Lemonade Diet – Day 8

Day 8. By now, you'll know it can be an emotional rollercoaster. Each day feels like a continuous cycle of falling in love followed by depression because you were dumped. Sometimes I feel a deep loss for the food, like I will never eat again. Thankfully I realize, of...
Sea Salt (By Celtic) – 8oz – Course

Sea Salt (By Celtic) – 8oz – Course

If you're wondering what type of salt to use for your Master Cleanse salt water flush, we recommend Celtic Sea Salt. With a flavour subtler than that of the coarser variety, Celtic Sea Salt is an all-purpose shaker salt convenient for use at the table, or in baking....

Day 15 – Eat Freely Day 1

I have a tiny tummy. I get full fast and it’s is awesome. I still get to eat, and enjoy the taste. I get satiated – the feeling of being full, and satisfied. This happens, quickly. I don’t have the need to over eat. I am continuing to lose weight and...