Group Cleanse: General Instruction, Comments and Questions

This page is a General Instruction Page for our Master Cleanse Group Cleanse. Please check that page for details on our Quarterly Cleanses and our Individual Cleanses.

To learn more about the value of Group Cleansing, check out this report.

The Group Cleanse will not only give us the forum to support each other, doing The Master Cleanse together, but it also enables us to track our experiences by setting standards to the conversation. If we all just posted random thoughts we would get a lot less value from the comments. But if the comments are structured, and relevant by time and topic, we can gain even more insight, more quickly and more effectively. Therefore we ask participants to start and finish the Master Cleanse on the same dates.

Post your general comments and questions about The Master Cleanse

Use this page to post general comments and questions on The Master Cleanse Group Experience. The other pages are meant for the daily experiences of the registered users. I am sure that this is going to become hard to manage, but we’ll see how it goes. Maybe I will move any misplaced comments to this category.

Please feel free to comment on any other post that may be more specific to your question. Posts and Pages on this site become like forum categories in which discussions can take place. I really should publish a forum as well, maybe in the New Year. I am still looking for moderators, so if you are interested please leave a comment in response.

Your name and email will absolutely never be sold or provided to another source without your permission. Your questions and comments may be used in other parts of this site, or in compilations to be published elsewhere on this site, on other sites I give permission to, or other means of publication.


  1. Sue

    Do I stop the SWF once I begin the Ease-Out?

    • Sonya Solomonovich

      Hi Sue,
      Yes, no more SWF once you begin the ease-out. You need to end the cleanse and make your stomach readjust to solid food at that point.

  2. Antoinette

    I found that talking to people about the cleanse is a wonderful way to make it thru the process everyday. I focus on the positives of the cleanse but I also examine the challenges as well. Food and how I relate to it is important. I have started doing more research on this. I know i love to snack and if i have something I really like I tend to eat too much of it. So I am approaching food with the idea that I will eat alot of the “healthy things I love, like veggies and some fruits.

    Since I love salads I will eat more of it but use a different type of dressing….less fattening dressings etc.

    I have been encouraging other to do the cleanse and I hope they take my advice.

  3. Antoinette

    Lemonade day 8….as this cleanse gets closer to day 10,,,i feel motivated to go an extra day or two. so I think after day 10 I will take it one day at a time. if i can keep going I will. The main thing is I will get to day 10.

    overall the experience has been interesting. i am sure I can incorporate this clease into a quarterly event.

  4. Antoinette

    On this Sunday – day 6 of my cleanse I am motivated to keep going even though the weight loss is not there —YET!… So I wish everyone a healthy day and happy healing!

  5. Jasmin

    Hi, wondering if anyone has ever had any positive affects from the MC for Chronic Fatigue?

  6. Antoinette

    The SWF in my opinion is perhaps the toughest segment of the entire cleanse process. Since it is at the beginning of the day it takes more will power to get thru it. I suggest going to bed a little earlier and then getting up an extra hour or two and start the process. This way your system can get ready for the flushing. I prepare two cups of the solution and get it to a temperature I can drink without too many sips.

    It does seem to get easier….

    Happy Cleansing!

  7. Jasmin

    Anyone know about homeopathics on the cleanse? Have any experience with them?

  8. ruby matthews

    Hi – day 3 and feeling great! A bit tired and cold. It is normally warm in Houston but we are having a cold snap so not used to that. Mike – can you tell me if we are allowed to chew gum? I have asked several times but no one has let me know.

    Good luck all.


    • Jasmin

      I am no expert and don’t know the “right” answer but I thought since you’ve asked and not gotten an answer I would give you my thoughts.
      My thoughts would be no, there is alot of not very great ingredients in gum and your ingesting all of it as you chew, The master Cleanse is so direct on just the lemonade mix, and herb teas and SWF that the point is to really detox all of that out of your system like the sugars in gum.
      I would say better not…but its really your body and what you think is best for you and what you can go with out I guess!!! good luck!

      • Ruby

        Thank you Jasmin – I am thinking the same. I appreciate your writing back to me. Wishing you the best of luck!

        Cheers to the lemon juice!!!!

      • Antoinette

        I though about the gum chewing as well but knew that in order to measure the results correctly, I had to ingest only what the Master Cleanse called for. Ruby I hope you warm up soon.



  9. Candis

    Newbie Cleanser Lemonade Day 2
    Wow I wonder if Mike is going to talk to me???
    lol no but really what do you do to recover if you vomit after the swf? Does it mean I have to stop the cleanse?

    • D


      SWf is optional. You can try it again in smaller doses(divide in smaller glasses) until u complete the 32oz or you can switch it for the herbal laxative.

  10. Jasmin

    Hi, I’m just wondering if any knows about supplements, herbals on the cleanse or has had any experience.???
    I take a herbal formula for sleep etc, an thought I better stop it on the cleanse, but last night I had a hard to falling asleep, so I’m gonna try it out an see how I feel, also gonna try herb tea etc, for calming at night.
    Thanks for any knowledge .

    • Phyllis

      Jasmine- I’m on day 17. would you like to buddy up? I could use the support. I will help you all I can. I feel good and want to keep going on this. Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated alone. thanks


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