of habit, not even hunger. Over the last two days I really have to redirect myself away from a bite of the kids meals they didn’t finish, a bite while preparing their meals. I wonder how many extra calories I consumed with mindless bites here and there? The thing I love about this cleanse is that it puts food into perspective for me. It’s fuel for the body. That is it!

  4. yukie

    hi, today is my 2nd day of MC, and it feels good :) better than the first day. Anyway i got few question about after the MC i will need to take probiotics. which one should i take?
    how long should i take for that? what if i dont take any of it? will i be able to get them from food? (Im from hong kong and not really sure if i can get any of those). Thanks alot!

    Good Luck for all of us!!

  5. jane

    On day 3 of lemonade.
    Okay – I’m REALLY getting frustrated here. Maybe I’m too old to understand something that’s common knowledge. (When I did mastercleanses in the past the internet wasn’t invented yet.) Where are all these comments? Supposedly there are 80 on “diary/journal,” and over 500 on other topics. How do I find them and read them? And how do I post under all the different categories? I thought when I signed up for the group cleanse I would automatically have access to post. Was that a separate sign up? It’s very discouraging to only have access to one page, and after 12 hours there are only two new comments. And if I could figure out how to “bookmark” this page, how would I get to all the other hundreds of comments on other pages? Can anyone clear up the confusion?

    • melanie

      Agreed! It has been very confusing for me too!!

    • Sonya Solomonovich

      Hi Jane,
      Most of the comments can be found on our front page, Bookmarking depends on what type of browser you’re using: internet explorer, firefox, etc. There should be a bookmark option no matter what kind of browser you’re using. Hope this helps!

  6. chenedra

    Lemonade Day 1

    so far so good…didn’t enjoy the SWF to say the least!!! I also realized a few faults of my own…didn’t use purified water, I used distilled; my lemons were refrigerated as opposed to room temp.

    I will use more salt I the morning during SWF-only had 2 BM’s.

    My husband and children915,18) are doing this along with me so its easier to do at home.

    We are doing this for several health reasons, to rid PCOS from my family as well as weight loss and increased health/energy

  7. Asha Marie Robles

    Hey everyone!

    Well, this will be my 2nd cleanse. My 1st one was actually back in 2012. Never thought about doing it more than once a year, but after doing more research, seasonal cleansing didn’t seem bad at all.

    Anyway, i will be starting my day one tomorrow (which is the 16th) due to the fact that I live on Guam and my April 16th is the United States’ April 15th. Thought it would be easier that way.

    Also, other than posting my daily journals, I will actually be posting some videos on Keek if anyone wants to follow and see how it goes. My keek name is asharobles.

    Hope you all have a successful cleansing experience!

  8. jane

    I’m also really confused about how to connect with others. I got here from a link on an email. Earlier today the same link took me to some more recent comments, but now they’re nowhere to be found. This is definitely a bit of a techno maze. Hey Mike? Are you monitoring this at all? Love that you have your site and all the great info,but getting here was a guessing game and not sure I’ll be able to get back. I also noticed the posts are not in any chronological order.
    Not to sound ungrateful! I’m on day two of the actual master cleanse and I’ve been a bit crabby all day! Anyway, hope to keep in touch with everyone. This is a great support. So thanks Mike!

    • Lemonhead

      Hello! Well if you bookmark this page you can at least find me again. :) This is my “home base” for logging my experiences.

      Lemonade Diet Day 1

      Yesterday I tried to have orange juice all day, ran out of oranges so I started with the lemonade. Tastes good! I don’t need the full two tablespoons of maple syrup (Peter Glickman, author of one of the MC books, says that Burroughs indicated less maple syrup is fine, but the amount of lemon juice has to stay constant.) And I like cayenne so I use 1/4 teaspoon.

      Salt water flush this morning was worse than I expected, even with all the warnings! But I was so happy I could get it down, and it stayed down. It took a full hour to produce any results and then I went (y’all know what I mean) like eight times over the next hour. That wasn’t exactly fun, but I was glad it worked.

      I’ve had two drinks of lemonade so far today, feeling okay. During the ease-in days, the worst part comes in the afternoon when I got ravenously hungry. That’s been my worst “symptom.” Also, my legs get tired after climbing stairs. That hasn’t happened since I was pregnant, so maybe I’m already feeling the effects of not enough calcium. (?) It’s manageable discomfort, but I hope it goes away.

      Hope everyone is well out there!

      • Cassie

        It’s funny you mention that about your legs getting tired after climbing the stairs. I started lemonade yesterday, a day early so this is my day 2. I am feeling pretty good, but I did notice that my legs were very tired this morning going upstairs and I thought about that feeling like when I was pregnant as well. I am hoping that for some energy, I am feeling tired without the morning coffee. Good luck!

        • Lemonhead

          Lemonade Diet Day 2

          Thank you…sorry to hear you have leg issues, too. How’s the coffee withdrawal? I’m a coffee/chocolate addict but managed to wean myself off it bit by bit before the cleanse.

          I couldn’t sleep at all last night, I was in pain all down my back and the backs of my legs. I have to wonder if the lemonade is clearing out pitocin from my system (I got injected with it when I had my youngest child, in 2010) because I feel almost exactly like I did back then.

          Oh well, hope I can make it through today.

          Best wishes to you & everyone!

          • Cassie

            Day 3 or me. Yesterday I was ready to throw in the towel, and water the salt water flush this morning, I was again! However as I write this I am having my glass of lemonade and back to feeling optimistic. We can do this! The caffeine withdrawal has been hard for me. I only have one cup a day, but I enjoy that time before I get the kids out of bed. Maybe I am missing that more that the coffee. Good Luck on Day 2!

          • Lemonhead

            Hi again Cassie,

            The Reply button wasn’t appearing below your last comment, so I’m posting above it and hope you see.

            I found this, about the leg pain (more probable explanation for mine):

            Sciatic Pain

            Sciatic pain can be a cleansing catastrophe, with coffee consumption as the culprit. Withdrawal from caffeine has been associated with pain originating in the lower back and radiating down the back of the legs. To date, it appears that no controlled studies have addressed this phenomena, but anecdotal reports of its occurrence abound, and according to Harvard Medical School, the use of caffeine has additionally be associated with the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.
            Like the headaches associated with cleansing programs, leg pain should subside within a day or two.

            Read more:

            Oh I HOPE mine goes away!

            Lemonade Diet Day 2 and feeling GREAT, except for the legs. Let’s keep going! :)

          • Lemonhead

            This site is a bit crazy, no offense. I posted ABOVE a comment, and it showed up below it. *confusing*

  9. Joseph Shanahan

    Ease in day 1 – Hey I’ve been going raw today. I’m trying to figure out where people are posting that are in the Master Cleanse Group. Is this the right place?

    • Cassie

      I’m with you. I have no idea where to navigate to. I signed up for that added support but I can’t find my way around. Anyway, good luck and welcome to your ease in day 2!

      • Lemonhead

        This site is hard to navigate. This page was easy to find, however, so I’m hoping others on the Group Clease end up here.

        I’m on Ease in Day 2, though I got desperate and cheated today. ‘Couldn’t handle just the smoothies. Especially since I was so lightheaded I tried to tamp down my smoothie in the Vita-Mix…without the lid. Broke the tamper! :( Goodbye raspberry-coconut “ice cream.” So I was left stupid and hungry. I consoled myself with some grated carrots and a bit of coconut yogurt and flax oil. Macerated by mouth instead of machine…so not cheating that bad! But then I had a tomato, avocado, carrot salad.

        Right now I am fine and hoping I can make a good, filling smoothie for dinner (without the tamper) that fills me up.

        I am already thin so fasts are difficult, but I am doing this mainly for health reasons. Cheers, people, hope you are well!

        • Joseph S

          Hey Lemon head. sorry to hear about your smoothie. Remember, getting through the first few days is usually the hardest part. after that it’s a lot easier. I’ve been going strong all day with some homemade carrot juice and apple, cucumber juice with a splash of ginger root, and i’m going to juice some spinach and greens tonight. so good!

          • Lemonhead

            That juice sounds good! I love ginger…I’ll miss it these next two weeks. ‘Feel like I’m preparing to go to another planet.

            Well I made it through dinner with just a blended soup of fresh vegetables…then more coconut yogurt and (cheatingly) sunflower seeds.

            Loaded up on organic oranges for tomorrow’s juice fast. Hoping the ease in makes the fast more comfortable…I want to get the worst parts over with ASAP.

  10. sara

    Day 1 Of Master Cleanse: I am a newbie and am going at this pretty much cold turkey. I did fast yesterday though and had nothing but water to prepare me for today. I had a baby (delivered c-section) five months ago and I have not been able to feel good about my body ever since. I was 194lbs yesterday and I was 189lbs, so I did lose four lbs from my fast yesterday. It goes FAR beyond weight loss for me though. I see that as an added benefit. I want to eat healthier and cut out processed foods and meats. I want to be a good role model to my new child, so I thought the MC would help me jump start that. I feel great!

    • Cassie

      Hi Sara,

      Just wondering how you are doing on the cleanse. I am also a newbie and am starting today with Day 1 ease in. You look as though you must be several days into it by now. It sounds we are in the same boat. I had a baby via c-section a little over a year ago, (and another one a year before that) and I just want to kick start a healthy lifestyle and get back to it.

    • anna

      Hey Sara! So glad you are cleansing post baby [I am as well, albeit she is 3!] I wouldn’t be offering this but you are a newbie so wanted to make sure you knew not to do this until after your wee one has weaned him/her self….Too many toxins can enter into the milk….just FYI!!! That is why I had to wait so long between master cleanses :)
      Good luck…and welcome!


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